Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5907 171 ic[r]ia incuriam Latin
Abbreviation 5952 172 ic[a]r[s] incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 5954 172 icti iamdicti Latin
Abbreviation 5955 172 Icti Iurisconsulti Latin
Abbreviation 5953 172 icsse incresse (incresce) Italian
Abbreviation 5951 172 icr incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 5950 172 icoti[t] incontinenter Latin
Abbreviation 5948 171 icor[at] incorporatum Latin
Abbreviation 5949 171 icorp[les] incorruptibiles Latin
Abbreviation 5947 171 icopa[or] incomparabilior Latin
Abbreviation 5946 171 ico inicio (initio) Latin
Abbreviation 5940 171 icl[t] includit Latin
Abbreviation 5939 171 icl[so] incluso Latin
Abbreviation 5943 171 icls[o] inclusio Latin
Abbreviation 5942 171 iclom inclinationem Latin
Abbreviation 5941 171 icli[o] inclinationem Latin
Abbreviation 14022 414 ICIX 509 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13539 413 ICI 10000000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 5904 171 ichacon inchoacione (inchoatione) Latin
Abbreviation 5902 171 ICEV iusta causa esse videtur Latin
Abbreviation 5901 171 ICE iure cautum est Latin
Abbreviation 5937 171 ICC[tos] Iurisconsultos Latin
Abbreviation 5938 171 ICC Iurisconsultus Collegiatus Latin
Abbreviation 5936 171 icat incusatus Latin
Abbreviation 5934 171 icar[ao] incarnationem Latin
Abbreviation 5935 171 icarn incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 5933 171 icaie in capite ieiunii kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5929 171 ica increata Latin
Abbreviation 5906 171 ic iuris consultus, -intra circulum Latin
Abbreviation 5909 171 IC Iesus Christus, - Iuris Consultus Latin
Abbreviation 5922 171 IC ius civile Latin
Abbreviation 5924 171 Ic Incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 5903 171 ibt ibunt Latin
Abbreviation 5900 171 ibm ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5641 170 Ibi ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5638 170 IB in brevi Latin
Abbreviation 5639 170 IB Ioannes Baptista Latin
Abbreviation 5640 170 ib ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5637 170 iazi inanzi Italian
Abbreviation 5636 170 iautl in aithentico libro Latin
Abbreviation 5635 170 Iar[a] Ierarchiam (Hierarchiam) Latin
Abbreviation 5632 170 Ian[a] Ianua (Genova) Italian
Abbreviation 5634 170 iano Ianuario Latin
Abbreviation 5633 170 Ianij Ianuarii Latin
Abbreviation 5630 170 ian Ianuarii Latin
Abbreviation 5631 170 Ian Ianuae Latin
Abbreviation 14651 528 iae jare German
Abbreviation 5627 170 Iadera Iacoubus de Ravanis juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5628 170 iacta[a] iactania Latin
Abbreviation 5626 170 IacdeLiz Iacobus de Lizzano juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5625 170 IacdeBel Iacoubus de Belviso juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5624 170 IacdeAre Iacobus de Arena juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5623 170 IacBut Iacobus Butrigarius juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5622 170 IacBal Iacobus Balduini juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5619 170 Iac Iacobus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5620 170 iac iacens, -iacentis, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 5621 170 iac iacet, -iacens Latin
Abbreviation 5613 170 ia Iacobi [Epistola] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5614 170 Ia Iacobus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5615 170 IA interea Latin
Abbreviation 5616 170 ia iam Latin
Abbreviation 5932 171 i?[i]ca[le] incommunicabile Latin
Abbreviation 5659 192 i?tia incontinentia Latin
Abbreviation 10297 186 i?pab[t] incomparabiliter Latin
Abbreviation 10317 186 i?pablr incomparabiliter Latin
Abbreviation 5944 171 I?M[a] Iesus Maria Latin
Abbreviation 13805 421 I???? 50000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14040 415 I???? 500 000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14057 415 I???? 500000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13811 421 I??? 50000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13821 421 I??? 50000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14023 415 I??? 6000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14030 415 I??? 50 000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14067 415 I??? 50 000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13869 421 I?? 5000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13878 421 I?? 5000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13889 421 I?? 5000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13996 415 I?? 5000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14012 415 I?? 5000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14001 415 I? 500 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 5905 171 i? Iesus Latin
Abbreviation 5612 170 i9[xa] incomplexa Latin
Abbreviation 5609 169 i9[ti] incompositi Latin
Abbreviation 6693 182 i9[i]ns inconveniens Latin
Abbreviation 7468 174 i9[i]es inconveniens Latin
Abbreviation 5598 169 i9[ins] inconveniens Latin
Abbreviation 10950 186 i9p[x]i incomplexi Latin
Abbreviation 6846 185 i9od incommodum Latin
Abbreviation 6641 178 i9mo[te] incommoditatem Latin
Abbreviation 6103 175 i9g[i]ta incognita Latin
Abbreviation 14158 415 I+[C] 150 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14653 528 I N Gs Im Namen Gottes German
Abbreviation 6158 176 i h u x p i Iesu Christi Latin
Abbreviation 13958 415 I + 1 1/2 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14096 414 I 1 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14102 414 I 1 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14109 414 I 1 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14113 414 I 1 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14119 414 I 1000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14124 414 I 1000 römische Zahl Latin