Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 13773 407 enim enim konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13789 407 enim enim konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13797 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13806 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13814 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13822 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13834 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13843 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13858 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13872 407 esse esse konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13882 407 essemus essemus konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13901 407 essent essent konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13911 407 essentiae essentiae konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13922 407 esses esses konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13932 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13941 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13952 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13956 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13966 407 est, id est est, id est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13973 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13979 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13983 407 est est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 2623 407 de de konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 2625 407 di, - denari di, - denari konventionelles Zeichen Italian
Abbreviation 1668 406 amen amen konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1670 406 autem autem konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1671 406 autem autem konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1672 406 autem autem konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1673 406 autem autem konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1674 406 braccio braccio konventionelles Zeichen Italian
Abbreviation 1675 406 con... con... konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1676 406 con... con... konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1677 406 con... con... konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1678 406 con... con... konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1679 406 condam condam (quondam) konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1680 406 contra contra konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1681 406 condam condam (quondam) konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1682 406 condam condam (quondam) konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1683 406 contra contra konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1684 406 consequentia consequentia konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1685 406 continens continens konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1686 406 i in, - intra, - inter konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1687 406 ? Cum konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1688 406 de de konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1689 406 de de konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1690 406 deinde deinde konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 1619 405 Z Obolus dimidius medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1620 405 z et Latin
Abbreviation 1621 405 z etiam Latin
Abbreviation 1622 405 z etiam Latin
Abbreviation 1623 405 zab Zambarella (Zabarella) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1624 405 Zab Zabarella juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1625 405 Ze Zestarius (Sextarius) Latin
Abbreviation 1626 405 7e etenim Latin
Abbreviation 1627 405 zel zelus Latin
Abbreviation 1628 405 Zo Zoanne (Giovanni) Italian
Abbreviation 1629 405 Zo acetabulum Mass Latin
Abbreviation 1630 405 zo[ci] zodiaci Latin
Abbreviation 1631 405 Zohe Zohanne (Giovanni) Italian
Abbreviation 1632 405 ZoJa Zoanne Jacobo Latin
Abbreviation 1633 405 zuch zuchate Mass Italian
Abbreviation 1634 405 Zwer Zwerinensi Latin
Abbreviation 1635 405 zz zinziber (zingiber) medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1636 405 zz zinziber (zingiber) medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14360 405 zuch zuchate Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 1366 404 ydio[t] ydiomatum (idiomatum) Latin
Abbreviation 1367 404 ydo[a] ydonea (idonea) Latin
Abbreviation 1368 404 Ye Yesaiae (Iesaiae) Latin
Abbreviation 1369 404 yee yeme (hyeme) Latin
Abbreviation 1370 404 ye[a]le yemale (hyemale) Latin
Abbreviation 1371 404 y[a]gi[ao] ymaginatio (imaginatio) Latin
Abbreviation 1372 404 y[a]gi[tu] hymaginatum (imaginatum) Latin
Abbreviation 1373 404 y[a]gia[o] ymaginationem (imaginationem) Latin
Abbreviation 1374 404 y[a]ginaia ymaginariam (imaginariam) Latin
Abbreviation 1375 404 y[a]go ymago (imago) Latin
Abbreviation 1376 404 YM Yesus (Jesus) Maria Latin
Abbreviation 1377 404 y?? Yesus (Jesus) Latin
Abbreviation 1378 404 ym[ne] ymagine (imagine) Latin
Abbreviation 1379 404 ym[o] ymago (imago) Latin
Abbreviation 1380 404 yma[d] ymaginandum (imaginandum) Latin
Abbreviation 1381 404 ymb ymber (imber) Latin
Abbreviation 1382 404 yno ymno (hymno) Latin
Abbreviation 1383 404 yo ymo (imo) Latin
Abbreviation 1384 404 yp[ca] ypotheca (hypotheca) Latin
Abbreviation 1385 404 ypni ympni (hymni) Latin
Abbreviation 1386 404 ypo Ypocrates (Hippocrates) Latin
Abbreviation 1608 404 ypo[ca] ypotheca (hypotheca) Latin
Abbreviation 1609 404 ypo[ce] ypothetice (hypothetice) Latin
Abbreviation 1610 404 ypo[cos] ypotheticos (hypotheticos) Latin
Abbreviation 1611 404 Yr Yrnerius (Irnerius) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1612 404 YR Isabella Regina Ortsspezifisch: Neapel Italian
Abbreviation 1613 404 yrl Yerusalem (Ierusalem) Latin
Abbreviation 1614 404 ys Ysaias [Propheta] Latin
Abbreviation 1615 404 Ysa Ysaias [Propheta] Latin
Abbreviation 1616 404 Ysid[i] Ysidori (Isidori) Latin
Abbreviation 1617 404 yso[le] ysocele (isocele) Latin
Abbreviation 1618 404 ystio ystrio (histrio) Latin
Abbreviation 393 403 Y Irnerius juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 394 403 Y Yesus (Jesus) Latin
Abbreviation 395 403 y9 ymnus (hymnus) Latin