Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 1934 58 collaoni collationi in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 1936 58 colle collationem Latin
Abbreviation 1937 58 colleata collegiata in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 1956 58 colleg collegiata Latin
Abbreviation 1957 58 collia collegia Latin
Abbreviation 1958 58 collij collegij Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 1959 58 collio collegio Latin
Abbreviation 1961 58 collisCC collateralis Curiae Capitolii Latin
Abbreviation 1964 58 collm collegium Latin
Abbreviation 1969 58 collm collitigantium Latin
Abbreviation 1971 58 collo collatio Latin
Abbreviation 1973 58 colloe collatione, - collectione Latin
Abbreviation 1974 58 Colls Collatione salva Latin
Abbreviation 1975 58 Collsal Collatione salva Ortsspezifisch: Sizilien Latin
Abbreviation 1976 58 Collte Collegiatae Latin
Abbreviation 1977 58 collto Collalto Latin
Abbreviation 1978 58 collr colligitur Latin
Abbreviation 1979 58 colludete [De] collusione detegenda Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 22 Latin
Abbreviation 1981 58 collum collegium Latin
Abbreviation 1982 58 colo[e] Coloniae Latin
Abbreviation 1851 57 cog[a]ti cognati Latin
Abbreviation 1852 57 cogtis consanguinitatis Latin
Abbreviation 1853 57 cohao cohabitatio Latin
Abbreviation 1854 57 Cohas Coherentias Latin
Abbreviation 1855 57 cohcoe cohercione Latin
Abbreviation 1856 57 cohens contrahens Latin
Abbreviation 1857 57 cohiis coherenciis Latin
Abbreviation 1858 57 cohitae cohabitare Latin
Abbreviation 1859 57 cohitoe cohabitatione Latin
Abbreviation 1860 57 coht cohaeret Latin
Abbreviation 1861 57 cohto cohertionem Latin
Abbreviation 6209 57 coi communi Latin
Abbreviation 6210 57 coi communi Latin
Abbreviation 6211 57 coi[s] communis Latin
Abbreviation 6212 57 coia communia Latin
Abbreviation 6213 57 coiate communitate Latin
Abbreviation 6214 57 coiate communitatem Latin
Abbreviation 6215 57 coib communibus Latin
Abbreviation 6216 57 coichi comunichi Italian
Abbreviation 6217 57 coie communione in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 6218 57 coio communio Latin
Abbreviation 6219 57 coione comunione Italian
Abbreviation 6220 57 coir communiter Latin
Abbreviation 6221 57 coiri communiri Latin
Abbreviation 6222 57 cois communis, - comitis Latin
Abbreviation 6223 57 cois M communis Mediolani Latin
Abbreviation 6224 57 coissione commissione Italian
Abbreviation 6225 57 coisit commisit Latin
Abbreviation 6226 57 coissus commissarius Latin
Abbreviation 6227 57 coit communitatis Latin
Abbreviation 6228 57 coit communiter Latin
Abbreviation 6229 57 Coita Communità Italian
Abbreviation 6230 57 coitas communitas Latin
Abbreviation 1816 56 co[b] coloribus Latin
Abbreviation 1817 56 co[or] commentator Latin
Abbreviation 1818 56 co[ue] copulative Latin
Abbreviation 1819 56 coch[to] Cochonato Ortsspezifisch: Lombardei Latin
Abbreviation 1820 56 coclo conclusio Latin
Abbreviation 1821 56 cocor[ter] concorditer Latin
Abbreviation 1822 56 cod[o] conditio Latin
Abbreviation 1823 56 codep[a]ti condempnati Latin
Abbreviation 1824 56 Cod. Theod. Codex Theodosianus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1825 56 coda condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 1826 56 codo conditio Latin
Abbreviation 1827 56 coe commune Latin
Abbreviation 1828 56 coe commune Latin
Abbreviation 1829 56 coem commendationem, - communem Latin
Abbreviation 1830 56 coemte comunemente Italian
Abbreviation 1831 56 coepe coepiscopus Latin
Abbreviation 1832 56 coeretur commendaretur Latin
Abbreviation 1833 56 coes communes Latin
Abbreviation 1834 56 cofoes confessiones Latin
Abbreviation 1835 56 cofoi confessioni Latin
Abbreviation 1836 56 coft confert Latin
Abbreviation 1837 56 cog[tus] cognitus Latin
Abbreviation 1838 56 coga cognomina Latin
Abbreviation 1839 56 cog[o]bi cognobi (conobbi) Italian
Abbreviation 1841 56 cog[a]coe cognacione (cognatione) Latin
Abbreviation 1842 56 cogen cognomen Latin
Abbreviation 1843 56 cogi[nes] cogitationes Latin
Abbreviation 1844 56 cogle [De] cognatione legali Dekretale: lib. IV, tit. 12 Latin
Abbreviation 1845 56 cogn cognomina Latin
Abbreviation 1846 56 cogne cognomine in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 1847 56 cognr coguntur Latin
Abbreviation 1848 56 cog[o]sce cognoscere (conoscere) Italian
Abbreviation 1850 56 cogspi [De] cognatione spirituali Dekretale: lib. IV, tit. 11 Latin
Abbreviation 1780 55 clu clarissimus uir Latin
Abbreviation 1781 55 clunia cluniacensis Latin
Abbreviation 1782 55 CLUU clarissimorum uirorum Latin
Abbreviation 1783 55 CM causa mortis Latin
Abbreviation 1784 55 CM Civitatis Mediolani Latin
Abbreviation 1785 55 CM Chirurgiae Magister Latin
Abbreviation 1786 55 CM Congregazione [della] Missione Italian
Abbreviation 1787 55 c[i]m crimen Latin
Abbreviation 1788 55 Cma Crema Latin
Abbreviation 1789 55 Cma Crema Latin
Abbreviation 1790 55 cmda commenda Latin
Abbreviation 1791 55 c[i]me crimen Latin
Abbreviation 1792 55 CMF Clarissimae memoriae foemina Latin
Abbreviation 1793 55 c[i]mialr criminaliter Latin