Cappelli Online
The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.
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Found: 14685
Page | Sign | Transcription | Category | Language | Position | ||||||||||
267 | p[i]die | pridie | Latin |
267 | pdiltm | praedilectum | Latin |
267 | PDO | Prete dell' Oratorio | Italian |
267 | pdor | praedictorum | Latin |
267 | pdos | praedictos | Latin |
267 | pdr | perditur | Latin |
267 | p[u]dr | prudenter | Latin |
267 | pdr | praedictur | Latin |
267 | pdt | produnt | Latin |
267 | pd[c]ta | producta | Latin |
267 | pdv | praelibata (od. praefata) dominatio vestra | Latin |
267 | pe | Petrus, -poenitentia, -penultimo | juristische Abkürzung | Latin |
267 | pdu[d] | producendum | Latin |
267 | pdu[r] | producuntur | Latin |
267 | pdut | praetendunt | Latin |
267 | Pe | Petrus, -poenitentia, -penultimo | juristische Abkürzung | Latin |
268 | pe | pare | Italian |
268 | PE | Praefatae Excellentiae | Latin |
268 | pe[a] | poena | Latin |
268 | pe[a] | poena | Latin |
268 | pe | poenae | Latin |
268 | pe | praeest | Latin |
268 | pe[a] | poenam | Latin |
268 | pe[li] | pestilentiali | Latin |
268 | p[r]e | pure | Latin |
268 | pe[ra] | pestifera | Latin |
268 | pea | poena | Latin |
268 | pea | postea | Latin |
268 | peb[t] | patebit | Latin |
268 | pec | pecia, - peciae, etc. | Latin |
268 | pec | pecuniam | Latin |
268 | pecce | peccuniae (pecuniae) | Latin |
268 | pecci | peccati | Italian |
268 | pecia | pecunia | Latin |
268 | pecre | pectore | Latin |
268 | pect | peciam terrae | Latin |
268 | pedpal | Petrus de Palude | kirchliche Abkürzung | Latin |
268 | pee | praeesse | Latin |
268 | peet | praeesset | Latin |
268 | pe& | praeesset | Latin |
268 | peg[i] | peregrinus | Latin |
268 | pei | posteriori | Latin |
268 | peia | poenitentia | Latin |
268 | peit | poenitet | Latin |
268 | pe[a]li[r] | poenaliter | Latin |
268 | pe[a]lr | poenaliter | Latin |
268 | pemi[a] | praeeminentiam | Latin |
268 | pempt | peremptorie (peremtorie) | Latin |
268 | pen | pensione | Latin |
268 | pen | pecunia, - penes | Latin |
269 | penia | poenitentia | Latin |
269 | pens | pensiones | Latin |
269 | pens | pensionis | Latin |
269 | pent | parentum | Latin |
269 | penth | Penthecoste | Latin |
269 | per | parere | Italian |
269 | penth | Pentecoste | Latin |
269 | p[a]erat | praeerat | Latin |
269 | perpu | perpetuum | Latin |
269 | perpuis | perpetuis | in päpstlichen Bullen | Latin |
269 | perpuo | perpetuo | in päpstlichen Bullen | Latin |
269 | perslr | personaliter | Latin |
269 | pertiis | pertinentiis | Latin |
269 | peetre | [de] poenitentiis et remissionibus | Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 38 | Latin |
269 | pes | penes | Latin |
269 | pe[a]s | poenas | Latin |
269 | pes | pensionem | Latin |
269 | peso | pensero | Italian |
269 | peso | pensiero | Italian |
269 | Pet | Petita | Latin |
269 | Pet | Petitur | Latin |
269 | pet | [ad] petitionem | Latin |
269 | pet | parentis | Latin |
269 | Pet[nis] | Petitionis | Latin |
269 | p[i]etas | proprietas | Latin |
269 | PetdeBel | Petrus de Bella pertica | juristische Abkürzung | Latin |
269 | PetdeSam | Petrus de Samprana | juristische Abkürzung | Latin |
269 | pet[a]nt | penetrant | Latin |
269 | peto | peccato | Latin |
269 | petoem | petitionem | Latin |
269 | pett | petia terrae | Latin |
269 | pett | petunt | Latin |
269 | pex | pro expensis | Latin |
269 | pex | pexano | Italian |
269 | pex | pesano | Italian |
269 | pexns | praeexistens | Latin |
269 | PF | potest fieri | Latin |
269 | PF | pater familias | Latin |
269 | PF | praefectus | Latin |
270 | PF | Praefatio | Latin |
270 | pf | prefato | Italian |
270 | pf | proximi futuri | Latin |
270 | pf[ema] | perfectissima | Latin |
270 | pfa[r] | proferatur | Latin |
270 | PFAT | Praefatio | Latin |
270 | pfat | praefato, praefatis | Latin |
270 | pfc[m] | perfectum | Latin |
270 | pfca | perfecta (perfetta) | Italian |
270 | pfcis [e] | perfectissime | Latin |
270 | pfcm | profectum | Latin |