Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 8066 249 Ol Oldradus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8083 249 Old Oldradus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8094 249 oli olim Latin
Abbreviation 8106 249 olm oleum Latin
Abbreviation 8126 249 ollo Ollevano (Olevano) Latin
Abbreviation 8139 249 olpd Olympiadi Latin
Abbreviation 8153 249 OM omnem Latin
Abbreviation 8175 249 OM Ordine [dei] Mendicanti Italian
Abbreviation 8194 249 om omnem Latin
Abbreviation 8208 249 om[a] omilia (homilia) Latin
Abbreviation 8225 249 om[a] omnia Latin
Abbreviation 8250 249 om[a] omilia (homilia) Latin
Abbreviation 8259 249 om[a] omnia Latin
Abbreviation 8275 249 OMA omnia Latin
Abbreviation 7742 250 oma omnia Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 8469 250 omaq omniaque Latin
Abbreviation 8570 250 OMB omnibus Latin
Abbreviation 8586 250 omens omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 8610 250 ometgenlr omnino et generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8630 250 omib omnibus Latin
Abbreviation 8643 250 omio omnino Latin
Abbreviation 8696 250 omip? omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 8758 250 omipi omnipotenti Latin
Abbreviation 8794 250 omips omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 8822 250 omis omnis Latin
Abbreviation 8836 250 omis[nis] omissionis Latin
Abbreviation 8852 250 OMN omnino, -omnia Latin
Abbreviation 8906 250 omo omnino Latin
Abbreviation 8964 250 omp omnipotens Schrift: Angelsächsisch Latin
Abbreviation 8994 250 omp[s] omnipotens Schrift: irisch-sächsisch Latin
Abbreviation 9027 250 omp? òmnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 9045 250 ompi omnipotenti Latin
Abbreviation 9064 250 ompis omnipotentis Latin
Abbreviation 9079 250 Omps Omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 9103 250 Ompt Omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 9156 250 omptm omnipotentem Latin
Abbreviation 9180 250 OMQ optimo maximoque Latin
Abbreviation 9196 250 oms omnes Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 9209 250 OMS omnis Latin
Abbreviation 9236 250 omsq omnesque Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 9250 250 on[r] ostenditur Latin
Abbreviation 9263 250 on[d] ostendendum Latin
Abbreviation 9282 250 on[t] ostendit Latin
Abbreviation 9300 250 ONA Omnia Latin
Abbreviation 9315 250 ond ostendere Latin
Abbreviation 9328 250 ond ostendet Latin
Abbreviation 7790 251 ond[r] ostenditur Latin
Abbreviation 7863 251 ond[t] ostendit Latin
Abbreviation 7889 251 ondam ostendam Latin
Abbreviation 7959 251 ondat ostendant Latin
Abbreviation 7998 251 ondd[m] ostendendum Latin
Abbreviation 8032 251 onde ostendere Latin
Abbreviation 8051 251 onde ostendemus Latin
Abbreviation 8067 251 ondit ostendit Latin
Abbreviation 8146 251 ondr ostenditur Latin
Abbreviation 8185 251 oni omni Latin
Abbreviation 8317 251 onio omnino Latin
Abbreviation 8346 251 o[o] orationis Latin
Abbreviation 8380 251 ons ostendens Latin
Abbreviation 8395 251 ons ostensus Latin
Abbreviation 8769 251 onsi[m] ostensivum Latin
Abbreviation 8792 251 onsu ostensum Latin
Abbreviation 8895 251 ont ostendentis Latin
Abbreviation 8940 251 ont[r] ostenditur Latin
Abbreviation 8984 251 OO Omnes Latin
Abbreviation 9059 251 oo omnino Latin
Abbreviation 9120 251 OP Alumen plumosum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9182 251 OP Ordinis Praedicatorum, - Ordinis Passionis Latin
Abbreviation 9562 251 op opinio ... onis, etc. juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14367 251 op -optime Latin
Abbreviation 14454 251 op oportet Latin
Abbreviation 9757 251 op oportet Latin
Abbreviation 9805 251 OP Alumen plumosum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 10352 251 op opinio Latin
Abbreviation 10429 251 op operis Latin
Abbreviation 10476 251 op opus Latin
Abbreviation 10595 251 op [d] operandum Latin
Abbreviation 10672 251 op[e] optime Latin
Abbreviation 10712 251 op[m] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 10792 251 op[o] opositionis Latin
Abbreviation 10852 251 op[o] opinio, - opposito Latin
Abbreviation 13030 252 opp[m] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13034 252 opp[nus] opportunus Latin
Abbreviation 13040 252 opp[t] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13055 252 opp[tn] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13065 252 opp[tn] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13075 252 oppe oppositione, - opponere Latin
Abbreviation 13084 252 oppis opprtunis Latin
Abbreviation 13097 252 opp[i]mti opprimenti Latin
Abbreviation 13108 252 oppna opportuna Latin
Abbreviation 13116 252 oppo oppositio Latin
Abbreviation 13128 252 oppo[a] opposita Latin
Abbreviation 14436 252 opio opinionem Latin
Abbreviation 14437 252 opo operatio Latin
Abbreviation 7809 252 op[t] oportet Latin
Abbreviation 7853 252 op[ta] opposita Latin
Abbreviation 7907 252 op[too] opposito modo Latin
Abbreviation 7931 252 opa[b] operationibus Latin
Abbreviation 7950 252 opa[o] operatio Latin
Abbreviation 7970 252 opatoe operatione (operazione) Italian