Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 1749 54 clci clerici Latin
Abbreviation 1750 54 clcs clericus Latin
Abbreviation 1751 54 Cle. Clementinae - Clementinis Latin
Abbreviation 1752 54 cle Clavennae Latin
Abbreviation 1753 54 clem[r] Clementinarum Latin
Abbreviation 1754 54 Clemti Clementi Latin
Abbreviation 1755 54 clen[e] clementissime Latin
Abbreviation 1756 54 clens clemens Latin
Abbreviation 1761 54 CLF Classis forensis Latin
Abbreviation 1762 54 Cli Cleri Latin
Abbreviation 1763 54 cli circuli Latin
Abbreviation 1764 54 cli clericus Latin
Abbreviation 1765 54 cli[li] clericali Latin
Abbreviation 1766 54 cli cuiuslibet Latin
Abbreviation 1767 54 clic clericus Latin
Abbreviation 1768 54 clic clericum Latin
Abbreviation 1769 54 clicis clericis Latin
Abbreviation 1770 54 clico clerico Latin
Abbreviation 1773 54 clpa[l] culpabilis Latin
Abbreviation 1774 54 clpa culpa Latin
Abbreviation 1775 54 clpe culpae Latin
Abbreviation 1776 54 clr clericus Latin
Abbreviation 1777 54 clt cultus Latin
Abbreviation 1778 54 cltia clementia Latin
Abbreviation 1779 54 cltu cultum Latin
Abbreviation 1780 55 clu clarissimus uir Latin
Abbreviation 1781 55 clunia cluniacensis Latin
Abbreviation 1782 55 CLUU clarissimorum uirorum Latin
Abbreviation 1783 55 CM causa mortis Latin
Abbreviation 1784 55 CM Civitatis Mediolani Latin
Abbreviation 1785 55 CM Chirurgiae Magister Latin
Abbreviation 1786 55 CM Congregazione [della] Missione Italian
Abbreviation 1787 55 c[i]m crimen Latin
Abbreviation 1788 55 Cma Crema Latin
Abbreviation 1789 55 Cma Crema Latin
Abbreviation 1790 55 cmda commenda Latin
Abbreviation 1791 55 c[i]me crimen Latin
Abbreviation 1792 55 CMF Clarissimae memoriae foemina Latin
Abbreviation 1793 55 c[i]mialr criminaliter Latin
Abbreviation 1794 55 c[i]mib criminibus Latin
Abbreviation 1795 55 c[i]mis criminis Latin
Abbreviation 1796 55 cmo centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 1797 55 Cmo Cremonae Latin
Abbreviation 1798 55 cmoi cuiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 1799 55 Cmone Cremonae Latin
Abbreviation 1800 55 cms comes Latin
Abbreviation 1801 55 CNEECC credimus non esse causa conventa Latin
Abbreviation 1802 55 c[a]ne[s] carnes Latin
Abbreviation 1803 55 cnib carnibus Latin
Abbreviation 1806 55 Cnt Centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 1807 55 co con Italian
Abbreviation 1808 55 Co Comes Latin
Abbreviation 1810 55 co centenario Latin
Abbreviation 1811 55 co come Italian
Abbreviation 1812 55 co comunem Latin
Abbreviation 1813 55 CO Congregazione [dell'] Oratorio Italian
Abbreviation 1814 55 CO Congregat. Olivetana Latin
Abbreviation 1815 55 c[r]o curo Latin
Abbreviation 1816 56 co[b] coloribus Latin
Abbreviation 1817 56 co[or] commentator Latin
Abbreviation 1818 56 co[ue] copulative Latin
Abbreviation 1820 56 coclo conclusio Latin
Abbreviation 1821 56 cocor[ter] concorditer Latin
Abbreviation 1822 56 cod[o] conditio Latin
Abbreviation 1823 56 codep[a]ti condempnati Latin
Abbreviation 1825 56 coda condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 1826 56 codo conditio Latin
Abbreviation 1827 56 coe commune Latin
Abbreviation 1828 56 coe commune Latin
Abbreviation 1829 56 coem commendationem, - communem Latin
Abbreviation 1830 56 coemte comunemente Italian
Abbreviation 1831 56 coepe coepiscopus Latin
Abbreviation 1832 56 coeretur commendaretur Latin
Abbreviation 1833 56 coes communes Latin
Abbreviation 1834 56 cofoes confessiones Latin
Abbreviation 1835 56 cofoi confessioni Latin
Abbreviation 1836 56 coft confert Latin
Abbreviation 1837 56 cog[tus] cognitus Latin
Abbreviation 1838 56 coga cognomina Latin
Abbreviation 1839 56 cog[o]bi cognobi (conobbi) Italian
Abbreviation 1841 56 cog[a]coe cognacione (cognatione) Latin
Abbreviation 1842 56 cogen cognomen Latin
Abbreviation 1843 56 cogi[nes] cogitationes Latin
Abbreviation 1845 56 cogn cognomina Latin
Abbreviation 1847 56 cognr coguntur Latin
Abbreviation 1848 56 cog[o]sce cognoscere (conoscere) Italian
Abbreviation 1851 57 cog[a]ti cognati Latin
Abbreviation 1852 57 cogtis consanguinitatis Latin
Abbreviation 1853 57 cohao cohabitatio Latin
Abbreviation 1854 57 Cohas Coherentias Latin
Abbreviation 1855 57 cohcoe cohercione Latin
Abbreviation 1856 57 cohens contrahens Latin
Abbreviation 1857 57 cohiis coherenciis Latin
Abbreviation 1858 57 cohitae cohabitare Latin
Abbreviation 1859 57 cohitoe cohabitatione Latin
Abbreviation 1860 57 coht cohaeret Latin
Abbreviation 1861 57 cohto cohertionem Latin
Abbreviation 1862 51 ch chorus Latin
Abbreviation 1863 51 ch coheret Latin
Abbreviation 1865 40 c conversus Latin