Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 4281 132 exut exeunte Latin
Abbreviation 4282 129 exens existens Latin
Abbreviation 4283 129 exere existere Latin
Abbreviation 4284 129 exeq[o] exequutio (executio) Latin
Abbreviation 4285 132 exv Excellentia Vestra Latin
Abbreviation 4286 132 exval extimatio (aestimatio) valoris Latin
Abbreviation 4287 132 ew Ewangelista Latin
Abbreviation 4288 132 Ew[m] Ewangelium Latin
Abbreviation 4289 132 ewa[ca] ewangelica Latin
Abbreviation 4290 132 ewa[c] ewangelicum Latin
Abbreviation 4291 132 ewla ewangelista Latin
Abbreviation 4292 132 ewla ewangelistam Latin
Abbreviation 4293 132 eze[l] Ezechielis Latin
Abbreviation 4294 132 ezech Ezechielis Latin
Abbreviation 4295 135 fail[re] familiarem Latin
Abbreviation 4296 135 fal fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 4297 135 falla fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 4298 135 falle fallaciae Latin
Abbreviation 4299 135 famari famulari Latin
Abbreviation 4300 135 famls famulus Latin
Abbreviation 4301 135 fan[a] fantasia (phantasia) Latin
Abbreviation 4302 135 fan[b] fantasmatibus (phantasmatibus) Latin
Abbreviation 4303 135 fan[ca] fantastica (phantastica) Latin
Abbreviation 4304 135 fan[te] fantasmate (phantasmate) Latin
Abbreviation 4305 135 fari[a] farina Latin
Abbreviation 4306 135 fat[r] feratur Latin
Abbreviation 4307 135 f[r]at furatus Latin
Abbreviation 4308 135 fantas[b] fantasmatibus (phantasmatibus) Latin
Abbreviation 4309 135 fbr februarii Latin
Abbreviation 4310 135 FC fiduciae causa Latin
Abbreviation 4311 135 FC fidei commissis Latin
Abbreviation 4312 135 f[a]c[ne] fractione Latin
Abbreviation 4313 135 fca facta Italian
Abbreviation 4314 135 fca facta Italian
Abbreviation 4315 135 fcam factam Latin
Abbreviation 4316 135 fcas factas Latin
Abbreviation 4317 135 f[a]cco fraccio (fractio) Latin
Abbreviation 4318 135 fce factae Latin
Abbreviation 4319 135 fci facti Latin
Abbreviation 4320 135 fcis factis Latin
Abbreviation 4321 135 fcit facit Latin
Abbreviation 4322 135 FCL fraudationis causa latitat Latin
Abbreviation 4323 135 fcla fercula Latin
Abbreviation 4324 135 fcm factum Latin
Abbreviation 4325 135 fco facto Latin
Abbreviation 4326 135 fcs factus Latin
Abbreviation 4327 135 f[v]ct fructus Latin
Abbreviation 4328 135 fcta facta Italian
Abbreviation 4331 244 o omnis Latin
Abbreviation 4332 244 O Non Latin
Abbreviation 4333 244 O Non Latin
Abbreviation 4334 244 O Oratio Latin
Abbreviation 4335 244 O Oratio Latin
Abbreviation 4336 244 o oportet, - oportuit Latin
Abbreviation 4337 244 O Obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4338 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4339 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4340 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4341 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4342 244 o Ovidius Latin
Abbreviation 4343 244 o oportet Latin
Abbreviation 4344 244 o omnem, - oportet Latin
Abbreviation 4345 244 o oporteret Latin
Abbreviation 4348 244 O[a] omnia, - omelia (homilia) Latin
Abbreviation 4349 244 o[c] occurrit Latin
Abbreviation 4350 244 o[e] omne Latin
Abbreviation 4351 245 o[i] omni, - olei Latin
Abbreviation 4352 245 o[m] obiectum, - omnium, - oppositum, - oleum Latin
Abbreviation 4353 245 o[o] omnino, - opinio, - oratio Latin
Abbreviation 4354 245 o[r] obiicitur, - ostenditur Latin
Abbreviation 4355 245 o[s] omnes Latin
Abbreviation 4356 245 o[t] oportet, - ostendit Latin
Abbreviation 4357 245 o[t] oportet Latin
Abbreviation 4358 245 o[t] obiectum Latin
Abbreviation 4359 245 o[t] oppositis Latin
Abbreviation 4360 245 o[tas] oppositas Latin
Abbreviation 4361 245 o[ti] oppositi Latin
Abbreviation 4362 245 o[to] opposito Latin
Abbreviation 4363 245 o[too] opposito modo Latin
Abbreviation 4364 245 o[tor] oppositorum Latin
Abbreviation 4365 245 o[tu] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 4366 245 oa omnia Latin
Abbreviation 4367 245 oa ora Latin
Abbreviation 4368 245 OAQ omnis ad quos Latin
Abbreviation 4369 245 Ob Obstaculum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4370 245 ob obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4371 245 ob obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4372 245 ob obligationis [instrumentum], - obligando Latin
Abbreviation 4373 245 ob omnibus Latin
Abbreviation 4374 245 ob omnibus Latin
Abbreviation 4375 245 o[i]b omnibus Latin
Abbreviation 4376 245 o[i]b omnibus Latin
Abbreviation 4377 245 ob[as] obliquas Latin
Abbreviation 4378 245 ob[ne] obligatione Latin
Abbreviation 4379 245 ob[r] obiicitur Latin
Abbreviation 4380 245 ob[t] obiit, - obtinuit Latin
Abbreviation 4381 245 ob[t] obligatus Latin
Abbreviation 4382 245 oba obiecta Latin
Abbreviation 4383 245 obat obtinebat Latin
Abbreviation 4384 245 obe obest Latin