Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 10563 177 illimis illegitimis Latin
Abbreviation 10628 177 illigamus intelligamus Latin
Abbreviation 10680 177 illis illius Latin
Abbreviation 10711 177 illita[m] illimitatum Latin
Abbreviation 10750 177 illo[o] illo modo Latin
Abbreviation 10822 177 Ill[mi]pn Illustrissimi principis nostri Latin
Abbreviation 10860 177 ILP in loco publico Latin
Abbreviation 10880 177 illrati illiterati Latin
Abbreviation 10911 177 il[o]r in loco religioso Latin
Abbreviation 10945 177 il[o]s in loco sacro Latin
Abbreviation 10999 177 ilst inlustris sublimitas tua Latin
Abbreviation 14383 178 impa[li] Imperiali Latin
Abbreviation 6625 178 illu[es] illuminationes Latin
Abbreviation 6626 178 illuia illumina Latin
Abbreviation 6627 178 IM interim Latin
Abbreviation 6628 178 Im Imperator im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 6629 178 im item Latin
Abbreviation 6630 178 im in mense Ortsspezifisch: Rom Latin
Abbreviation 6631 178 Imbor Imborchato (Brocato) Italian
Abbreviation 6632 178 Imbr Imborchato (Brocato) Italian
Abbreviation 6633 178 Imbri Imbreviavi Latin
Abbreviation 6634 178 imdo immundo Latin
Abbreviation 6635 178 ime[t] immediatum Latin
Abbreviation 6636 178 ime[te] immediate Latin
Abbreviation 6637 178 imge immerge Latin
Abbreviation 6638 178 im[a]l immaterialis Latin
Abbreviation 6639 178 im[a]le immateriale Latin
Abbreviation 6640 178 Imo Imola [Ioanes] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6641 178 i9mo[te] incommoditatem Latin
Abbreviation 6642 178 imori immemoriali Latin
Abbreviation 6643 178 Imp Imperante Latin
Abbreviation 6644 178 Imp Imperator Latin
Abbreviation 6645 178 imp[le] impossibile Latin
Abbreviation 6646 178 imp[li] Imperiali Latin
Abbreviation 6647 178 impcetdss Imperatore, consule et die suprascriptis Latin
Abbreviation 6648 178 impp imperpetuum (in perpetuum) Ortsspezifisch: Amalfi Latin
Abbreviation 6649 178 imppm imperpetuum (in perpetuum) Latin
Abbreviation 6650 178 Impr Imperiali Italian
Abbreviation 6651 178 impr imperialium Latin
Abbreviation 6652 178 impr Imperator Latin
Abbreviation 6653 178 impr Imperator Latin
Abbreviation 6654 178 impr Imperatoris Latin
Abbreviation 6655 178 impre Imperatore Latin
Abbreviation 6656 179 imp[a]ris imperatoris Latin
Abbreviation 6657 179 ims in mense Latin
Abbreviation 6658 179 imsi[te] immensitate Latin
Abbreviation 6659 179 imss in millesimo suprascripto Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 9418 179 imsu immensum Latin
Abbreviation 9426 179 imu[al] immutabilis Latin
Abbreviation 9474 179 impris imperialis Latin
Abbreviation 9515 179 impris imperatoris Latin
Abbreviation 9535 179 imu[ao] immutatio Latin
Abbreviation 9569 179 imyco imytacio (imitatio) Latin
Abbreviation 9581 179 in inde Latin
Abbreviation 9594 179 in inest Latin
Abbreviation 9623 179 in[a] in essentia Latin
Abbreviation 9684 179 I[o]n[o] primo nocturno Latin
Abbreviation 9708 179 in9[ti] incontinenti Latin
Abbreviation 9729 179 in9[xe] incomplexe Latin
Abbreviation 10244 179 INC Incipit Latin
Abbreviation 10257 179 inc incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 10272 179 inc[a] in cinquantina Ortsspezifisch: Modena Italian
Abbreviation 10286 179 inc[rs] incurrisset Latin
Abbreviation 10295 179 inci[ns] incipiens Latin
Abbreviation 10303 179 incle inclusive Latin
Abbreviation 10318 179 incmto incremento Latin
Abbreviation 10334 179 inc[a]no incarnatio Latin
Abbreviation 10357 179 incor[le] incorruptibile Latin
Abbreviation 10377 179 INCP Incipit Latin
Abbreviation 10392 179 incpnt incipiunt Latin
Abbreviation 10412 179 inc[r]re incurrere Latin
Abbreviation 10424 179 incta infrascritta Italian
Abbreviation 10440 179 intci infradicti Latin
Abbreviation 10452 179 intci infrascripti Latin
Abbreviation 10495 179 ind indictione Latin
Abbreviation 10505 179 ind indictione Latin
Abbreviation 10514 179 ind[a] indulgentiae Latin
Abbreviation 10273 180 Ind[r] Indulgentiarum Latin
Abbreviation 10331 180 indc indictione Latin
Abbreviation 10384 180 indic indictione Latin
Abbreviation 10484 180 indie indictione Latin
Abbreviation 10564 180 indi[is] individuis Latin
Abbreviation 10627 180 indi[li] individuali Latin
Abbreviation 10705 180 indi[o] individuo Latin
Abbreviation 10774 180 indie indictione Latin
Abbreviation 10858 180 ind[a]m indifferentiam Latin
Abbreviation 10939 180 indn indictione Latin
Abbreviation 11045 180 Indnfa In Dei nomine feliciter amen Latin
Abbreviation 11101 180 indra indifferentia Latin
Abbreviation 11163 180 indrn[r] indifferenter Latin
Abbreviation 11238 180 ine[a]l inaequalis Latin
Abbreviation 11277 180 Inf Infra Latin
Abbreviation 11318 180 inf[ta] infrascripta Latin
Abbreviation 11349 180 inf[us] infrascriptus Latin
Abbreviation 11398 180 infea[r] inferatur Latin
Abbreviation 11420 180 infi[m] infinitum Latin
Abbreviation 11457 180 inflo inflammatio Latin
Abbreviation 11493 180 info infero Latin
Abbreviation 11566 180 Infra Infrascripta Latin
Abbreviation 11611 180 infra[ta] infrascripta Latin