Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 7881 243 nut[i]tia nutrivia Latin
Abbreviation 7896 243 nut[i]u[r] nutriuntur Latin
Abbreviation 7916 243 nu[a]tus numeratus Latin
Abbreviation 7504 242 n[a]s naturas Latin
Abbreviation 7513 242 NS nos Latin
Abbreviation 7524 242 n[r]s numerus Latin
Abbreviation 7539 242 NSE non sic est Latin
Abbreviation 7621 242 NSGC Nostro Signore Gesù Christo Italian
Abbreviation 7632 242 nstrm nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 7716 242 NT Nouvo Testamento Italian
Abbreviation 7746 242 n[i]t[i] nisi tibi Latin
Abbreviation 7760 242 n[c]t nectar Latin
Abbreviation 7774 242 Ntate Nativitate Latin
Abbreviation 7793 242 n[a]te nullatenus Latin
Abbreviation 7821 242 nti numerati Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 7830 242 ntia nuntia (nuncia) Latin
Abbreviation 7843 242 ntm nominativum Latin
Abbreviation 7864 242 Nts Notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7884 242 ntus nominativus Latin
Abbreviation 7927 242 nu nostro viro Latin
Abbreviation 7953 242 nu numero Latin
Abbreviation 7969 242 NV non vacat, - non valet Latin
Abbreviation 7981 242 NV Nobilità Vostra Italian
Abbreviation 8005 242 n[l]u nihilum Latin
Abbreviation 8029 242 n[l]u nihilum Latin
Abbreviation 8041 242 nu[o] numero Latin
Abbreviation 8056 242 nu[r] numerus Latin
Abbreviation 8084 242 nu[r] numerum Latin
Abbreviation 8096 242 nu[t] nuncietis Latin
Abbreviation 8107 242 nua nuncia Latin
Abbreviation 8148 242 nu[r]a[b] numerabilibus Latin
Abbreviation 8162 242 nu[r]a[o] numeratio Latin
Abbreviation 8182 242 nu[r]a[r] numeraliter Latin
Abbreviation 8308 242 nu[r]a numeare Latin
Abbreviation 8336 242 nuac numeracionis Latin
Abbreviation 8351 242 nuando numerando Latin
Abbreviation 7549 241 nq[i] numquid Latin
Abbreviation 7638 241 nq[a] nunquam Latin
Abbreviation 7707 241 nq[a] nusquam Latin
Abbreviation 7731 241 nqua nunquam Latin
Abbreviation 7751 241 nr noster Latin
Abbreviation 7759 241 nr noster Latin
Abbreviation 7818 241 nr nostri Latin
Abbreviation 7862 241 Nr Nostris, Nostrorum Latin
Abbreviation 7883 241 nr nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 7951 241 nr[a] nostra Latin
Abbreviation 7963 241 nr[a] nostra Latin
Abbreviation 7975 241 n[a]r naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 7985 241 n[a]r naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8048 241 n[a]r naturarum Latin
Abbreviation 8058 241 nr[m] nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 8065 241 nra nostra Latin
Abbreviation 8081 241 nram nostram Latin
Abbreviation 8115 241 nre nostra Schrift: Capuana Latin
Abbreviation 8150 241 nre nostrae Latin
Abbreviation 8159 241 nri nostri Latin
Abbreviation 8211 241 nri nostri Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 8234 241 nri nostri Schrift: Merowingisch Latin
Abbreviation 8264 241 nri nostri Latin
Abbreviation 8405 241 nris nostris Latin
Abbreviation 8431 241 nris nostris Latin
Abbreviation 8446 241 nrm nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 8459 241 nro nostro Latin
Abbreviation 8463 241 NRS nostris Latin
Abbreviation 8465 241 nrum nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 8480 241 ns nuovo stile Italian
Abbreviation 8489 241 NS[r] Nostro Signor Italian
Abbreviation 8506 241 nro nostro Latin
Abbreviation 8516 241 nrorq nostro-rumque Latin
Abbreviation 8567 241 NS nisi Latin
Abbreviation 8600 241 nris nostris Latin
Abbreviation 8608 241 nriq nostrique Latin
Abbreviation 7515 240 NOS noster Latin
Abbreviation 7545 240 Noss Notarius subscripsi Latin
Abbreviation 7575 240 not notarius, notis Latin
Abbreviation 7587 240 not notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7608 240 not notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7620 240 not notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7639 240 not notandum, -notitia Latin
Abbreviation 7664 240 no[i]t noviter Latin
Abbreviation 7687 240 not notarium Latin
Abbreviation 7717 240 not notionis Latin
Abbreviation 7738 240 no[a]t notat Latin
Abbreviation 7767 240 no[a]t notatis Latin
Abbreviation 7803 240 Nota Notatur -Notitia juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 7820 240 Notas Notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7842 240 not[a]i notarii Ortsspezifisch: Biel Latin
Abbreviation 7869 240 noti[a] notitia Latin
Abbreviation 7885 240 notio notario Latin
Abbreviation 7902 240 noto notario Ortsspezifisch: Biel Latin
Abbreviation 7932 240 Noto Notario in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 7949 240 nots notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7964 240 not[a]s notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7983 240 NOV novembris Latin
Abbreviation 8014 240 Nov Novella juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8037 240 novit noveritis Latin
Abbreviation 8045 240 now novorum Latin
Abbreviation 8069 240 NP non patet, -non potest, - nobili puero Latin
Abbreviation 8119 240 npc notificata parte contraria Latin
Abbreviation 8131 240 npc Notare pubbl. collegiato Italian