Reading Japanese maps and marketing practices 3 - introduction

There is one missing element in the transcription of this poem: the phonetic markers.

As stated in a previous exercise, while reading Edo-period sources, it is necessary to keep in mind that before Meiji there was not yet a standardized way to indicate voiced sounds or daku-on (濁音, such as  ば、び、ぶ、べ and ぼ), and semi-voiced sounds or handaku-on (半濁音, namely ぱ、ぴ、ぷ、ぺ and ぽ). While some texts did start including indications for voiced sounds as early as the 17th century, this practice did not become commonplace until the 19th century. Therefore, in this text words like とばこ or おみやげ are respectively written:とはこ and おみやけ.

さまさまに心そとまる みやきのの 花のいろいろ むしの声こえ