Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 7891 239 noi[a]ti nominati Latin
Abbreviation 7892 246 obloi obligationi Latin
Abbreviation 7893 253 ops omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 7895 233 nd nondum Latin
Abbreviation 7896 243 nut[i]u[r] nutriuntur Latin
Abbreviation 7897 236 nn[i] non nisi Latin
Abbreviation 7899 237 no[r] non dicitur Latin
Abbreviation 7900 234 NER Notarius Ecclesiae Romanae Latin
Abbreviation 7901 235 nll nulla Latin
Abbreviation 7903 236 nnc nunc Latin
Abbreviation 7904 238 noi nomini Latin
Abbreviation 7906 247 occon occasione Latin
Abbreviation 7907 252 op[too] opposito modo Latin
Abbreviation 7908 225 MR Martyrum Latin
Abbreviation 7909 253 opt optinet (obtinet) Latin
Abbreviation 7910 255 orx oratrix Latin
Abbreviation 7911 246 oblo oblationem Latin
Abbreviation 7912 254 orat orator, - oratoria Latin
Abbreviation 7913 247 ocli oculi Latin
Abbreviation 7914 233 nd[o] nominando Latin
Abbreviation 7915 249 oiu omnium Latin
Abbreviation 7916 243 nu[a]tus numeratus Latin
Abbreviation 7917 235 nllate nullatenus Latin
Abbreviation 7918 254 Orate Oratore Italian
Abbreviation 7919 238 noi[a] nomina Latin
Abbreviation 7921 237 no[ar] notatur Latin
Abbreviation 7922 249 oiu omnium Latin
Abbreviation 7923 236 NNCaess Nobilissimi Caesares Latin
Abbreviation 7924 254 orce oratrice Latin
Abbreviation 7925 215 me[e] memoriae Latin
Abbreviation 7926 261 p[i]a propria Latin
Abbreviation 7927 242 nu nostro viro Latin
Abbreviation 7928 246 obm obiectum Latin
Abbreviation 7929 255 os omnes Latin
Abbreviation 7930 233 ndu nondum Latin
Abbreviation 7931 252 opa[b] operationibus Latin
Abbreviation 7933 259 p[im] primum Latin
Abbreviation 7934 234 ne[a]r[i] negari Latin
Abbreviation 7935 238 n[l]oi nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 7938 225 Mr Martij Latin
Abbreviation 7939 248 off[lis] officialis Latin
Abbreviation 7940 253 opt oporteret Latin
Abbreviation 7941 249 oiu omnium Latin
Abbreviation 7942 238 noia[o] nominatio Latin
Abbreviation 7944 215 me[i] melius Latin
Abbreviation 7945 261 p[i]a propria Latin
Abbreviation 7946 246 OBN omnia bona Latin
Abbreviation 7947 237 no[ra] nobiliora Latin
Abbreviation 7948 225 m[a]r martyr Latin
Abbreviation 7949 240 nots notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7950 252 opa[o] operatio Latin
Abbreviation 7951 241 nr[a] nostra Latin
Abbreviation 7952 238 noia[a] nominata Latin
Abbreviation 7953 242 nu numero Latin
Abbreviation 7954 259 p[io] primario Latin
Abbreviation 7955 261 p[i]a primam Latin
Abbreviation 7957 239 noi[a]ti[m] nominativum Latin
Abbreviation 7959 251 ondat ostendant Latin
Abbreviation 7960 237 no[rius] notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7961 253 op[r]t oportet Latin
Abbreviation 7962 249 oiu[r] oriuntur Latin
Abbreviation 7963 241 nr[a] nostra Latin
Abbreviation 7964 240 not[a]s notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7965 259 p[io] primo Italian
Abbreviation 7966 261 p[r]a pura Latin
Abbreviation 7967 226 Mrum Martyrum Latin
Abbreviation 7969 242 NV non vacat, - non valet Latin
Abbreviation 7970 252 opatoe operatione (operazione) Italian
Abbreviation 7971 254 ord ordinatur Latin
Abbreviation 7972 225 m[to]R[o] molto Reverendo Italian
Abbreviation 7973 264 pbrjs presbyteris Latin
Abbreviation 7975 241 n[a]r naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 7976 253 opt oportet Latin
Abbreviation 7978 259 p[io] primo Latin
Abbreviation 7979 254 ord ordinis Latin
Abbreviation 7980 261 pa[l] passibilis Latin
Abbreviation 7981 242 NV Nobilità Vostra Italian
Abbreviation 7982 262 pap Papiae Latin
Abbreviation 7983 240 NOV novembris Latin
Abbreviation 7984 236 n[c]no necnon Latin
Abbreviation 7985 241 n[a]r naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 7986 239 nole[m] nolentium Latin
Abbreviation 7987 247 oclm oculum Latin
Abbreviation 7988 248 offa officia Latin
Abbreviation 7989 215 me[m] medium Latin
Abbreviation 7990 233 n[a]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 7991 259 p[iio] primo modo Latin
Abbreviation 7992 264 pc post consulatum Latin
Abbreviation 7993 253 opte oportere Latin
Abbreviation 7994 247 ocls oculis Latin
Abbreviation 7995 249 oizot orizontis (horizontis) Latin
Abbreviation 7997 236 nnq[a] nonnunquam Latin
Abbreviation 7998 251 ondd[m] ostendendum Latin
Abbreviation 7999 264 pc post consulatum Latin
Abbreviation 8000 262 pap papiensis [moneta] Latin
Abbreviation 8001 261 pa[mo] paralogismo Latin
Abbreviation 8002 254 ordbus ordinationibus Latin
Abbreviation 8003 225 MR Molto Reverendo, - Minor Riformato Italian
Abbreviation 8004 249 ol oleum Latin
Abbreviation 8005 242 n[l]u nihilum Latin