Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5612 170 i9[xa] incomplexa Latin
Abbreviation 5613 170 ia Iacobi [Epistola] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5614 170 Ia Iacobus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5615 170 IA interea Latin
Abbreviation 5616 170 ia iam Latin
Abbreviation 5617 170 i[r]a iura Latin
Abbreviation 5618 170 i[r]a[t] iuramentum Latin
Abbreviation 5619 170 Iac Iacobus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5620 170 iac iacens, -iacentis, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 5621 170 iac iacet, -iacens Latin
Abbreviation 5622 170 IacBal Iacobus Balduini juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5623 170 IacBut Iacobus Butrigarius juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5624 170 IacdeAre Iacobus de Arena juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5625 170 IacdeBel Iacoubus de Belviso juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5626 170 IacdeLiz Iacobus de Lizzano juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5627 170 Iadera Iacoubus de Ravanis juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5628 170 iacta[a] iactania Latin
Abbreviation 5629 170 i[r]amt iuramentum Latin
Abbreviation 5630 170 ian Ianuarii Latin
Abbreviation 5631 170 Ian Ianuae Latin
Abbreviation 5633 170 Ianij Ianuarii Latin
Abbreviation 5634 170 iano Ianuario Latin
Abbreviation 5635 170 Iar[a] Ierarchiam (Hierarchiam) Latin
Abbreviation 5636 170 iautl in aithentico libro Latin
Abbreviation 5638 170 IB in brevi Latin
Abbreviation 5639 170 IB Ioannes Baptista Latin
Abbreviation 5640 170 ib ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5641 170 Ibi ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5642 192 ite[r] intelligitur Latin
Abbreviation 5643 192 ite[v] intellectu Latin
Abbreviation 5644 192 itecoe intencionem (intentionem) Latin
Abbreviation 5645 192 itee interesse Latin
Abbreviation 5646 192 itel[da] intelligenda Latin
Abbreviation 5647 192 itept interemptus (interemtus) Latin
Abbreviation 5648 192 itessen[a] interessentia Latin
Abbreviation 5650 192 itf interfuit Latin
Abbreviation 5651 192 itfcs interfectus Latin
Abbreviation 5652 192 itfic interficit Latin
Abbreviation 5653 192 itgi intelligi Latin
Abbreviation 5654 192 itg[a]le integrale Latin
Abbreviation 5656 192 iti iusti Latin
Abbreviation 5657 192 iti interius Latin
Abbreviation 5658 192 iti[a] iustitiam Latin
Abbreviation 5659 192 i?tia incontinentia Latin
Abbreviation 5660 192 itiao Iustiniano Latin
Abbreviation 5661 192 itifi[o] iustificatio Latin
Abbreviation 5662 192 itim interim Latin
Abbreviation 5664 192 i[a]tis infrascriptis Latin
Abbreviation 5665 192 itis iustis Latin
Abbreviation 5666 192 it[o]itib introitibus Latin
Abbreviation 5667 192 itllcm intellectum Latin
Abbreviation 5668 192 itllia intelligentia Latin
Abbreviation 5669 192 itllie intelligere Latin
Abbreviation 5671 192 itllr intelligitur Latin
Abbreviation 5672 192 itllx intellexit Latin
Abbreviation 5673 192 itm item, - iterum Latin
Abbreviation 5674 192 itm iterum Latin
Abbreviation 5675 229 N Semiunicia Latin
Abbreviation 5676 229 N Nesciens, - Noster, - Numero Latin
Abbreviation 5677 229 N Novellae juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5678 229 N Natione Latin
Abbreviation 5679 229 N non Latin
Abbreviation 5680 229 n non Latin
Abbreviation 5681 229 n non Latin
Abbreviation 5682 229 N Notitia Latin
Abbreviation 5683 229 N nam Latin
Abbreviation 5684 229 N nam Latin
Abbreviation 5685 229 n numero Latin
Abbreviation 5686 229 N Nomine Latin
Abbreviation 5687 229 n nobis Latin
Abbreviation 5688 229 n nostri Latin
Abbreviation 5689 229 N noster Latin
Abbreviation 5690 229 N noster Latin
Abbreviation 5691 229 N nec Latin
Abbreviation 5692 229 N nitrum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5693 229 N enim Latin
Abbreviation 5694 229 N enim Latin
Abbreviation 5695 230 n enim Latin
Abbreviation 5696 230 N enim Latin
Abbreviation 5697 230 N Nomen Latin
Abbreviation 5698 230 N Nomine Latin
Abbreviation 5699 230 N Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 5700 230 N Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 5701 230 Nn Nobilis Latin
Abbreviation 5702 230 Nn Nobilis Latin
Abbreviation 5707 138 fib finibus Latin
Abbreviation 5708 138 fid fidem Latin
Abbreviation 5709 138 fide[r] fideliter Latin
Abbreviation 5710 138 fid[re] fideiubere Latin
Abbreviation 5711 138 fidor fideiussor Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 5712 138 fidr fideiussor Latin
Abbreviation 5713 138 f[u]ico fruicio (fruitio) Latin
Abbreviation 5714 138 fie[r] finietur Latin
Abbreviation 5715 138 fiei fieri Latin
Abbreviation 5716 138 fiet fieret Latin
Abbreviation 5717 138 fifa fieri facias Latin
Abbreviation 5718 138 fig[a] figura Latin
Abbreviation 5719 138 fig[r]a figuram Latin
Abbreviation 5720 138 fig[r]a[r] figuraliter Latin
Abbreviation 5721 138 fig[r]at figuratum Latin