Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5572 164 hore honorem Latin
Abbreviation 5573 164 ho[a]s horas Latin
Abbreviation 5574 164 Host Hostiensis juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5575 164 hp hic (oder hoc) ponas Latin
Abbreviation 5576 166 huilia humillima Latin
Abbreviation 5577 166 huilr humiliter Latin
Abbreviation 5578 166 huimoi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5579 166 huior humidior Latin
Abbreviation 5580 169 i[a] infra, -ita Latin
Abbreviation 5581 169 i[a] intra Latin
Abbreviation 5582 169 i[a] illa, -ita, -prima, -una Latin
Abbreviation 5583 169 i[a] prima Latin
Abbreviation 5584 169 i[a] priman Latin
Abbreviation 5585 169 i[a] primam Latin
Abbreviation 5586 169 i[a] itaque Latin
Abbreviation 5587 169 i[ar] illarum Latin
Abbreviation 5588 169 i[d] illud Latin
Abbreviation 5589 169 i[e] illae, -primae Latin
Abbreviation 5590 169 i[e] illae, -primae Latin
Abbreviation 5591 169 i ibi, -illi Latin
Abbreviation 5592 130 exn[e] existentiae Latin
Abbreviation 5593 130 exn[m] existentium Latin
Abbreviation 5594 130 exn[s] existentes Latin
Abbreviation 5595 169 I[m] unum Latin
Abbreviation 5596 169 i[m] illum, - primum Latin
Abbreviation 5597 169 I[ma] Illustrissima Latin
Abbreviation 5598 169 i9[ins] inconveniens Latin
Abbreviation 5599 169 I[o] Ioannem [Evangel. secundum] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5600 169 i[o] uno, -primo, -illo Latin
Abbreviation 5601 169 i[oo] illo modo Latin
Abbreviation 5602 169 i[or] illorum Latin
Abbreviation 5603 169 i[r] igitur Latin
Abbreviation 5604 169 i[r] illorum Latin
Abbreviation 5605 169 i[t] istis Latin
Abbreviation 5606 169 I[t] Item Latin
Abbreviation 5607 169 i[tar] iamscriptarum Latin
Abbreviation 2414 95 denti[do] denuntiando Latin
Abbreviation 2415 95 dentia[o] denuntiationem Latin
Abbreviation 2416 95 deo debeo Latin
Abbreviation 2417 95 deo[m] daemonum Latin
Abbreviation 2418 95 deon daemonum Latin
Abbreviation 2419 95 deor[m] deorsum Latin
Abbreviation 2420 95 dep depuratus pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2421 95 dep dependet Latin
Abbreviation 2422 95 dep[o] deputatio Latin
Abbreviation 2423 95 depo depositionem Latin
Abbreviation 2424 95 depo[da] deponenda Latin
Abbreviation 2425 95 depoi depositioni Latin
Abbreviation 2426 95 deptos deputatos in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 2427 95 dep[a]uar depravaret Latin
Abbreviation 2428 95 DEQ.AG.H.D de quo agitur hodierna die Latin
Abbreviation 2429 95 der deberet Latin
Abbreviation 2430 95 dere debere Latin
Abbreviation 2431 95 de[a]re demonstrare Latin
Abbreviation 2432 95 deret deberent Latin
Abbreviation 2433 95 de[a]ri demonstrari Latin
Abbreviation 2434 95 des debes Latin
Abbreviation 2435 95 des[o] desertio Latin
Abbreviation 2436 95 desc[t] descendit Latin
Abbreviation 2437 95 descon desercione (desertione) Latin
Abbreviation 2438 95 desi[m] desiderium Latin
Abbreviation 2439 95 despa[o]i desperationi Latin
Abbreviation 2440 95 desr desuper Latin
Abbreviation 2441 95 dest[u]co destructionem Latin
Abbreviation 2442 95 det daret Latin
Abbreviation 2443 96 det debet Latin
Abbreviation 2444 96 de[a]t[r] demonstratur Latin
Abbreviation 2445 96 de[a]ta demonstrata Latin
Abbreviation 2446 96 detcss die et consulato suprascriptis Ortsspezifisch: Ravenna Latin
Abbreviation 2447 96 deti[ne] determinatione Latin
Abbreviation 2448 96 deti[r] determinari Latin
Abbreviation 2449 96 detia[oe] determinatione Latin
Abbreviation 2450 96 detiae determinare Latin
Abbreviation 2451 96 detiale determinabilem Latin
Abbreviation 2452 96 detiari determinari Latin
Abbreviation 2453 96 detiat determinatis Latin
Abbreviation 2454 96 detiate determinate Latin
Abbreviation 2455 96 de[a]tie demonstrative Latin
Abbreviation 2456 96 de[a]tis demonstratis Latin
Abbreviation 2457 96 det[i]mti detrimenti Latin
Abbreviation 2458 96 deu Deum Latin
Abbreviation 2460 96 devo[oe] devotione Latin
Abbreviation 2461 96 devol devolutum Latin
Abbreviation 2462 96 deut Deuteronomii (Liber) Latin
Abbreviation 2463 96 dex dextra medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2464 96 DF Dictum fuit Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 2465 96 dfc divina favente clementia Latin
Abbreviation 2466 96 dfca defecta Latin
Abbreviation 2467 96 d[e]fcm defectum Latin
Abbreviation 2468 96 dfcns deficiens Latin
Abbreviation 2469 96 dfcs defectus Latin
Abbreviation 2470 96 dfnsae defensare Latin
Abbreviation 2471 96 DFO dare facere oportet Latin
Abbreviation 2472 96 DFP dari fide promisit Latin
Abbreviation 2473 96 DFP dare facere prestare Latin
Abbreviation 2474 96 DFQ domi forisque Latin
Abbreviation 2475 94 delco delectatio Latin
Abbreviation 2476 94 delco derelicto Latin
Abbreviation 2477 94 delec[ao] delectatio Latin
Abbreviation 2478 94 delic. pu. [De] delictis puerorum Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 23 Latin