Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 8096 242 nu[t] nuncietis Latin
Abbreviation 7969 242 NV non vacat, - non valet Latin
Abbreviation 7981 242 NV Nobilità Vostra Italian
Abbreviation 5736 230 n[ab] naturalibus Latin
Abbreviation 5762 231 n[ar] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5765 231 n[at] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5729 230 n[a] natura Latin
Abbreviation 5730 230 n[a] numerati Latin
Abbreviation 5731 230 n[a] naturam Latin
Abbreviation 5732 230 n[a] nulla, - natura, - nota, - nomina Latin
Abbreviation 5733 230 n[a] nostra Italian
Abbreviation 5734 230 N[a] Nota Latin
Abbreviation 5735 230 n[a] naturam Latin
Abbreviation 7990 233 n[a]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 14433 233 n[a]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 7826 235 n[a]l naturalis Latin
Abbreviation 7845 235 n[a]li naturali Latin
Abbreviation 7623 236 n[a]m naturam Latin
Abbreviation 7650 236 n[a]m naturam Latin
Abbreviation 7975 241 n[a]r naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 7985 241 n[a]r naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8048 241 n[a]r naturarum Latin
Abbreviation 7504 242 n[a]s naturas Latin
Abbreviation 7793 242 n[a]te nullatenus Latin
Abbreviation 5737 230 n[bus] nominibus Latin
Abbreviation 5738 230 n[c] nunc, - nec Latin
Abbreviation 7850 236 n[c]n nec non Latin
Abbreviation 7875 236 n[c]n nec non Latin
Abbreviation 7984 236 n[c]no necnon Latin
Abbreviation 7760 242 n[c]t nectar Latin
Abbreviation 5739 230 n[da] nominanda Latin
Abbreviation 5740 230 N[e] nostrae Latin
Abbreviation 5741 230 n[e] nec, - nomine, - naturae Latin
Abbreviation 5742 230 n[i] nisi, - nemini Latin
Abbreviation 5743 230 n[i] nisi, - nemini Latin
Abbreviation 5744 230 n[i] nisi, - nemini Latin
Abbreviation 7746 242 n[i]t[i] nisi tibi Latin
Abbreviation 5747 230 n[le] nobilem Latin
Abbreviation 5748 230 n[lo] nihilo Latin
Abbreviation 5749 230 n[lo] nihilo Latin
Abbreviation 5745 230 n[l] nihil Latin
Abbreviation 5746 230 n[l] nihil Latin
Abbreviation 7704 237 n[l]o nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 7739 237 n[l]o nihilo Latin
Abbreviation 7755 237 n[l]o nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 7935 238 n[l]oi nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 8224 239 n[l]omi nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 8005 242 n[l]u nihilum Latin
Abbreviation 8029 242 n[l]u nihilum Latin
Abbreviation 5750 230 N[m] nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 5751 230 n[m] nullum Latin
Abbreviation 5752 231 n[n] nomen, - non Latin
Abbreviation 5760 231 n[oo] nullo modo Latin
Abbreviation 5753 231 N[o] Noster, - Nota Latin
Abbreviation 5754 231 N[o] Noster, - Nota Latin
Abbreviation 5755 231 N[o] Nocturno Latin
Abbreviation 5756 231 N[o] Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 5757 231 n[o] nullo, - numero Latin
Abbreviation 5758 231 n[o] nostro Italian
Abbreviation 5759 231 n[o] numero Italian
Abbreviation 7839 236 N[o]N[o] nostrorum Latin
Abbreviation 5761 231 n[r] noster, - naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5773 231 n[r]a naturam Latin
Abbreviation 5776 231 N[r]a Natura Latin
Abbreviation 7329 232 n[r]ale naturale Italian
Abbreviation 7353 232 n[r]alr naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5777 231 n[r]a[r] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8044 233 n[r]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 7553 236 n[r]lr naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 7662 236 n[r]m numerum Latin
Abbreviation 7524 242 n[r]s numerus Latin
Abbreviation 7792 243 n[r]us numerus Latin
Abbreviation 7802 243 n[r]us numerus Latin
Abbreviation 5763 231 N[s] nisi Latin
Abbreviation 5764 231 n[s] nullus Latin
Abbreviation 5766 231 n[te] nominatae Latin
Abbreviation 5767 231 n[ti] numerati Latin
Abbreviation 13656 417 O 11 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13661 417 O 11000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14696 528 o nicht German
Abbreviation 14697 528 o nicht German
Abbreviation 4329 244 O Opinio juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 4330 244 O Alumen, - Nix medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 4331 244 o omnis Latin
Abbreviation 4332 244 O Non Latin
Abbreviation 4333 244 O Non Latin
Abbreviation 4334 244 O Oratio Latin
Abbreviation 4335 244 O Oratio Latin
Abbreviation 4336 244 o oportet, - oportuit Latin
Abbreviation 4337 244 O Obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4338 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4339 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4340 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4341 244 o ostendit, - omnibus, - opertum, - obiit Latin
Abbreviation 4342 244 o Ovidius Latin
Abbreviation 4343 244 o oportet Latin
Abbreviation 4344 244 o omnem, - oportet Latin
Abbreviation 4345 244 o oporteret Latin
Abbreviation 4366 245 oa omnia Latin
Abbreviation 4367 245 oa ora Latin