Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 516 15 a[a]m aliquam Latin
Abbreviation 517 15 a[e]m aliquem Latin
Abbreviation 518 15 am[o] a modo Latin
Abbreviation 519 15 ama[l] amabilis Latin
Abbreviation 520 15 AMD Artis Medicinae Doctor Latin
Abbreviation 521 15 ame animae Latin
Abbreviation 522 15 ame a mane Latin
Abbreviation 523 15 amel Ameliae Latin
Abbreviation 524 15 amer a meridie Latin
Abbreviation 525 15 ami9 amicum Latin
Abbreviation 526 15 amia[le] amirabilem (admirabilem) Latin
Abbreviation 527 15 amiclo amminiculo Latin
Abbreviation 528 15 amist[a]o amministrationem Latin
Abbreviation 529 15 amo[r] amovetur Latin
Abbreviation 531 15 amoicoe ammonicione Italian
Abbreviation 532 15 amoue ammovere Latin
Abbreviation 533 15 amot a monte Latin
Abbreviation 534 15 amp amplius Latin
Abbreviation 535 15 amp[me] amplissime Latin
Abbreviation 536 15 amr a meridie Latin
Abbreviation 537 16 amt a monte Latin
Abbreviation 538 16 amtie amentiae Latin
Abbreviation 539 16 AN anni Latin
Abbreviation 540 16 an ante Latin
Abbreviation 541 16 an annum Latin
Abbreviation 542 16 an ante Latin
Abbreviation 543 16 An Anselmus Latin
Abbreviation 544 16 an[a] antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 545 16 an[c][a] angelica Latin
Abbreviation 546 16 an[l] angelis Latin
Abbreviation 547 16 an[t] antecedenter Latin
Abbreviation 548 16 an[te] antecedente Latin
Abbreviation 549 16 ana anthiphona, - antea Latin
Abbreviation 550 16 ana[a] anatomia Latin
Abbreviation 551 16 anat a nativitate Latin
Abbreviation 552 16 an[l]at[r] annihilatur Latin
Abbreviation 553 16 anatha anathema Latin
Abbreviation 554 16 anate a nativitate Latin
Abbreviation 555 16 anbus animabus Latin
Abbreviation 556 16 anch[a] anchora Italian
Abbreviation 557 16 And Andegavensis Latin
Abbreviation 558 16 AND Anno Nativitatis Domini Latin
Abbreviation 559 16 andca antedicta Latin
Abbreviation 560 16 andcis antedictis Latin
Abbreviation 561 16 ane animae Latin
Abbreviation 563 16 angl angelis Latin
Abbreviation 564 16 Anglie Angleriae Latin
Abbreviation 565 16 anglor angelorum Latin
Abbreviation 566 16 anglr angelorum Latin
Abbreviation 567 16 ani anni Latin
Abbreviation 568 16 anlata antelata Italian
Abbreviation 570 17 ann annuatim, - annum Latin
Abbreviation 571 17 Ant Antonio Italian
Abbreviation 572 17 ansi anseri Latin
Abbreviation 573 17 ant antecedentis Latin
Abbreviation 574 10 aduso adverso Latin
Abbreviation 575 10 adute advertere Latin
Abbreviation 576 10 ae a mane Latin
Abbreviation 577 10 ae animae Latin
Abbreviation 578 10 ae aere Latin
Abbreviation 579 10 aec anno aerae communis Latin
Abbreviation 580 10 AECEV At ego contra eam vindico Latin
Abbreviation 581 10 aecls aecclesia (ecclesia) Latin
Abbreviation 582 10 Aest Aestimatio Latin
Abbreviation 583 10 aet aetatis Latin
Abbreviation 584 10 AF Advocatus Fiscalis Latin
Abbreviation 585 10 AF affectus Latin
Abbreviation 586 10 AF ad finem Latin
Abbreviation 587 10 AF ante factum, - actum fide Latin
Abbreviation 588 10 af a folio Italian
Abbreviation 589 10 AFF Annum faustum felicem Latin
Abbreviation 590 10 aff[a] affirmativa Latin
Abbreviation 591 10 aff[o] affirmatio Latin
Abbreviation 592 10 aff[ua] affirmativa Latin
Abbreviation 593 10 affcm affectum Latin
Abbreviation 594 10 affcoe affectione Latin
Abbreviation 595 10 affcs affectus Latin
Abbreviation 596 10 affis affinis Latin
Abbreviation 597 10 affm affectum Latin
Abbreviation 598 10 affra affirmativa Latin
Abbreviation 599 10 AG Augusti Latin
Abbreviation 600 10 Ag Argentum Latin
Abbreviation 601 10 ag Augustus, - Augustinus Latin
Abbreviation 602 10 ag ager Latin
Abbreviation 603 10 ag agit Latin
Abbreviation 604 10 ag[d] agendum Latin
Abbreviation 605 10 ag[em] aggregatum Latin
Abbreviation 606 69 9[e] conclusionem, - communem Latin
Abbreviation 608 69 ?[i] communi Latin
Abbreviation 609 69 9[i] communi Latin
Abbreviation 610 69 9[ia] communia Latin
Abbreviation 611 69 9[iet] conveniet Latin
Abbreviation 612 69 9[in] convenientiam Latin
Abbreviation 613 69 9[inti] convenienti Latin
Abbreviation 614 69 9[ins] conveniens Latin
Abbreviation 615 69 9[ire] convenire Latin
Abbreviation 616 69 9[is] coniunctionis, communis Latin
Abbreviation 617 69 9[it] contingit Latin
Abbreviation 618 69 9[it] convenit Latin
Abbreviation 619 69 9[m] conceptum, - constitutum, - contrarium Latin