Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 2605 18 apa apostema Latin
Abbreviation 2606 18 apa apostema Latin
Abbreviation 650 19 apo[c] Apocalypsis Latin
Abbreviation 677 21 apto aperitio Latin
Abbreviation 2287 17 Anz Anzianis (Mailand) Latin
Abbreviation 14560 528 antwt antwort German
Abbreviation 2266 17 Ant de But Antonius de Butrio juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2278 17 Antm Antonium Latin
Abbreviation 571 17 Ant Antonio Italian
Abbreviation 13547 412 Antisigma Antisigma konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13561 412 Antisigma Antisigma konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13575 412 Antisigma Antisigma konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13587 412 Antisigma Antisigma konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 870 26 atiq[i] antiqui (antichi) Italian
Abbreviation 872 26 atiq[i] antiqui (antichi) Italian
Abbreviation 7 1 A Antiphona Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 9 1 A Antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 544 16 an[a] antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 2263 17 ant[a] antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 2271 17 anth[a] antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 14544 16 an[a] antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 6510 156 H Antimonium medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 13517 412 Antilambda Antilambda konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13530 412 Antilambda Antilambda konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13469 412 Antigraphus Antigraphus konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13482 412 Antigraphus Antigraphus konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 869 26 atf Antifona Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 854 25 AT Antico Testamento Italian
Abbreviation 874 26 ati?[??] antichristus Latin
Abbreviation 2283 17 an?[?] antichristus Latin
Abbreviation 2275 17 anti??? Antichristi Latin
Abbreviation 549 16 ana anthiphona, - antea Latin
Abbreviation 688 21 aq[a] antequam Latin
Abbreviation 3068 21 a[n]q[a] antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2252 17 anq[a] antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2253 17 anq antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2254 17 anq[a] antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2255 17 anq[a]m antequam Latin
Abbreviation 2251 17 anplta antepenultima Latin
Abbreviation 468 12 al antelata Latin
Abbreviation 568 16 anlata antelata Italian
Abbreviation 560 16 andcis antedictis Latin
Abbreviation 559 16 andca antedicta Latin
Abbreviation 573 17 ant antecedentis Latin
Abbreviation 2269 17 antes antecedentes Latin
Abbreviation 2258 17 ant antecedenter Latin
Abbreviation 547 16 an[t] antecedenter Latin
Abbreviation 548 16 an[te] antecedente Latin
Abbreviation 2265 17 ant[te] antecedente Latin
Abbreviation 41 3 a[s] antecedens, - alias Latin
Abbreviation 2256 17 ans antecedens Latin
Abbreviation 2246 17 ano ante omnia Latin
Abbreviation 455 12 AK ante kalendas Latin
Abbreviation 587 10 AF ante factum, - actum fide Latin
Abbreviation 267 7 aCn ante Christum natum Latin
Abbreviation 867 26 AtC Ante Christum Latin
Abbreviation 168 4 aac ante auditam causam Latin
Abbreviation 367 2 a[n] ante Latin
Abbreviation 540 16 an ante Latin
Abbreviation 542 16 an ante Latin
Abbreviation 572 17 ansi anseri Latin
Abbreviation 543 16 An Anselmus Latin
Abbreviation 817 24 As[l] Anselmus Latin
Abbreviation 2257 17 Ans[l] Anselmus Latin
Abbreviation 2282 17 anuu annuum Latin
Abbreviation 10 1 a annus Latin
Abbreviation 11 1 a annus Latin
Abbreviation 589 10 AFF Annum faustum felicem Latin
Abbreviation 364 2 a[m] annum Latin
Abbreviation 541 16 an annum Latin
Abbreviation 2280 17 anu annum Latin
Abbreviation 570 17 ann annuatim, - annum Latin
Abbreviation 2245 17 annlr annualiter Latin
Abbreviation 2244 17 annlis annualis Latin
Abbreviation 203 5 ABT annua … bima … trima … Latin
Abbreviation 642 19 APM annorum plus minus Latin
Abbreviation 2250 17 Anoi Annoni (Landschaft) Latin
Abbreviation 2243 17 ANNP annonae praefectus Latin
Abbreviation 2249 17 ano[a] annona Latin
Abbreviation 894 27 auc anno Urbis conditae Latin
Abbreviation 811 24 as anno salutis Latin
Abbreviation 723 22 AR Anno Regni Latin
Abbreviation 2609 18 apcn anno post Christum natum Latin
Abbreviation 558 16 AND Anno Nativitatis Domini Latin
Abbreviation 478 11 AH Anno Haegirae Latin
Abbreviation 337 9 adr anno dominicae resurrectionis Latin
Abbreviation 289 8 ad anno Domini Latin
Abbreviation 319 9 ADI Anno Diminicae Incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 218 6 ac anno currente Latin
Abbreviation 217 6 AC Anno Christi, - Ante Christum Latin
Abbreviation 2570 29 AX Anno Christi Latin
Abbreviation 2575 29 AX[i] Anno Christi Latin
Abbreviation 579 10 aec anno aerae communis Latin
Abbreviation 26 3 a[o] anno Latin
Abbreviation 331 9 adn[l]et[r] annihiletur Latin
Abbreviation 552 16 an[l]at[r] annihilatur Latin
Abbreviation 539 16 AN anni Latin
Abbreviation 567 16 ani anni Latin
Abbreviation 46 3 a[ta] annata Latin
Abbreviation 418 12 ai animus Latin