Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 9415 267 p[i]die pridie Latin
Abbreviation 9430 267 pdiltm praedilectum Latin
Abbreviation 9460 267 PDO Prete dell' Oratorio Italian
Abbreviation 9503 267 pdor praedictorum Latin
Abbreviation 9524 267 pdos praedictos Latin
Abbreviation 9564 267 pdr perditur Latin
Abbreviation 9591 267 p[u]dr prudenter Latin
Abbreviation 9616 267 pdr praedictur Latin
Abbreviation 9644 267 pdt produnt Latin
Abbreviation 9705 267 pd[c]ta producta Latin
Abbreviation 9748 267 pdv praelibata (od. praefata) dominatio vestra Latin
Abbreviation 14365 267 pe Petrus, -poenitentia, -penultimo juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9780 267 pdu[d] producendum Latin
Abbreviation 9806 267 pdu[r] producuntur Latin
Abbreviation 9846 267 pdut praetendunt Latin
Abbreviation 9921 267 Pe Petrus, -poenitentia, -penultimo juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8441 268 pe pare Italian
Abbreviation 8453 268 PE Praefatae Excellentiae Latin
Abbreviation 8474 268 pe[a] poena Latin
Abbreviation 8487 268 pe[a] poena Latin
Abbreviation 8510 268 pe poenae Latin
Abbreviation 8536 268 pe praeest Latin
Abbreviation 8545 268 pe[a] poenam Latin
Abbreviation 8555 268 pe[li] pestilentiali Latin
Abbreviation 8566 268 p[r]e pure Latin
Abbreviation 8572 268 pe[ra] pestifera Latin
Abbreviation 8582 268 pea poena Latin
Abbreviation 8595 268 pea postea Latin
Abbreviation 8613 268 peb[t] patebit Latin
Abbreviation 8623 268 pec pecia, - peciae, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 8644 268 pec pecuniam Latin
Abbreviation 8665 268 pecce peccuniae (pecuniae) Latin
Abbreviation 8676 268 pecci peccati Italian
Abbreviation 8692 268 pecia pecunia Latin
Abbreviation 8704 268 pecre pectore Latin
Abbreviation 8730 268 pect peciam terrae Latin
Abbreviation 8743 268 pedpal Petrus de Palude kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8760 268 pee praeesse Latin
Abbreviation 8766 268 peet praeesset Latin
Abbreviation 8804 268 pe& praeesset Latin
Abbreviation 8825 268 peg[i] peregrinus Latin
Abbreviation 8838 268 pei posteriori Latin
Abbreviation 8848 268 peia poenitentia Latin
Abbreviation 8865 268 peit poenitet Latin
Abbreviation 8901 268 pe[a]li[r] poenaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8926 268 pe[a]lr poenaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8965 268 pemi[a] praeeminentiam Latin
Abbreviation 8989 268 pempt peremptorie (peremtorie) Latin
Abbreviation 9003 268 pen pensione Latin
Abbreviation 9021 268 pen pecunia, - penes Latin
Abbreviation 8663 269 penia poenitentia Latin
Abbreviation 8757 269 pens pensiones Latin
Abbreviation 8770 269 pens pensionis Latin
Abbreviation 8791 269 pent parentum Latin
Abbreviation 8837 269 penth Penthecoste Latin
Abbreviation 8851 269 per parere Italian
Abbreviation 8861 269 penth Pentecoste Latin
Abbreviation 8917 269 p[a]erat praeerat Latin
Abbreviation 8942 269 perpu perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 8982 269 perpuis perpetuis in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 9019 269 perpuo perpetuo in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 9043 269 perslr personaliter Latin
Abbreviation 9058 269 pertiis pertinentiis Latin
Abbreviation 9108 269 peetre [de] poenitentiis et remissionibus Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 38 Latin
Abbreviation 9123 269 pes penes Latin
Abbreviation 9141 269 pe[a]s poenas Latin
Abbreviation 9160 269 pes pensionem Latin
Abbreviation 9183 269 peso pensero Italian
Abbreviation 9197 269 peso pensiero Italian
Abbreviation 9218 269 Pet Petita Latin
Abbreviation 9228 269 Pet Petitur Latin
Abbreviation 9266 269 pet [ad] petitionem Latin
Abbreviation 9284 269 pet parentis Latin
Abbreviation 9298 269 Pet[nis] Petitionis Latin
Abbreviation 9323 269 p[i]etas proprietas Latin
Abbreviation 9341 269 PetdeBel Petrus de Bella pertica juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9361 269 PetdeSam Petrus de Samprana juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9385 269 pet[a]nt penetrant Latin
Abbreviation 9392 269 peto peccato Latin
Abbreviation 9412 269 petoem petitionem Latin
Abbreviation 9431 269 pett petia terrae Latin
Abbreviation 9440 269 pett petunt Latin
Abbreviation 9461 269 pex pro expensis Latin
Abbreviation 9481 269 pex pexano Italian
Abbreviation 9491 269 pex pesano Italian
Abbreviation 9511 269 pexns praeexistens Latin
Abbreviation 9534 269 PF potest fieri Latin
Abbreviation 9549 269 PF pater familias Latin
Abbreviation 9561 269 PF praefectus Latin
Abbreviation 8881 270 PF Praefatio Latin
Abbreviation 8939 270 pf prefato Italian
Abbreviation 8990 270 pf proximi futuri Latin
Abbreviation 9086 270 pf[ema] perfectissima Latin
Abbreviation 9133 270 pfa[r] proferatur Latin
Abbreviation 9212 270 PFAT Praefatio Latin
Abbreviation 9304 270 pfat praefato, praefatis Latin
Abbreviation 9327 270 pfc[m] perfectum Latin
Abbreviation 9362 270 pfca perfecta (perfetta) Italian
Abbreviation 9413 270 pfcis [e] perfectissime Latin
Abbreviation 9458 270 pfcm profectum Latin