Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 2400 66 cto certo Italian
Abbreviation 2398 66 ctm certum Latin
Abbreviation 2399 66 ctm caeterum Latin
Abbreviation 2397 66 ctle chartulae Latin
Abbreviation 2392 66 cti[m] certitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 2394 66 cti[m] certissimus Latin
Abbreviation 2393 66 cti[is] certitudinis Latin
Abbreviation 2391 66 cti[do] certitudo Latin
Abbreviation 2396 66 ctissie certissime Latin
Abbreviation 2390 66 cti certi Latin
Abbreviation 2388 66 CTh Codex Theodosianus Latin
Abbreviation 2387 66 CTD Cura te diligenter in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 2386 66 ctamis certaminis Latin
Abbreviation 2384 66 cta certa Latin
Abbreviation 2378 66 ct certum tempus,- celsitudo tua Latin
Abbreviation 2379 66 ct centum Latin
Abbreviation 2380 66 ct certis Latin
Abbreviation 2381 66 ct certum Latin
Abbreviation 2382 66 ct certus Latin
Abbreviation 2371 66 CSSS Congregazione del Santissimo Salvatore Italian
Abbreviation 2370 66 CSSR Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris Latin
Abbreviation 2373 66 CSRC et CCDD Consistorii Sacrae Regiae Conscientiae et Causarum Delegatarum [Tribunal] Ortsspezifisch: Sizilien Latin
Abbreviation 2981 65 CSRC Cardinale di S. Romana Chiesa Italian
Abbreviation 2980 65 CSP Congregazione di S. Paolo Italian
Abbreviation 2977 65 CSFL cum suis filiis Latin
Abbreviation 2975 65 csec[a]uint consecraverint Latin
Abbreviation 2974 65 cscia conscientia Latin
Abbreviation 2972 65 csce crescere Latin
Abbreviation 2969 65 csc crescit Latin
Abbreviation 2970 65 csc cresceret Latin
Abbreviation 14339 65 csc cresceret Latin
Abbreviation 14338 65 cs cui supra Latin
Abbreviation 14340 65 cs capellae sancti Ortsspezifisch: Bologna Latin
Abbreviation 2961 65 CS Custos sigilli, - Censuit Senatus Latin
Abbreviation 2962 65 CS Carmelitano Scalzo Italian
Abbreviation 2963 65 cs cuius Schrift: irisch Latin
Abbreviation 2964 65 cs cui supra Latin
Abbreviation 2965 65 cs capellae sancti Ortsspezifisch: Bologna Latin
Abbreviation 13945 412 Cryphia Cryphia konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 2960 65 CRT Chierico Regolare Teatino Italian
Abbreviation 2959 65 CRS Chierico Regolare Somasco Italian
Abbreviation 2958 65 CRM Chierico Regolare Minore Italian
Abbreviation 2957 65 CRL Canonico Regolare Lateranense Italian
Abbreviation 2955 65 cris criminis Latin
Abbreviation 2956 65 Cris Crisma (Chrisma) Latin
Abbreviation 2954 65 crilr criminaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2952 65 crie crimine Latin
Abbreviation 2132 64 cria[t] criminaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2951 65 crialib criminalibus Latin
Abbreviation 2950 65 criale criminale Latin
Abbreviation 2133 64 crial criminalis Latin
Abbreviation 2953 65 cri. fal. [De] crimine falsi Dekretale: lib.V, tit.20 Latin
Abbreviation 2130 64 CRI Consulari Latin
Abbreviation 2131 64 cri crimini Latin
Abbreviation 2129 64 Crem Cremonae Latin
Abbreviation 2127 64 crcp cuius rei causa promittimus Latin
Abbreviation 2122 64 CR Civis Romanus Latin
Abbreviation 2123 64 cr clerici Latin
Abbreviation 2124 64 CR Custos Rotulorum, - Carolus Rex Latin
Abbreviation 2125 64 CR Chierico Regolare,- Cisterciense Riformato, - Canonico Regolare, - Cesareo Regio Italian
Abbreviation 2126 64 cr contractum Latin
Abbreviation 2121 64 cq[a] cuiusquam Latin
Abbreviation 2120 64 CQSF Cumque suscepta fuisset Latin
Abbreviation 13468 414 CQ? 500000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 2119 64 cq cumque Latin
Abbreviation 2117 64 CPS Custos Privati Sigilli Latin
Abbreviation 2118 64 CPS congregazione del prezioso sangue Italian
Abbreviation 2116 64 cporis corporis in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 2115 64 cpli complexi Latin
Abbreviation 2112 64 cpl complevi Latin
Abbreviation 2113 64 cpl Constantinopoli Latin
Abbreviation 2114 64 cpl complevi Latin
Abbreviation 14335 64 cpl complevi Latin
Abbreviation 2111 64 cpat comparatur Latin
Abbreviation 2103 64 cp capite Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 2104 64 CP Clarissime puer Latin
Abbreviation 2105 64 CP Congregazione [dei] Passionisti, - causa Pia Italian
Abbreviation 2106 64 CP Constantinopolis Latin
Abbreviation 2107 64 cp caput, - capitulum Latin
Abbreviation 2108 64 cp capitulum Latin
Abbreviation 1985 60 co[u]ni communi Latin
Abbreviation 1818 56 co[ue] copulative Latin
Abbreviation 1817 56 co[or] commentator Latin
Abbreviation 2012 61 co[m]p complevi Latin
Abbreviation 1816 56 co[b] coloribus Latin
Abbreviation 1931 58 co[a]li corporali Latin
Abbreviation 3962 63 covsatoe conversatione Latin
Abbreviation 3961 63 couni communi Latin
Abbreviation 3959 63 cot[o]usa controversa Latin
Abbreviation 3953 63 cot[a]dcoe contradictione Latin
Abbreviation 3951 63 cot[a] contra Latin
Abbreviation 3952 63 cot[a] contra Latin
Abbreviation 3958 63 cotua[r] contumaciter Latin
Abbreviation 3960 63 Cott[le] Cottignolae Latin
Abbreviation 3956 63 COTS contra sigillum im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 3957 63 cotin continet Latin
Abbreviation 3954 63 cote[r] conterretur Latin
Abbreviation 3955 63 cote[m] contentum Latin
Abbreviation 3950 63 cot cerotum Latin
Abbreviation 3949 63 cosuiss consumsisset Latin