Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 14570 528 d ...dem, ...den German
Abbreviation 14571 528 d ...der German
Abbreviation 14572 528 d ...dern German
Abbreviation 14573 528 e ehe German
Abbreviation 14574 528 E Euer, Ewer German
Abbreviation 14575 528 es eines German
Abbreviation 14576 528 ews eures German
Abbreviation 14577 528 ews eures German
Abbreviation 14578 528 n ...en German
Abbreviation 14579 528 n German
Abbreviation 14580 528 xtlr Christlicher German
Abbreviation 14581 528 d durch German
Abbreviation 14582 528 f auf German
Abbreviation 14583 528 f für German
Abbreviation 14585 528 f fürstlich German
Abbreviation 14586 528 frl fürstlich German
Abbreviation 14587 528 g gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14588 528 G Gnaden German
Abbreviation 14589 528 g gnädiglich German
Abbreviation 14590 528 g gnädiger German
Abbreviation 14591 528 gb geborene German
Abbreviation 14592 528 GdHr Gott der Herr German
Abbreviation 14593 528 gdste gnädigste German
Abbreviation 14594 528 gdstr gnädigster German
Abbreviation 14595 528 geb geborene German
Abbreviation 14596 528 geist geistlichen German
Abbreviation 14597 528 xsnacht Christnacht German
Abbreviation 14598 528 xstlöb christlöblichen German
Abbreviation 14599 528 xst christlichen German
Abbreviation 14600 528 wlr ...weiler German
Abbreviation 14601 528 wl ...weil, ...wyl German
Abbreviation 14602 528 wd werden German
Abbreviation 14603 528 waz was (=war) German
Abbreviation 14604 528 w waz (was) German
Abbreviation 14605 528 w wer, wir, wyr German
Abbreviation 14607 528 vzehrt verzehrt German
Abbreviation 14608 528 vwlt Verwalter German
Abbreviation 14609 528 vw vrowe (=fraue) German
Abbreviation 14610 528 vrl uwer (euer) libden German
Abbreviation 14611 528 vs Vers German
Abbreviation 14612 528 vorgter vorgemelter (vorgenannter) German
Abbreviation 14613 528 vo vor German
Abbreviation 14614 528 vo von German
Abbreviation 14615 528 n ...en German
Abbreviation 14616 528 gf grafen German
Abbreviation 14617 528 ggg gnaden German
Abbreviation 14618 528 gggn gnaden German
Abbreviation 14619 528 ggst gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14620 528 Ghtsbeglibd Gerichtsbeglibder German
Abbreviation 14621 528 Ghtschreibs Gerichtschreibers German
Abbreviation 14622 528 Gnd Gnaden German
Abbreviation 14623 528 gnedigl gnädiglich German
Abbreviation 14624 528 gnt genannten usw. German
Abbreviation 14625 528 Gs Gottes German
Abbreviation 14626 528 gsse grossen German
Abbreviation 14627 528 gst gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14628 528 gst gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14629 528 gst gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14630 528 gs gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14631 528 gst gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14632 528 gue grave German
Abbreviation 14633 528 guen graven German
Abbreviation 14634 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14635 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14636 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14637 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14638 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14639 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14640 528 g ...ges, ...gis German
Abbreviation 14641 528 g ...get German
Abbreviation 14642 528 g ...ingen German
Abbreviation 14643 528 ha han (=haben) German
Abbreviation 14644 528 hschft herrschafft German
Abbreviation 14645 528 h. ...haft, ...hafft, ...hammer,, ...hausen, ...heim, ...herr, ...herrschaft, ...hütte German
Abbreviation 14646 528 h ...hausen German
Abbreviation 14647 528 i nicht, in German
Abbreviation 14648 528 i nicht, in German
Abbreviation 14649 528 i nicht, in German
Abbreviation 14650 528 J Juncker German
Abbreviation 14651 528 iae jare German
Abbreviation 14652 528 Ifg Ihre fürstliche gnaden German
Abbreviation 14653 528 I N Gs Im Namen Gottes German
Abbreviation 14654 528 Inges Ingesigel German
Abbreviation 14655 528 Inges Ingesigel German
Abbreviation 14656 528 i ...ingen German
Abbreviation 14657 528 ing ...ingen German
Abbreviation 14658 528 k Kläger German
Abbreviation 14659 528 kdt kundt German
Abbreviation 14660 528 keifl keiflich German
Abbreviation 14661 528 keys keyserlich German
Abbreviation 14662 528 km kaum German
Abbreviation 14663 528 konig königes German
Abbreviation 14664 528 k ...keit, ...kunde, ...kunst German
Abbreviation 14665 528 k ...keit, ...kunde, ...kunst German
Abbreviation 14666 528 k ...ken German
Abbreviation 14667 528 k ...ken German
Abbreviation 14668 528 k ...ken German
Abbreviation 14669 528 k ...kung German
Abbreviation 14670 528 l als, weil German
Abbreviation 14671 528 l ...lich German