Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5036 133 F Facta, - Feci Latin
Abbreviation 5037 133 f filtrare pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5038 133 f filtrus pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5039 133 f fuit Latin
Abbreviation 5040 133 f fertonem Latin
Abbreviation 5041 133 f fertonem Latin
Abbreviation 5042 133 f foris Latin
Abbreviation 5044 133 f feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 5045 133 f feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 5046 134 f9 filius condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 5047 134 f9 filius condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 5048 134 f9 filius condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 5049 134 f9 fuit confessus Latin
Abbreviation 5050 134 fa falsa, -feria, -forma, -fabula, -fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 5051 134 fa falsa, -feria, -forma, -fabula, -fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 5052 134 f[a] falsam Latin
Abbreviation 5053 134 f[as] falsas Latin
Abbreviation 5055 134 f[i] fieri Latin
Abbreviation 5056 134 f[ide] frigidae Latin
Abbreviation 5057 134 f[itas] firmitas Latin
Abbreviation 5058 134 f[m] falsum Latin
Abbreviation 5059 152 g[a]n[le] generabile Latin
Abbreviation 5060 152 gn[am] generalissimum Latin
Abbreviation 5061 152 gn[ao] generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5062 152 gna genera Latin
Abbreviation 5063 152 gna genera Latin
Abbreviation 5064 152 gna[m] generatum Latin
Abbreviation 5065 152 gna[ma] generalissima Latin
Abbreviation 5066 152 gna[o] generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5067 152 gna[r] generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5068 152 gnacioe generacione (generatione) Latin
Abbreviation 5069 152 gnai generari Latin
Abbreviation 5070 152 gnal generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5072 152 gnalis generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5073 152 gnalr generaliter in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 5074 152 gnalr generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5075 152 g[a]natio generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5077 152 gn[a]br generabitur Latin
Abbreviation 5078 152 g[a]nd grandis Latin
Abbreviation 5080 152 gne genere Latin
Abbreviation 5081 152 gne genere Latin
Abbreviation 5082 152 gne genere Latin
Abbreviation 5083 152 gn[r]et generet Latin
Abbreviation 5084 152 gni generi Latin
Abbreviation 5086 152 gnis generis Latin
Abbreviation 5087 152 gniti geniti Latin
Abbreviation 5088 152 gn[a]li generali Latin
Abbreviation 5089 152 Gnlis Generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5090 152 gn[r]m generum Latin
Abbreviation 5091 152 gno generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5092 152 gn[r]o genero Latin
Abbreviation 5093 153 gnoe generatione Latin
Abbreviation 5094 153 gnosa generosa Latin
Abbreviation 5096 153 gns genus Latin
Abbreviation 5097 153 gnra genera Latin
Abbreviation 5098 153 gntib gerentibus Latin
Abbreviation 5099 153 gntil gentilis Latin
Abbreviation 5100 153 gnu generum Latin
Abbreviation 5101 153 go ergo Latin
Abbreviation 5102 153 Go Goffredus [doctor] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5104 153 Godij Goidii Ort Latin
Abbreviation 5107 153 Gorz[ii] Gorzegnii Latin
Abbreviation 5108 153 gr granum pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5109 153 gr germanus Latin
Abbreviation 5110 153 GR gerit, - gradum Latin
Abbreviation 5111 153 gr[a] gratia Latin
Abbreviation 5112 153 g[a]r gratiarum Latin
Abbreviation 5113 153 gra gratia Latin
Abbreviation 5114 153 gra gratia Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 5115 153 Gra Gratianus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5118 153 gra gratiam Latin
Abbreviation 5120 153 gradaffin gradus affinitatis Latin
Abbreviation 5121 153 gram gratiam Latin
Abbreviation 5122 153 gra[a]n Gratianus Latin
Abbreviation 5123 153 gra[a]r gratiarum Latin
Abbreviation 5124 153 grar gratiarum Latin
Abbreviation 5125 153 gras gratias Latin
Abbreviation 5126 153 grase gratiose Latin
Abbreviation 5127 154 grat gratia, - gratiosae Latin
Abbreviation 5128 154 gratne gratificatione Latin
Abbreviation 5129 154 gre gratiae Latin
Abbreviation 5130 154 gris gubernatoris Latin
Abbreviation 5131 154 grlt generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5133 41 ca casus Latin
Abbreviation 5134 41 ca[a] creata Latin
Abbreviation 5135 41 ca causam Latin
Abbreviation 5136 41 ca causam Latin
Abbreviation 5137 41 ca[a] creatura Latin
Abbreviation 5138 41 ca[as] caritas Latin
Abbreviation 5139 41 ca[as] causas Latin
Abbreviation 5140 41 ca[ca] categorica, - canonica Latin
Abbreviation 5141 41 ca[ce] categorice Latin
Abbreviation 5142 41 ca[cu] categoricum Latin
Abbreviation 5143 41 ca[d] calidum Latin
Abbreviation 5144 41 ca[do] capiendo Latin
Abbreviation 5145 41 ca[e] creaturae Latin
Abbreviation 5146 41 Ca Caput Latin
Abbreviation 5147 41 ca causa Latin
Abbreviation 5148 41 ca caetera Latin
Abbreviation 5149 41 ca causa, - camera Latin