Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 3616 118 eg[o]ni aegrotationi Latin
Abbreviation 3617 118 eg[i]nu aegritudinum Latin
Abbreviation 3618 118 egone egestionem Latin
Abbreviation 3619 118 eg[e]ssu[s] egressus Latin
Abbreviation 3620 118 eg[o]tus aegrotus Latin
Abbreviation 3621 118 egut[r] egrendiuntur Latin
Abbreviation 3622 118 ei enim Latin
Abbreviation 3623 118 ei eius Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 3624 118 ei eius Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 3625 118 ei enim Latin
Abbreviation 3626 118 ei enim Latin
Abbreviation 3627 118 ei eius Schrift: Merowingisch Latin
Abbreviation 3628 118 ei eius Latin
Abbreviation 3629 118 ei euis Latin
Abbreviation 3630 118 ei eiusdem Latin
Abbreviation 3631 118 ei[s] eius Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 3632 118 ei[s] eius Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 3633 118 eid eiusdem Latin
Abbreviation 3634 118 eis eidem Latin
Abbreviation 3635 118 eice eiicere Latin
Abbreviation 3636 118 eicie[r] eiicientur Latin
Abbreviation 3637 118 eige[r] erigetur Latin
Abbreviation 6330 117 een[a] essentia Latin
Abbreviation 6331 117 een[ar] essentialiter Latin
Abbreviation 6332 117 een[lia] essentialia Latin
Abbreviation 6333 117 een[o] essendo Italian
Abbreviation 6334 117 eena essentiam Latin
Abbreviation 6335 117 een[a]l essentialis Latin
Abbreviation 6336 117 een[a]lit essentialiter Latin
Abbreviation 6337 117 een[a]lr essentialiter Latin
Abbreviation 6338 117 EENP esse non potest Latin
Abbreviation 6339 117 EEP esse potest Latin
Abbreviation 6340 117 eet esset Latin
Abbreviation 6341 117 eet esset Latin
Abbreviation 6342 117 EEx[e]V Eiusdem Excellentiae Vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 6343 117 EF Era francese Italian
Abbreviation 6344 117 efctm effectum Latin
Abbreviation 6345 117 eff[ua] effectiva Latin
Abbreviation 6346 117 eff[s] effectus Latin
Abbreviation 6347 117 eff[s] efficacius Latin
Abbreviation 6348 117 effcm effectum Latin
Abbreviation 6349 117 effcs effectus Latin
Abbreviation 6350 117 effcu effectu Latin
Abbreviation 6351 117 effi[r] efficitur Latin
Abbreviation 6352 117 effi[t] efficaciter Latin
Abbreviation 6353 117 effi[tis] efficientis Latin
Abbreviation 6354 117 effi[ur] efficiuntur Latin
Abbreviation 6355 117 effic[t] efficaciter Latin
Abbreviation 6356 117 effime effimerae (ephemerae) Latin
Abbreviation 6357 117 efftiua effectiva Latin
Abbreviation 6358 117 efftm effectum Latin
Abbreviation 6359 117 effu effectu Latin
Abbreviation 6360 117 effum effectum in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 6361 117 EFS Eiusdem fidelis servus Latin
Abbreviation 6362 117 EG eger Latin
Abbreviation 6363 117 EG ergo Latin
Abbreviation 6364 117 EG ergo Latin
Abbreviation 6365 117 EG egerunt Latin
Abbreviation 3550 116 eccliis ecclesiis Latin
Abbreviation 3552 116 ecc[a]m ecclesiam Latin
Abbreviation 3553 116 ecc[a]r ecclesiarum Latin
Abbreviation 3554 116 ecc[a]s ecclesias Latin
Abbreviation 3571 116 ece[e] ecclesiae Latin
Abbreviation 3576 116 E[me]Cels[is]T Eminentissimae Celsitudinis tuae Latin
Abbreviation 3577 116 eclia ecclesia Latin
Abbreviation 3578 116 EcRo Ecclesia Romana juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3581 116 ECRGR eius causa rei gratias referimus Latin
Abbreviation 3582 116 ED edictum Latin
Abbreviation 3584 116 ed eiusdem Latin
Abbreviation 3585 116 ed eiusdem Latin
Abbreviation 3586 116 edc[m] edictum Latin
Abbreviation 3588 116 edcm edictum Latin
Abbreviation 3589 116 EDE eiusdem Latin
Abbreviation 3591 116 edd edendum Latin
Abbreviation 3592 116 EDDV Eiusdem ducalis dominationis vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 3593 116 Edf Eiusdem dominationis frater Latin
Abbreviation 3594 116 EdfS Eiusdem dominationis fidelis servitor Latin
Abbreviation 3597 116 Edvrsh Eiusdem DominationisVestrae Reverendissimae Servus humillimus Latin
Abbreviation 3598 116 ee esse Latin
Abbreviation 3599 116 ee esse Latin
Abbreviation 3600 116 ee esse Latin
Abbreviation 3601 116 ee essere Italian
Abbreviation 3602 116 ee essere Italian
Abbreviation 3603 116 ee essere Italian
Abbreviation 3650 116 ee esse Latin
Abbreviation 3651 116 ee essentia Latin
Abbreviation 3652 116 ee essent Latin
Abbreviation 3653 116 ee[a] essentiam Latin
Abbreviation 3654 116 ee[a] essentiam Latin
Abbreviation 3655 116 ee[e] ecclesiae, essentiae Latin
Abbreviation 3656 116 ee[e] ecclesiae, essentiae Latin
Abbreviation 3657 116 EEIP esse in potestate Latin
Abbreviation 3658 116 ee[a]li essentiali Latin
Abbreviation 3659 116 ee[a]lr essentialiter Latin
Abbreviation 3660 116 ee[a]m essentiam Latin
Abbreviation 3661 116 eem essem Latin
Abbreviation 3417 115 eb[i]o embryo Latin
Abbreviation 3418 115 ebolis embolismicus Latin
Abbreviation 3420 115 EC et caetera Latin
Abbreviation 3422 115 ec e contra Latin