Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 14300 337 s sum Latin
Abbreviation 14305 337 s sis, -sero, -sed Latin
Abbreviation 14307 337 s sive, -sunt, -solidi, -sancti Latin
Abbreviation 14308 337 S Serenita Italian
Abbreviation 14312 337 s scribi, -scripsi, -scripsit Latin
Abbreviation 14316 337 s secundum, -signum, -Ser Latin
Abbreviation 14319 337 S secundum, -signum, -Ser Latin
Abbreviation 14320 337 S Ser Latin
Abbreviation 14321 337 S Set (Sed) Latin
Abbreviation 14322 337 S Set (Sed) Latin
Abbreviation 14323 337 s sus, - secundus Latin
Abbreviation 14324 337 s sus, - secundus Latin
Abbreviation 14325 337 s secundus Latin
Abbreviation 14330 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14331 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14332 337 S Sed Latin
Abbreviation 14333 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14334 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 13638 418 S 70 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14732 528 s Sac German
Abbreviation 14733 528 s sich, siehe, sind German
Abbreviation 14734 528 s aus, des German
Abbreviation 14735 528 s aus, des German
Abbreviation 14745 528 s ...sal, ...sam German
Abbreviation 14746 528 s ...sam, ...sen, ...ser German
Abbreviation 14747 528 s ...sam, ...sen, ...ser German
Abbreviation 14748 528 s ...sam, ...sen, ...ser German
Abbreviation 13635 320 r[vs] respectus Latin
Abbreviation 13450 320 R[u] Responsum Latin
Abbreviation 13452 320 r[u] respectu Latin
Abbreviation 13579 320 r[u] respectum Latin
Abbreviation 13617 320 R[ui] Recevi (Ricevetti) Italian
Abbreviation 13596 320 r[ua] relativa Latin
Abbreviation 13426 320 r[t] respondet Latin
Abbreviation 13429 320 R[t] respondet Latin
Abbreviation 13431 320 r[t] regulat Latin
Abbreviation 13433 320 r[t] respectus Latin
Abbreviation 13445 320 r[tu] respectu Latin
Abbreviation 13446 320 r[tus] retroscriptus Latin
Abbreviation 13448 320 R[tum] Registratum Latin
Abbreviation 13442 320 r[to] retro Latin
Abbreviation 13444 320 R[to] Ricevuto Italian
Abbreviation 13440 320 R[ti] Rogati Ortsspezifisch: Venedig Latin
Abbreviation 13441 320 R[tibus] Regnantibus Latin
Abbreviation 13438 320 R[te] Rivoltae Ort Latin
Abbreviation 13435 320 R[ta] Relicta Latin
Abbreviation 13437 320 R[ta] Registrata Latin
Abbreviation 13418 320 R[s] Registratus - Regius Latin
Abbreviation 13420 320 R[s] Registratus - Regius Latin
Abbreviation 13424 320 R[su] Responsum Latin
Abbreviation 11148 334 r[r]s rursus Latin
Abbreviation 13410 320 R[r] Respondetur Latin
Abbreviation 13415 320 R[ris] Regularis [Canonicus] Latin
Abbreviation 13413 320 R[rio] Referendario Italian
Abbreviation 13407 320 R[pto] Rescripto Latin
Abbreviation 10932 329 r[o]l rationalis Latin
Abbreviation 10054 321 r[o]ale rationale Latin
Abbreviation 4434 319 r[o] resurrectionem Latin
Abbreviation 4435 319 R[o] Respondeo, - Responsio Latin
Abbreviation 4436 319 R[o] Recomando, - Registro Latin
Abbreviation 4437 319 r[o] regio Latin
Abbreviation 4438 319 r[o] recto, - responsio, - ratio, - regio Latin
Abbreviation 13404 320 r[ol] rationalis Latin
Abbreviation 13398 320 r[oe] ratione, - responsione Latin
Abbreviation 13399 320 r[oe] ratione, - responsione Latin
Abbreviation 11845 322 R[n]di Reverendi Latin
Abbreviation 4439 319 r[n] regimen Latin
Abbreviation 4441 319 R[m] Reverendissime, - Registratum, - Responsorium Latin
Abbreviation 4440 319 R[ma] Reverendissima Italian
Abbreviation 4442 319 R[lle] Ripaltellae Ort Latin
Abbreviation 4431 319 r[li] reali Münze Italian
Abbreviation 4430 319 r[la] regula Latin
Abbreviation 4433 319 r[lae] regulare Latin
Abbreviation 12733 331 R[i]o Responsio Latin
Abbreviation 14409 319 r[i] rei Latin
Abbreviation 4428 319 r[i] rei Latin
Abbreviation 4429 319 R[it] Reliquit Latin
Abbreviation 4424 319 R[e] Recommendatione Latin
Abbreviation 4425 319 r[e] Recommendatione Latin
Abbreviation 4426 319 r[e] regulae Latin
Abbreviation 4427 319 R[e] regnante Latin
Abbreviation 4422 319 R[do] Recomando Italian
Abbreviation 4423 319 R[do] Reverendo Latin
Abbreviation 4421 319 R[di] Reverendi Latin
Abbreviation 10969 335 r[c]ti[ne] rectitudine Latin
Abbreviation 4420 319 R[ca] Rubrica Italian
Abbreviation 11444 334 r[a]t[r] regulatur Latin
Abbreviation 10519 335 r[a]t[r] regulariter Latin
Abbreviation 10990 335 r[a]tia regulativa Latin
Abbreviation 11134 334 r[a]s regulas Latin
Abbreviation 10974 334 r[a]rit regulariter Latin
Abbreviation 10948 334 r[a]rib regularibus Latin
Abbreviation 10924 334 r[a]re regularem Latin
Abbreviation 12473 331 r[a]nt[r] regulantur Latin
Abbreviation 10503 330 r[a]m[r] regulamur Latin
Abbreviation 10482 330 r[a]m regulam Latin
Abbreviation 4409 319 r[a] regula Latin
Abbreviation 4410 319 R[a] regula Latin
Abbreviation 4411 319 r[a] regula Latin
Abbreviation 4412 319 r[a] regulam Latin