Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 14129 338 s[ns] significans Latin
Abbreviation 14512 338 s[i] sibi Latin
Abbreviation 14262 337 S sunt Latin
Abbreviation 14266 337 s sunt Latin
Abbreviation 14270 337 s sunt Latin
Abbreviation 14274 337 s sunt Latin
Abbreviation 14278 337 s sunt Latin
Abbreviation 14284 337 s secundum Latin
Abbreviation 14288 337 s sinistro medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14294 337 s sinistro medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14297 337 s siliginis Latin
Abbreviation 14300 337 s sum Latin
Abbreviation 14305 337 s sis, -sero, -sed Latin
Abbreviation 14307 337 s sive, -sunt, -solidi, -sancti Latin
Abbreviation 14308 337 S Serenita Italian
Abbreviation 14312 337 s scribi, -scripsi, -scripsit Latin
Abbreviation 14316 337 s secundum, -signum, -Ser Latin
Abbreviation 14319 337 S secundum, -signum, -Ser Latin
Abbreviation 14320 337 S Ser Latin
Abbreviation 14321 337 S Set (Sed) Latin
Abbreviation 14322 337 S Set (Sed) Latin
Abbreviation 14323 337 s sus, - secundus Latin
Abbreviation 14324 337 s sus, - secundus Latin
Abbreviation 14325 337 s secundus Latin
Abbreviation 14327 337 s& set (sed) Latin
Abbreviation 14329 337 s& set (sed) Latin
Abbreviation 14330 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14331 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14332 337 S Sed Latin
Abbreviation 14333 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14334 337 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14342 337 S[a] Signa, Supra, -Summa Latin
Abbreviation 14343 337 S[a] -Sopra Italian
Abbreviation 14344 337 S[a] Signoria Italian
Abbreviation 14345 337 S[a] Signoria Italian
Abbreviation 14346 337 S[a] salus Latin
Abbreviation 14347 337 S[a] Sacca Italian
Abbreviation 14348 337 s[a] supra, substantia Latin
Abbreviation 14349 337 s[a] supra, -substantia Latin
Abbreviation 14350 337 s[a] secundam Latin
Abbreviation 14351 337 S[a] Summa (Somma) Italian
Abbreviation 14352 337 S[a] Summa Latin
Abbreviation 14353 337 s[c] sic Latin
Abbreviation 14354 337 s[c] sanctus Latin
Abbreviation 14355 337 s[c] significet Latin
Abbreviation 14356 337 s[car] significatur Latin
Abbreviation 14357 337 s[cat] significat Latin
Abbreviation 14115 336 S Sacer, -Salutem, -Sanctus, -Scripta, -Semis, -Sbuscripta, -Supposita, -Supra Latin
Abbreviation 14126 336 s specialis [procura] Latin
Abbreviation 14133 336 S somministra medizinische Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 14139 336 s Sanctus Latin
Abbreviation 14147 336 S Sanctus Latin
Abbreviation 14150 336 S Sanctus Latin
Abbreviation 14154 336 S Sanctus Latin
Abbreviation 14159 336 S Sanctus Latin
Abbreviation 14164 336 s scilicet Latin
Abbreviation 14171 336 s scilicet Latin
Abbreviation 14174 336 S Soror, -Sigillum Latin
Abbreviation 14177 336 S Soror, -Sigillum Latin
Abbreviation 14183 336 S Signore Latin
Abbreviation 14193 336 S -Spectabilis, -Supra Latin
Abbreviation 14200 336 S Signum Latin
Abbreviation 14204 336 S Signat Latin
Abbreviation 14211 336 s sed Latin
Abbreviation 14217 336 s sed Schrift: irisch Latin
Abbreviation 14225 336 s secundum Schrift: irisch Latin
Abbreviation 14230 336 s sicut Schrift: irisch Latin
Abbreviation 14235 336 s solidi, -sunt, -sive Latin
Abbreviation 14238 336 s solidi, -sunt, -sive Latin
Abbreviation 14245 336 s solidi, -sunt, -sive Latin
Abbreviation 14250 336 S sententia Latin
Abbreviation 10519 335 r[a]t[r] regulariter Latin
Abbreviation 10541 335 rt[o] retro Latin
Abbreviation 10561 335 Rta Registrata Latin
Abbreviation 10607 335 rt[o]g[e] retrogradae Latin
Abbreviation 10677 335 rt[a]h[t] retrahit Latin
Abbreviation 10715 335 rt[a]he retrahere Latin
Abbreviation 10785 335 rtho[ce] Rhetorice (Rhetoricae) Latin
Abbreviation 10819 335 Rti Recipienti Latin
Abbreviation 10906 335 Rti Rivoalti Ortsspezifisch: Venedig Latin
Abbreviation 10933 335 rti recti Latin
Abbreviation 10969 335 r[c]ti[ne] rectitudine Latin
Abbreviation 10990 335 r[a]tia regulativa Latin
Abbreviation 11012 335 rtie[r] retinetur Latin
Abbreviation 11047 335 rtro[t] retroscriptis Latin
Abbreviation 11071 335 rtus retroscriptus Latin
Abbreviation 11114 335 RU re uxoria Latin
Abbreviation 11137 335 RV Reverentia Vestra Latin
Abbreviation 11157 335 ru rubram Latin
Abbreviation 11193 335 Ru[ca] Rubrica Latin
Abbreviation 11241 335 ru[o] rubro Latin
Abbreviation 11253 335 rva revera Latin
Abbreviation 11296 335 rvbat[r] reverberantur Latin
Abbreviation 11326 335 ruen[a] reverentiam Latin
Abbreviation 11355 335 ruen[e] reverentiae Latin
Abbreviation 11403 335 ruent reverenter Latin
Abbreviation 11442 335 ruo[a]re revocare Latin
Abbreviation 11491 335 ruo[a]t revocat Latin
Abbreviation 11519 335 ruta[r] revertatur Latin
Abbreviation 11530 335 ruti reverti Latin