Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 9101 282 po[a]ret[r] portaretur Latin
Abbreviation 9351 282 porhor porta horientalis (orientalis) Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 9366 282 pori priori Latin
Abbreviation 9420 282 porv porta Vercellina Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 9500 282 pos positum Latin
Abbreviation 9568 282 po[a]s potentias Latin
Abbreviation 9660 282 pos[l] possibilis Latin
Abbreviation 9688 282 pos[o] possessionem Latin
Abbreviation 9773 282 posb [post] pedum oscula beatorum Latin
Abbreviation 9893 282 poss possidendum, - possessionem Latin
Abbreviation 9994 282 poss possessorem, - possit, - possunt Latin
Abbreviation 10031 282 poss posset Latin
Abbreviation 10114 282 poss[o] possessorio Latin
Abbreviation 10319 282 poss[oe] possessione Latin
Abbreviation 10363 282 possa possessa Latin
Abbreviation 10481 282 possi[a] possibilia Latin
Abbreviation 10518 282 possi[d] possidendum Latin
Abbreviation 10573 282 possio possessio Latin
Abbreviation 10608 282 posso possessio Latin
Abbreviation 10707 282 possois possessionis Latin
Abbreviation 10744 282 post possunt Latin
Abbreviation 10798 282 postr postridie Latin
Abbreviation 10848 282 pot pontificatus Latin
Abbreviation 10885 282 pot potest Schrift: irisch Latin
Abbreviation 10912 282 pot potest Latin
Abbreviation 10960 282 pot potestas, - potuit Latin
Abbreviation 11020 282 po[i]t positus Latin
Abbreviation 11122 282 pot[s] potentes Latin
Abbreviation 11170 282 pota potestà Italian
Abbreviation 11219 282 potas potestas Latin
Abbreviation 11308 282 potarie potestarie Latin
Abbreviation 9767 283 pp praesens praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 9791 283 pp praepositus Latin
Abbreviation 9820 283 pp praepositus Latin
Abbreviation 9845 283 pp[i] proprius Latin
Abbreviation 9864 283 pp populus Latin
Abbreviation 9895 283 PP Perpetuus Latin
Abbreviation 9922 283 pp[a] propterea, - propria Latin
Abbreviation 9955 283 pp[a] propterea, - propria Latin
Abbreviation 9977 283 pp[a] propria Latin
Abbreviation 10008 283 pp[a] propria Latin
Abbreviation 10034 283 pp praeparare medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 10058 283 pp praeparare medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 10129 283 pp[a] propterea Latin
Abbreviation 10209 283 pp[a] propterea Latin
Abbreviation 10288 283 pp[ae] papae Latin
Abbreviation 10368 283 pp[e] papae Latin
Abbreviation 10386 283 pp[e] papae Latin
Abbreviation 8687 283 potis potestatis Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 8702 283 potit poterit Latin
Abbreviation 8734 283 potlo Pontremulo Latin
Abbreviation 8884 283 potte potestate Latin
Abbreviation 8905 283 pouis posueris Latin
Abbreviation 8971 283 PP Papa, - Patres, - Populus, - Perpetuus, - Praefectus Praetorius, - Praepositus, - Praesentes Latin
Abbreviation 8978 283 PP Padri Italian
Abbreviation 9068 283 PP Praemissis praemittendis, - Pertinet pertinebit, - Praesens praesentibus, - Pater patriae Latin
Abbreviation 9090 283 pp pater patriae Latin
Abbreviation 9106 283 pp parte praesente, - proximi praeteriti Latin
Abbreviation 9181 283 pp propter Latin
Abbreviation 9241 283 pp propter Latin
Abbreviation 9253 283 PP perpetuo Latin
Abbreviation 9265 283 pp propter Schrift: Karolingisch Latin
Abbreviation 9364 283 pp propter Latin
Abbreviation 9397 283 pp propter Latin
Abbreviation 9441 283 pp propter Latin
Abbreviation 9447 283 pp perpetuus, - perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 9467 283 pp perpetuus, - perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 9506 283 pp Papa, - Papae, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 9518 283 pp Papa Latin
Abbreviation 9531 283 pp Papa Latin
Abbreviation 9619 283 pp[a] Papa Italian
Abbreviation 9635 283 pp[a] Papa Italian
Abbreviation 9669 283 pp[a] Papa Italian
Abbreviation 9693 283 pp Papia Latin
Abbreviation 9711 283 pp papiensis, - praesentes praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 9723 283 pp praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 9744 283 pp principe Latin
Abbreviation 8832 284 pp[e] proprie, -prope Latin
Abbreviation 8974 284 pp[e] proprie, -prope Latin
Abbreviation 9002 284 pp[e] parte praesente Latin
Abbreviation 9031 284 pp[i] populi, principi Latin
Abbreviation 9066 284 pp[i] populi, -principi Latin
Abbreviation 9139 284 pp[i] perpetui Latin
Abbreviation 9161 284 pp[i] proprii Latin
Abbreviation 9185 284 pp[ia] propria Latin
Abbreviation 9233 284 pp[ime] propriissime Latin
Abbreviation 9277 284 pp[ite] proprietate Latin
Abbreviation 9318 284 pp[m] populum Latin
Abbreviation 9336 284 pp perpetuum Latin
Abbreviation 9371 284 pp[o] perpetuo Latin
Abbreviation 9411 284 pp[o] populo, -proprio Latin
Abbreviation 9435 284 pp[o] propositio Latin
Abbreviation 9452 284 pp[oc] propter hoc Latin
Abbreviation 9478 284 pp[r] propter Latin
Abbreviation 9539 284 pp[r] propter Latin
Abbreviation 9600 284 pp[ru] puplicarum (publicarum) Latin
Abbreviation 9636 284 pp[s] populus Latin
Abbreviation 9674 284 pp[s] proprius Latin
Abbreviation 9726 284 p[s]p[s] praesentes, praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 9772 284 pp[ite] proprietate Latin