Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 2166 75 9g[o]s[di] cognoscendi Latin
Abbreviation 2167 76 9i communi Latin
Abbreviation 2168 76 9ir communiter Latin
Abbreviation 2169 76 9is communis Latin
Abbreviation 2170 76 9it communiter Latin
Abbreviation 2171 76 9issi[is] commissionis Latin
Abbreviation 2172 76 9issi[m] communissimum Latin
Abbreviation 2173 76 9issaio commissario Latin
Abbreviation 2174 76 9iss commissionis Latin
Abbreviation 2175 76 9iseat commiserat Latin
Abbreviation 2176 76 9i communius Latin
Abbreviation 2177 75 9g[t] congregatis Latin
Abbreviation 2178 75 9g[o]s[r] cognosceret Latin
Abbreviation 2179 76 9i[m] communium Latin
Abbreviation 2180 76 9[a]i[te] contrarietate Latin
Abbreviation 2181 76 9i[re] communiorem Latin
Abbreviation 2182 76 9m conceptum Latin
Abbreviation 2183 76 9[x]io complexio Latin
Abbreviation 2184 77 ?[e]m communem Latin
Abbreviation 2185 77 9[o]m conclusionem Latin
Abbreviation 2186 41 c[mo] centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 2188 41 c[o] capitulo Latin
Abbreviation 2189 41 c[o] centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 2191 41 c[oi] cuiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 2192 41 c[r] cur Latin
Abbreviation 2193 41 c[r] cur Latin
Abbreviation 2194 41 c[r] cur Latin
Abbreviation 2195 41 c[rnt] currunt Latin
Abbreviation 2197 41 c[i]9[ta] circumscripta Latin
Abbreviation 2198 41 c[tus] conditus Latin
Abbreviation 2199 76 9[v]it congruit Latin
Abbreviation 2201 76 9[a]io contrario Latin
Abbreviation 2202 76 9io communio Latin
Abbreviation 2203 76 ?[a]ht contrahunt Latin
Abbreviation 2204 76 ?[v]i congrui Latin
Abbreviation 2205 76 ?[a]i[m] contrarium Latin
Abbreviation 2206 76 ?i[r]ato coniuratorem Latin
Abbreviation 2207 76 9icat communicant Latin
Abbreviation 2208 76 9[a]ie[te] contrarietatem Latin
Abbreviation 2209 76 9iect[r]ant coniecturant Latin
Abbreviation 2210 76 9i[c]t[r]as coniecturas Latin
Abbreviation 2211 76 ?iu[m] coniugium Latin
Abbreviation 2212 80 9ple[a] completa Latin
Abbreviation 2213 81 9pu[a]re computare Latin
Abbreviation 2214 76 9iuc[is] coniunctionis Latin
Abbreviation 2215 76 9iuc[o] coniunctionis Latin
Abbreviation 2216 76 ?iug coniugis Schrift: Angelsächsisch Latin
Abbreviation 2217 76 ?m commentator Latin
Abbreviation 2218 82 ?s[r]git consurgit Latin
Abbreviation 2219 270 p?g[o]e praecognitione Latin
Abbreviation 2220 4 AB Artium Baccalaureus Latin
Abbreviation 2221 4 ab abbas [Lapus] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2222 4 ab Ambrosius Latin
Abbreviation 2223 4 Ab[o] Ambrosius Latin
Abbreviation 2224 4 ab[oe] absolutione Latin
Abbreviation 2225 4 ab[t] ambit Latin
Abbreviation 2226 4 ab[t] abstractum Latin
Abbreviation 2227 4 ab[t] absolutus Latin
Abbreviation 2228 4 ab[ta] abstracta Latin
Abbreviation 2229 4 ab[te] absolute Latin
Abbreviation 2230 4 ab[ua] abstractiva Latin
Abbreviation 2231 4 abb abbas Latin
Abbreviation 2232 4 abba abbatissa Latin
Abbreviation 2233 4 abbassa abbatissa Latin
Abbreviation 2234 4 abbes abbates Latin
Abbreviation 2235 4 abbi abbati Latin
Abbreviation 2236 4 abbia abbatia Latin
Abbreviation 2237 4 abbis abbatis Latin
Abbreviation 2238 4 abbra abbreviatura Latin
Abbreviation 2239 4 abbs abbas Latin
Abbreviation 2240 4 abbt abbatem Latin
Abbreviation 2241 4 Abbta Abbatissa Latin
Abbreviation 2242 4 Abbti Abbati Latin
Abbreviation 2243 17 ANNP annonae praefectus Latin
Abbreviation 2244 17 annlis annualis Latin
Abbreviation 2245 17 annlr annualiter Latin
Abbreviation 2246 17 ano ante omnia Latin
Abbreviation 2247 17 ano[a] analogia Latin
Abbreviation 2248 17 ano[a] analogia Latin
Abbreviation 2249 17 ano[a] annona Latin
Abbreviation 2250 17 Anoi Annoni (Landschaft) Latin
Abbreviation 2251 17 anplta antepenultima Latin
Abbreviation 2252 17 anq[a] antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2253 17 anq antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2254 17 anq[a] antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2255 17 anq[a]m antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2256 17 ans antecedens Latin
Abbreviation 2257 17 Ans[l] Anselmus Latin
Abbreviation 2258 17 ant antecedenter Latin
Abbreviation 2259 89 dacoi dacioni (dationi) Latin
Abbreviation 2260 89 dai dari Latin
Abbreviation 2261 17 ant a nativitate Latin
Abbreviation 2262 89 dam damus Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 2263 17 ant[a] antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 2264 89 dam damnus Latin
Abbreviation 2265 17 ant[te] antecedente Latin
Abbreviation 2266 17 Ant de But Antonius de Butrio juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2268 89 Dama Damasus [Papst] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2269 17 antes antecedentes Latin
Abbreviation 2271 17 anth[a] antiphona Latin