A Pilgrim's Guide to Rome
Stiftsbibliothek Einsiedeln, Ms. 326, fol. 79v - 80r
The culturally and historically significant Einsiedeln Manuscript 326 from the middle of the 9th Century contains the oldest handwritten collection of roman inscriptions and a guide through Rome, which was supposed to help the pilgrims to plan their route to the Christian metropolis. The description of the first route is open, which leads from Peter's Gate at the Castel Sant'Angelo to the church of S. Lucia (in Selci).
A curiosity: The ingenious idea to list the buildings on both sides of the path also on the left and right side of the guide book was implemented here in a somewhat irritating way: The left side is declared as right (IND = IN DEXTRA), the right side as left (INS = In SINISTRA) in the sections of the second line.
Like all minuscules, the Carolingian minuscule alphabet also follows a four line schema with ascenders and descenders. Except for the schematically conserved ligatures ct, et, and st, the cursive characteristics of older types have disappeared.
Distinguish between upper and lowercase letters and remove abbreviations and ligatures!
Suggested citation
Peter Orth, Georg Vogeler: Ad fontes, Transcription Exercise: A Pilgrim’s Guide to Rome, translated by Rachel Mandell, CC-BY, URL: www.adfontes.uzh.ch/3150/training/lateinische-transkriptionsuebungen/pilgerfuehrer-durch-rom/.