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Ad fontes Association

Ad fontes has succeeded in creating an internationally recognized online learning platform. The project is backed by its own association, which will ideally fund and support future augmentations and expansions.

Become a supporter or patron of the Ad fontes Association today! Help us make sure that students, teachers, researchers, and anyone who will go to an archive or who is interested in history can benefit from Ad fontes at no cost.

As a supporting member, you will be kept updated about developments, updates, and additions to Ad fontes through our annual newsletter, and you'll also beinvited to the Ad fontes Fest.

Membership Fees (per year)

Supporter: CHF 50.00

Student: CHF 20.00

Patron: CHF 500.00

Postkonto PC 87-463689-5
IBAN CH07 0900 0000 8746 3689 5

Swiss Post - PostFinance
Nordring 8, 3030 Bern, Switzerland
