Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5306 158 hb habet Latin
Abbreviation 5307 158 hba herba Italian
Abbreviation 5308 158 hbdhus habendum heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5309 158 hb[r]gen Husburgensis Latin
Abbreviation 5310 158 hbipol Herbipolensis Latin
Abbreviation 5311 158 hc haec Latin
Abbreviation 5312 158 hc hunc Latin
Abbreviation 5313 158 hc hoc Latin
Abbreviation 5314 158 hc hunc Latin
Abbreviation 5315 158 hc huc Latin
Abbreviation 5316 158 Hc Hunc Latin
Abbreviation 5318 158 h[a]c hac Latin
Abbreviation 5319 158 h[u]c hunc Latin
Abbreviation 5320 158 HD hodierna die Latin
Abbreviation 5321 158 HD hac die Latin
Abbreviation 5322 158 hd his diebus Latin
Abbreviation 5323 158 hd hereditas divisa Latin
Abbreviation 5324 158 hd heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5325 158 hd heredem Latin
Abbreviation 5326 158 hd hic deest Latin
Abbreviation 5327 158 hd hac die Latin
Abbreviation 5328 158 hd hac die Latin
Abbreviation 5330 158 HDD hodierna die Latin
Abbreviation 5331 158 hdb heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5332 158 hdb heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5333 154 grosas gratiosas Latin
Abbreviation 5334 154 gr[a]ose gratiose Latin
Abbreviation 5335 154 GRV Gravitas Vestra Latin
Abbreviation 5336 154 grua gravitas vestra Latin
Abbreviation 5337 154 GS Gloriosa sedes Latin
Abbreviation 5338 154 gs gratias, - gentes Latin
Abbreviation 5339 154 g[a]s gratias Latin
Abbreviation 5340 154 g[i]s generis Latin
Abbreviation 5341 154 g[r]s generis Latin
Abbreviation 5342 154 g[e]ss gressus Latin
Abbreviation 5343 154 g[o]ssos grossos Latin
Abbreviation 5344 154 GT gravitas Latin
Abbreviation 5345 154 GT gravitas tua Latin
Abbreviation 5346 154 g[a]t[r] generatur Latin
Abbreviation 5347 154 g[a]t gratum Latin
Abbreviation 5348 154 g[a]ta grata Italian
Abbreviation 5349 154 g[a]ta grata Latin
Abbreviation 5350 154 g[a]ta grata Italian
Abbreviation 5351 154 g[a]ta grata Latin
Abbreviation 5352 154 g[a]ta[r] grataner Latin
Abbreviation 5353 154 gtau[i] gustavit Latin
Abbreviation 5354 154 Gt[v]di Gertrudi Latin
Abbreviation 5355 154 Gt[v]dis Gertrudis Latin
Abbreviation 5356 154 g[a]ti generati Latin
Abbreviation 5357 154 g[a]ti[ne] gratitudine Latin
Abbreviation 5358 154 gtm genitivum Latin
Abbreviation 5359 154 g[a]to grato Latin
Abbreviation 5360 154 gto genitivo Latin
Abbreviation 5361 154 gts genitivus Latin
Abbreviation 5362 159 hds heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5363 159 he habere Latin
Abbreviation 5364 159 he habe Latin
Abbreviation 5365 159 he hoc est Latin
Abbreviation 5366 159 he habemus Latin
Abbreviation 5367 159 he[c] haereticum Latin
Abbreviation 5368 159 he[r] habetur Latin
Abbreviation 5369 159 he[r] heremitarum (eremitarum) Latin
Abbreviation 5370 159 hea hetera (aethera) Latin
Abbreviation 5371 159 heam habeam Latin
Abbreviation 5372 159 heat habeant Latin
Abbreviation 5373 159 heb[t] habebit Latin
Abbreviation 5374 159 hebat habebat Latin
Abbreviation 5375 88 d[ne] doctrinae Latin
Abbreviation 5376 134 fa[da] facienda Latin
Abbreviation 5377 134 fa[e] faciem Latin
Abbreviation 5378 134 fa[ns] faciens Latin
Abbreviation 5379 134 fa[r] faciliter Latin
Abbreviation 5380 134 fa[r] faceret Latin
Abbreviation 5381 134 fa[t] facit Latin
Abbreviation 5382 134 fa[te] fantasmate [phantasmate] Latin
Abbreviation 5383 134 Fab Fabiana [formula] Latin
Abbreviation 5384 134 fabc fabricet Latin
Abbreviation 5385 134 fabri Fabriani Latin
Abbreviation 5387 134 fac facit Latin
Abbreviation 5388 134 fac[r] faciliter Latin
Abbreviation 5389 134 face facere Latin
Abbreviation 5390 134 faci[r] faciliter Latin
Abbreviation 5391 134 facl[te] facultatem Latin
Abbreviation 5392 134 factis facturis Latin
Abbreviation 5393 159 hebit habebit Latin
Abbreviation 5394 134 fag[ni] Fagnani Latin
Abbreviation 5395 159 hebr habebitur Latin
Abbreviation 5396 159 heb[a]t habebat Latin
Abbreviation 5397 159 hed heredum Latin
Abbreviation 5398 159 hedi[t] hereditatis Latin
Abbreviation 5401 168 I Iurisperitus Latin
Abbreviation 5402 168 I Item Latin
Abbreviation 5403 168 i in Latin
Abbreviation 5404 168 i in Latin
Abbreviation 5405 168 i in Latin
Abbreviation 5406 168 i institutus Latin
Abbreviation 5407 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5408 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5409 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5410 168 i ibi Latin