Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 1236 42 ca[o] creatio Latin
Abbreviation 5134 41 ca[a] creata Latin
Abbreviation 3387 47 cat creat Latin
Abbreviation 1250 42 cae creare Latin
Abbreviation 2376 66 c[a]sti[m] crastinum Latin
Abbreviation 2377 66 c[a]stio crastino Latin
Abbreviation 2968 65 c[a]s cras Latin
Abbreviation 3960 63 Cott[le] Cottignolae Latin
Abbreviation 2067 61 cor[a] Corsica Italian
Abbreviation 2037 62 cor[o]is corruptionis Latin
Abbreviation 2049 62 cor[o]ni corruptioni Latin
Abbreviation 2023 62 cor[o] corruptionem Latin
Abbreviation 2050 62 corp[oe] corruptione Latin
Abbreviation 3931 63 corr[o]e corruptione Latin
Abbreviation 2090 61 cor[l] corruptibilis Latin
Abbreviation 2091 61 cor[li] corruptibili Latin
Abbreviation 2026 62 cor[r] corrumpitur Latin
Abbreviation 2027 62 cor[t] corrumpitur Latin
Abbreviation 2057 62 corp[r] corrumpitur Latin
Abbreviation 2089 62 cor[r] corrumpitur Latin
Abbreviation 3936 63 corrpr corrumpitur Latin
Abbreviation 3937 63 corru[r] corrumpitur Latin
Abbreviation 3935 63 corrpi corrumpi Latin
Abbreviation 2065 62 corpen[r] corrumperentur Latin
Abbreviation 2066 62 corpnt corrumpent Latin
Abbreviation 2077 61 cor[do] corrumpendo Latin
Abbreviation 2061 62 corpa[r] corrumpatur Latin
Abbreviation 2035 62 cordi corrigendi Latin
Abbreviation 2074 61 cor[di] corrigendi Latin
Abbreviation 1944 40 c[e] corrige Latin
Abbreviation 2072 61 cor[d] correspondet Latin
Abbreviation 2084 61 cor[et] correspondet Latin
Abbreviation 2046 62 corn[tes] correspondentes Latin
Abbreviation 3933 63 corrn[r] correspondenter Latin
Abbreviation 3934 63 corrns correspondens Latin
Abbreviation 2028 62 cor[uor] correlativorum Latin
Abbreviation 2036 62 core[ve] correlative Latin
Abbreviation 2086 62 corr[e] correlative Latin
Abbreviation 3932 63 corrltie correlative Latin
Abbreviation 3930 63 corrcor corrector Latin
Abbreviation 2034 62 cor[c]coe correctione Latin
Abbreviation 2011 61 cop corpus Latin
Abbreviation 2055 61 cor corpus Latin
Abbreviation 2109 64 c[o]p corpus Latin
Abbreviation 2021 62 cor[m] corporum Latin
Abbreviation 2015 61 copis corporis Latin
Abbreviation 2024 62 cor[r] corporis Latin
Abbreviation 2116 64 cporis corporis in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 3938 63 cors corporis Latin
Abbreviation 3939 63 cor[i]s corporis Latin
Abbreviation 2031 62 corb corporibus Latin
Abbreviation 2032 62 cor[i]b corporibus Latin
Abbreviation 3940 63 cor[e]u corporeum Latin
Abbreviation 2081 61 cor[eo] corporeo Latin
Abbreviation 2014 61 cope corpore Latin
Abbreviation 2079 61 cor[e] corpore Latin
Abbreviation 2025 62 cor[ar] corporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2042 62 cor[a]lr corporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2059 62 corp[r] corporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2062 62 corpalr corporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2069 62 cor[a]r corporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 2040 62 cor[a]l corporalis Latin
Abbreviation 2041 62 cor[a]lis corporalis Latin
Abbreviation 2070 61 cor[b] corporalibus Latin
Abbreviation 1931 58 co[a]li corporali Latin
Abbreviation 2013 61 copale corporale Italian
Abbreviation 2064 61 cor[a] corpora Latin
Abbreviation 14376 61 cor[a] corpora Latin
Abbreviation 1554 49 CCSS Corpi Santi Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 2087 62 corr[m] corollarium Latin
Abbreviation 2022 62 corr[o] corollario Latin
Abbreviation 4770 384 V[cc] Cornu cervi ustum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1566 49 CCV Cornu Cervi ustum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1487 48 CC Cornu cervi medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2039 62 corl corneliensis [ecclesia] Ortsspezifisch: Imola Latin
Abbreviation 2038 62 corith Corinthios [Epistola ad] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2044 61 Cor Corinthios [Epistola ad] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14546 61 Cor Corinthios [Epistola ad] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1669 51 cgijs corgijs Latin
Abbreviation 2029 62 corb corbe Mass Italian
Abbreviation 2052 61 Cor Corbe Mass Italian
Abbreviation 2033 61 coq coque pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1270 79 ?plat[r] copulatur Latin
Abbreviation 1818 56 co[ue] copulative Latin
Abbreviation 2017 61 coplatie copulative Latin
Abbreviation 2030 61 copu[ue] copulative Latin
Abbreviation 1929 58 cola copula Latin
Abbreviation 2010 61 cop copiam Latin
Abbreviation 13343 258 p[ca] copia Latin
Abbreviation 5208 85 9util convertibilis Latin
Abbreviation 5207 85 9utet[r] converteretur Latin
Abbreviation 90 39 c conversus, confessor Latin
Abbreviation 91 39 c conversus, confessor Latin
Abbreviation 1865 40 c conversus Latin
Abbreviation 5205 85 9vs conversis Latin
Abbreviation 5195 85 9u[ne] conversione Latin
Abbreviation 2163 67 cusi conversi kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 607 69 9[i] conversi in Nekrologen Latin
Abbreviation 5206 85 9usa[oe] conversatione Latin
Abbreviation 3962 63 covsatoe conversatione Latin