Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 8268 202 lg -legem Latin
Abbreviation 8280 202 Li Libro juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8287 202 li[a] linea Latin
Abbreviation 8300 202 li[e] libere Latin
Abbreviation 8306 202 li[i] liberi Latin
Abbreviation 8315 202 li[o] libro Latin
Abbreviation 8321 202 li[t] licitum Latin
Abbreviation 8327 202 li[t] licitus Latin
Abbreviation 8335 202 li[te] libertatem Latin
Abbreviation 8339 202 lia licentia Latin
Abbreviation 8347 202 LIA Quinquagesima prima Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 8356 202 lib [Ad] libitum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8371 202 lib liber Latin
Abbreviation 8383 202 lib[te] libertate Latin
Abbreviation 8443 202 liba libera Latin
Abbreviation 8502 202 liba[o] liberatio Latin
Abbreviation 8520 202 liblli libelli Latin
Abbreviation 8524 202 liblls libellus Latin
Abbreviation 8532 202 liblr liberaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8540 202 libm liberum Latin
Abbreviation 8546 202 libnr libenter Latin
Abbreviation 8565 202 libob [De] libelli oblatione Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 3 Latin
Abbreviation 8576 202 libor liberorum Latin
Abbreviation 6702 203 libs libras Latin
Abbreviation 6706 203 libta libertà Italian
Abbreviation 6714 203 lic licet Latin
Abbreviation 6720 203 lic licentia Latin
Abbreviation 6741 203 licen licentiato Latin
Abbreviation 6753 203 lici[m] licitum Latin
Abbreviation 6762 203 licia licentia Latin
Abbreviation 6770 203 lien[a] licentia Latin
Abbreviation 6785 203 lie legitime Latin
Abbreviation 6793 203 lig[a] lingua Latin
Abbreviation 6802 203 lima legitima Latin
Abbreviation 6808 203 lime legitime Latin
Abbreviation 6815 203 limus legitimus Latin
Abbreviation 6827 203 lipen lite pendente juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8386 203 liqat liqueat Latin
Abbreviation 8530 203 list[a] lista Latin
Abbreviation 8551 203 lit litis kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8615 203 lit litteris, -litis Latin
Abbreviation 8633 203 lit licitum Latin
Abbreviation 8668 203 lit litigiosum juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8681 203 lita limita Latin
Abbreviation 8741 203 lita litera (lettera) Italian
Abbreviation 8764 203 litam litteram Latin
Abbreviation 8809 203 lit9t litis contestatio Latin
Abbreviation 8929 203 LitHum Litterae Humaniores Latin
Abbreviation 8959 203 litig litigiosus Latin
Abbreviation 8980 203 litt littera Latin
Abbreviation 9033 203 litti legittimi (legitimi) Latin
Abbreviation 9076 203 litime legitti (legitime) Latin
Abbreviation 9104 203 littpat litterae patentes Latin
Abbreviation 9127 203 liu liviensis Latin
Abbreviation 9155 203 LJul. Lex Julia Latin
Abbreviation 6771 204 ll laudabiles loci Latin
Abbreviation 6811 204 LL Libri Latin
Abbreviation 6837 204 ll loco laudato Latin
Abbreviation 8263 204 ll leges, - legum, - legibus Latin
Abbreviation 8272 204 ll leges, - legum, - legibus Latin
Abbreviation 8283 204 ll libre (Lire) Italian
Abbreviation 8297 204 LLAAPP Loro Altezze Prepotenti Italian
Abbreviation 8310 204 LLB Legum Baccalaureus Latin
Abbreviation 8316 204 LLD Legum doctor Latin
Abbreviation 8324 204 LLM Legum Magister Latin
Abbreviation 8332 204 LLM Loro Maestà Italian
Abbreviation 8338 204 llq legumque Latin
Abbreviation 8343 204 llr libre (lire) Italian
Abbreviation 8354 204 lm lumen Latin
Abbreviation 8360 204 LMD locus mortuis deditus Latin
Abbreviation 8363 204 lmis legitimis Latin
Abbreviation 8369 204 lmo legitimo Latin
Abbreviation 8373 204 LMP locus male possessus Latin
Abbreviation 8390 204 L[e]N[e] Lire nuore Italian
Abbreviation 8399 204 lni licentia Latin
Abbreviation 8406 204 lnia licentiam Latin
Abbreviation 8410 204 lnia licentia (licenza) Italian
Abbreviation 8420 204 lns locumtenens Latin
Abbreviation 8427 204 lnt libenter Latin
Abbreviation 8434 204 lnte locumtenente Latin
Abbreviation 8442 204 lo loco Latin
Abbreviation 8448 204 lo libro Latin
Abbreviation 8455 204 lo locutio Latin
Abbreviation 8462 204 lo[a] loca Latin
Abbreviation 8470 204 lo[do] longitudo, loquendo Latin
Abbreviation 8478 204 lo[e] longae Latin
Abbreviation 8483 204 lo[i] loci Latin
Abbreviation 8488 204 lo[l] logicalis Latin
Abbreviation 8497 204 lo[m] locum Latin
Abbreviation 8507 204 lo[ne] longitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 6780 205 lo[o] loco Latin
Abbreviation 6839 205 lo[r] loquitur Latin
Abbreviation 8298 205 lo[s] locus Latin
Abbreviation 8407 205 lo[ar] localiter Latin
Abbreviation 8767 205 lo[at] localiter Latin
Abbreviation 8793 205 lo[ur] loquitur Latin
Abbreviation 8805 205 loc locatione Latin
Abbreviation 8841 205 lo[nes] locumtenens Latin
Abbreviation 8850 205 loc locutio Latin
Abbreviation 8873 205 loca[r] localiter Latin