Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5321 158 HD hac die Latin
Abbreviation 5322 158 hd his diebus Latin
Abbreviation 5323 158 hd hereditas divisa Latin
Abbreviation 5324 158 hd heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5325 158 hd heredem Latin
Abbreviation 5326 158 hd hic deest Latin
Abbreviation 5327 158 hd hac die Latin
Abbreviation 5328 158 hd hac die Latin
Abbreviation 5329 158 hd huiusmodi kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5330 158 HDD hodierna die Latin
Abbreviation 5331 158 hdb heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5332 158 hdb heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5362 159 hds heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5363 159 he habere Latin
Abbreviation 5364 159 he habe Latin
Abbreviation 5365 159 he hoc est Latin
Abbreviation 5366 159 he habemus Latin
Abbreviation 5367 159 he[c] haereticum Latin
Abbreviation 5368 159 he[r] habetur Latin
Abbreviation 5369 159 he[r] heremitarum (eremitarum) Latin
Abbreviation 5370 159 hea hetera (aethera) Latin
Abbreviation 5371 159 heam habeam Latin
Abbreviation 5372 159 heat habeant Latin
Abbreviation 5373 159 heb[t] habebit Latin
Abbreviation 5374 159 hebat habebat Latin
Abbreviation 5393 159 hebit habebit Latin
Abbreviation 5395 159 hebr habebitur Latin
Abbreviation 5396 159 heb[a]t habebat Latin
Abbreviation 5397 159 hed heredum Latin
Abbreviation 5398 159 hedi[t] hereditatis Latin
Abbreviation 6032 159 hed[e]s heredes Latin
Abbreviation 6033 159 heed heedem (eaedem) Latin
Abbreviation 6034 159 hem habemus Latin
Abbreviation 6035 159 hemi[r] heremitarum (eremitarum) Latin
Abbreviation 6036 159 hemit heremitis (eremitis) Latin
Abbreviation 6037 159 hemo heremo Latin
Abbreviation 6038 159 HenBo Henricus Boick juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6039 159 hendm habendum Latin
Abbreviation 6040 159 heo habeo Latin
Abbreviation 6041 159 Her Heramanus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6042 159 Her[c] Heracliae Ortsspezifisch: Sizilien Latin
Abbreviation 6043 159 her heredes Latin
Abbreviation 6044 159 her habere Latin
Abbreviation 6045 159 here habere Latin
Abbreviation 6046 159 heri haberi Latin
Abbreviation 5420 160 herius haereditarius Latin
Abbreviation 5422 160 hert haberet Latin
Abbreviation 5423 160 hertas haereditas Latin
Abbreviation 5430 160 hes habemus Latin
Abbreviation 5431 160 hes habens Latin
Abbreviation 5432 160 hes haeresis Latin
Abbreviation 5434 160 hes habes Latin
Abbreviation 5435 160 het habet Latin
Abbreviation 5436 160 het habetis Latin
Abbreviation 5437 160 het[r] habetur Latin
Abbreviation 5438 160 hf honesta foemina, - honorabilis foemina, - hic fundavit Latin
Abbreviation 5439 160 hh heredes Latin
Abbreviation 5440 160 h[o]h homo honestus Latin
Abbreviation 5441 160 hhbus heredibus Latin
Abbreviation 5442 160 hhff honestis foeminis Latin
Abbreviation 5443 160 hi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5444 160 hi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5445 160 hi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5446 160 hi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5447 160 hi[di] huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5448 160 hi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5450 160 hhque heredesque Latin
Abbreviation 5451 160 hi hereditario iure, - heres institutus Latin
Abbreviation 5452 160 hi huius Latin
Abbreviation 5453 160 hi huius Latin
Abbreviation 5454 160 hi[do] habitando, - habitudo Latin
Abbreviation 5455 160 hi[le] habile Latin
Abbreviation 5456 160 hi[ne] habitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 5457 160 hi[o] huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 5458 160 hi[or] habilior Latin
Abbreviation 5459 160 hi[t] habitationis, - habitis Latin
Abbreviation 5460 160 hiate Habiate (Abbiategrasso) Italian
Abbreviation 5461 160 hic hinc Latin
Abbreviation 5462 160 hidia[l] habitudinalis Latin
Abbreviation 5463 160 hies homines Latin
Abbreviation 5449 161 hil habilis Latin
Abbreviation 6451 161 hili humili Latin
Abbreviation 8485 161 hilit[do] habilitando Latin
Abbreviation 8491 161 himoi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 8496 161 hinu himnum Latin
Abbreviation 8505 161 hioi huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 8509 161 hip Hippolitus Latin
Abbreviation 8513 161 hipp[as] hippotecarias Latin
Abbreviation 8517 161 hirl Hierusalem Latin
Abbreviation 8521 161 hirlm Hierusalem Latin
Abbreviation 8526 161 hit habitator, - habitis Latin
Abbreviation 9294 161 hit habitationis Latin
Abbreviation 9368 161 hit habitat Latin
Abbreviation 9396 161 hit habitura, -habitator Latin
Abbreviation 9422 161 hit habitum Latin
Abbreviation 9621 161 hit[is] habitualis Latin
Abbreviation 9949 161 hit[ne] habitudine Latin
Abbreviation 9998 161 hita habita Latin
Abbreviation 10029 161 hita habita Latin
Abbreviation 10078 161 hita[o] habitatio Latin