Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 9078 285 ppea propterea Latin
Abbreviation 9117 285 Ppemiss Proposita emissa Latin
Abbreviation 9132 285 ppen papiensis Latin
Abbreviation 9154 285 ppes properes Latin
Abbreviation 9168 285 ppet praeparet Latin
Abbreviation 9179 285 ppet[e]t perpetret Latin
Abbreviation 8867 285 ppe[a] perpetua Latin
Abbreviation 8877 285 ppe[a] propterea Latin
Abbreviation 8936 285 ppe[b] proprietatibus Latin
Abbreviation 8962 285 ppe[e] perpetue kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8970 285 ppe[e] perpetuae Latin
Abbreviation 8981 285 ppe[m] perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 9013 285 ppe[re] perpendicularem Latin
Abbreviation 9195 285 PPG Proposita gesta Latin
Abbreviation 9210 285 ppg pecuniarum ponderis generalis Latin
Abbreviation 9223 285 ppha propheta Latin
Abbreviation 9246 285 pphae prophetare (profetare) Italian
Abbreviation 9257 285 pphar prophetarum Latin
Abbreviation 8955 286 pphe prophetae Latin
Abbreviation 9077 286 ppi praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9163 286 ppi praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9490 286 ppiq[o] propinquo Latin
Abbreviation 9741 286 ppiti praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9334 286 ppi[m] participium Latin
Abbreviation 9892 286 ppl perpetualis Latin
Abbreviation 10152 286 ppli populi Latin
Abbreviation 10281 286 pplli populli, populi Latin
Abbreviation 10478 286 pplm populum Latin
Abbreviation 10388 286 pplo populo Latin
Abbreviation 10656 286 pplr populariter Latin
Abbreviation 10575 286 pplris popularis Latin
Abbreviation 10735 286 ppls populus Latin
Abbreviation 9971 286 ppl[m] populum Latin
Abbreviation 10901 286 ppm pauperum Latin
Abbreviation 11140 286 PPM Perpetuum in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 12051 286 ppm perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 12120 286 ppm perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 12170 286 ppm praepositum Latin
Abbreviation 13047 286 PPN pater patriae nominatus Latin
Abbreviation 13098 286 ppn papiensis Latin
Abbreviation 13122 286 ppnt per praesentes Latin
Abbreviation 13134 286 ppnte parte praesente Latin
Abbreviation 13158 286 ppo praeposito Latin
Abbreviation 13169 286 ppo perpetuo Latin
Abbreviation 13197 286 ppo proposito Latin
Abbreviation 13203 286 ppo proposito Latin
Abbreviation 13208 286 ppo propositionem Latin
Abbreviation 8890 287 ppob propositionibus Latin
Abbreviation 8925 287 ppoi praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 8960 287 ppois propositionis Latin
Abbreviation 8973 287 ppoit praepositus Latin
Abbreviation 8997 287 ppoit[r]a praepositura Latin
Abbreviation 8943 287 ppoi[m] propositum Latin
Abbreviation 9016 287 pponr proponuntur Latin
Abbreviation 9037 287 ppoo praeposito Latin
Abbreviation 9073 287 ppor[ole] proportionalem Latin
Abbreviation 9094 287 ppor[ot] proportionaliter Latin
Abbreviation 9054 287 ppor[o] proportionem Latin
Abbreviation 9134 287 ppos praepositos Schrift: Beneventana Latin
Abbreviation 9153 287 ppos praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9188 287 ppo[a]t proponat Latin
Abbreviation 9172 287 ppo[a]t[r] praeponatur Latin
Abbreviation 13227 286 ppo[do] praeponendo Latin
Abbreviation 13220 286 ppo[e] propositionem Latin
Abbreviation 13236 286 ppo[m] propositionum, propositum Latin
Abbreviation 8860 287 ppo[r] proponitur Latin
Abbreviation 8875 287 ppo[ur] proponuntur Latin
Abbreviation 9269 287 ppqqss praesentibus quibus supra Latin
Abbreviation 9287 287 ppr propter Latin
Abbreviation 9301 287 ppr propter Latin
Abbreviation 9109 287 pprea propterea Latin
Abbreviation 9319 287 ppria propria in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 9331 287 pps praepositus Latin
Abbreviation 9346 287 ppsal perpetuam salutem Latin
Abbreviation 9357 287 ppt propter Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 9373 287 ppt propter Latin
Abbreviation 9387 287 ppt promptus Latin
Abbreviation 9404 287 pptas proprietas Latin
Abbreviation 9423 287 ppte praeposite Latin
Abbreviation 9434 287 ppte parte praesente Latin
Abbreviation 9443 287 pptea propterea Latin
Abbreviation 8911 288 ppti prompti Latin
Abbreviation 9476 287 ppti praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 8976 288 pptibs praesens praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 9022 288 pptm praepositum Latin
Abbreviation 9046 288 ppto perpetuo Latin
Abbreviation 9671 288 ppto praeposito Latin
Abbreviation 9129 288 ppts praepositus Latin
Abbreviation 9198 288 ppua perpetua Latin
Abbreviation 9245 288 ppuired[lis] pepetui redimibilis Latin
Abbreviation 10288 283 pp[ae] papae Latin
Abbreviation 9669 283 pp[a] Papa Italian
Abbreviation 9922 283 pp[a] propterea, - propria Latin
Abbreviation 9955 283 pp[a] propterea, - propria Latin
Abbreviation 9977 283 pp[a] propria Latin
Abbreviation 10008 283 pp[a] propria Latin
Abbreviation 10129 283 pp[a] propterea Latin
Abbreviation 10209 283 pp[a] propterea Latin
Abbreviation 9619 283 pp[a] Papa Italian
Abbreviation 9635 283 pp[a] Papa Italian