Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 14563 528 br über German
Abbreviation 1674 406 braccio braccio konventionelles Zeichen Italian
Abbreviation 1228 36 bravi breviavi Latin
Abbreviation 1229 36 bria brevia Latin
Abbreviation 1230 36 briat breviatum Latin
Abbreviation 1231 36 bris breviaturis Latin
Abbreviation 1189 37 bro breviato Ortsspezifisch: Piacenza Latin
Abbreviation 1190 37 brollo Brolleto Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 1193 37 Brrec Breve recordationis Latin
Abbreviation 1192 37 brt[a]m Bertramus Latin
Abbreviation 1194 37 brz braza (braccia) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 1195 37 BS Bona sua Latin
Abbreviation 1196 37 bs bagno di sabbia medizinische Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 1197 37 Bs ...bus Latin
Abbreviation 1199 37 bs ...bus Latin
Abbreviation 1201 37 bs beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1202 37 bs beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1204 37 BSc Baccalaureus Scientiae Latin
Abbreviation 1205 37 Bsello Bersello (Brescello) Italian
Abbreviation 1206 37 Bt Brevi tempore Latin
Abbreviation 1207 37 bt beatum Latin
Abbreviation 1208 37 Bt Bartholomeus Latin
Abbreviation 1209 37 bt beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1210 37 bt beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1214 37 bta beata Latin
Abbreviation 1321 37 bte beatae Latin
Abbreviation 1322 37 bte Bertae Latin
Abbreviation 1324 37 Bteo Bartholomeo Latin
Abbreviation 1326 37 bti beati Latin
Abbreviation 1334 37 btit[ne] beatitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 1327 37 bti[ne] beatitudine Latin
Abbreviation 1331 37 bti[nis] beatitudinis Latin
Abbreviation 1329 37 Bti[ni]V Beatitudini Vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 1336 37 btme beatissime Latin
Abbreviation 1191 38 bto beato Latin
Abbreviation 2631 38 btor beatorum Latin
Abbreviation 2632 38 bts beatus Latin
Abbreviation 2633 38 Btt[o] Bartholomeo Italian
Abbreviation 1335 37 Bt[a]m Bertramus Latin
Abbreviation 1211 37 Bt[o] Bartholomeo Latin
Abbreviation 2634 38 BU Bona vacantia Latin
Abbreviation 2638 38 bub bubulca, bubulcae etc. Mass Latin
Abbreviation 2640 38 bug Bugellae Ortsspezifisch: Biella Latin
Abbreviation 2641 38 buglle Bugellae Ortsspezifisch: Biella Latin
Abbreviation 2642 38 bui brevius Latin
Abbreviation 2644 38 buia brevia Latin
Abbreviation 2645 38 buit breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2643 38 bui[t] brevitatis Latin
Abbreviation 2649 38 bul bulliat, - bulliant medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2647 38 Bul. Bulgarus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2648 38 Bulg Bulgarus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2650 38 bull bulletarum [officialis] Latin
Abbreviation 2651 38 burg burgenses Latin
Abbreviation 2652 38 burgn burgenses Latin
Abbreviation 2653 38 burgn burgensium Latin
Abbreviation 2654 38 Burij Burmij Ortsspezifisch: Bormio Latin
Abbreviation 2655 38 But Butrius (Antonio da Butrio) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2656 38 buticl buticularius Latin
Abbreviation 2657 38 bu[i]tr breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2635 38 bv bene vale, - bene valeatis (im Briefe), - Beata Virgo Latin
Abbreviation 2636 38 BV Beatitudinis Vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 2637 38 BV Balneum vaporis medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2639 38 bve breve Latin
Abbreviation 2658 38 bx Brixiae Latin
Abbreviation 2659 38 bxe Brixiae Latin
Abbreviation 2660 38 bybl[ca] bybliothecam Latin
Abbreviation 2661 38 bz braza (braccia) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 2662 38 bz braza (braccia) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 2663 38 bz[o] brazo (braccio) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 1203 37 b[a]s beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1094 34 b[e]m bremensis Latin
Abbreviation 2646 38 b[e]uit breviter Latin
Abbreviation 1220 36 B[me]pr Beatissime pater Latin
Abbreviation 83 30 b[n] minus Latin
Abbreviation 916 31 b[orr] minor probatur Latin
Abbreviation 914 31 b[or] brevioris Latin
Abbreviation 915 31 b[or] minor Latin
Abbreviation 917 31 b[r] breviter Latin
Abbreviation 1063 33 b[r]g burgensis Latin
Abbreviation 1213 37 b[u]ta bruta (brutta) Italian
Abbreviation 1198 37 b[v]s ...bus Latin
Abbreviation 1212 37 b[v]t brutis Latin
Abbreviation 84 39 C Codex, - Comes, - Caput, - Congius, - centum Latin
Abbreviation 85 39 C Celestinus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 86 39 C Carantano Münze Italian
Abbreviation 87 39 C Codice juristische Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 88 39 c capitulus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 89 39 c civis, - canonis, - centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 90 39 c conversus, confessor Latin
Abbreviation 91 39 c conversus, confessor Latin
Abbreviation 92 39 c et caetera Latin
Abbreviation 93 39 c et caetera Latin
Abbreviation 94 39 c cum Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 95 39 c citatio Latin
Abbreviation 96 39 c circa Latin
Abbreviation 97 39 c circa Latin
Abbreviation 98 39 c circa Latin
Abbreviation 99 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 100 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 101 39 c cum Latin