Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

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Abbreviation 2639 38 bve breve Latin
Abbreviation 1193 37 Brrec Breve recordationis Latin
Abbreviation 1206 37 Bt Brevi tempore Latin
Abbreviation 1229 36 bria brevia Latin
Abbreviation 2644 38 buia brevia Latin
Abbreviation 1189 37 bro breviato Ortsspezifisch: Piacenza Latin
Abbreviation 1225 36 br breviatum Latin
Abbreviation 1230 36 briat breviatum Latin
Abbreviation 1231 36 bris breviaturis Latin
Abbreviation 1228 36 bravi breviavi Latin
Abbreviation 914 31 b[or] brevioris Latin
Abbreviation 2643 38 bui[t] brevitatis Latin
Abbreviation 2645 38 buit breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2646 38 b[e]uit breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2657 38 bu[i]tr breviter Latin
Abbreviation 917 31 b[r] breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2642 38 bui brevius Latin
Abbreviation 2658 38 bx Brixiae Latin
Abbreviation 2659 38 bxe Brixiae Latin
Abbreviation 1190 37 brollo Brolleto Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 1213 37 b[u]ta bruta (brutta) Italian
Abbreviation 1212 37 b[v]t brutis Latin
Abbreviation 1219 36 Bp[ro] Bubbone pestifero medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2638 38 bub bubulca, bubulcae etc. Mass Latin
Abbreviation 2640 38 bug Bugellae Ortsspezifisch: Biella Latin
Abbreviation 2641 38 buglle Bugellae Ortsspezifisch: Biella Latin
Abbreviation 2647 38 Bul. Bulgarus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2648 38 Bulg Bulgarus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2650 38 bull bulletarum [officialis] Latin
Abbreviation 2649 38 bul bulliat, - bulliant medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14562 528 bg Burg German
Abbreviation 2651 38 burg burgenses Latin
Abbreviation 2652 38 burgn burgenses Latin
Abbreviation 1063 33 b[r]g burgensis Latin
Abbreviation 2653 38 burgn burgensium Latin
Abbreviation 1064 33 Bgo Burgo Latin
Abbreviation 2654 38 Burij Burmij Ortsspezifisch: Bormio Latin
Abbreviation 2656 38 buticl buticularius Latin
Abbreviation 2655 38 But Butrius (Antonio da Butrio) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2660 38 bybl[ca] bybliothecam Latin
Abbreviation 1601 50 ce[te] caeleste Latin
Abbreviation 1602 50 ce[tia] caelestia Latin
Abbreviation 1596 50 ce[b] caelestibus Latin
Abbreviation 1600 50 ce[t] caelestis Latin
Abbreviation 1606 50 cel caelis Latin
Abbreviation 1649 51 celq caelumque Latin
Abbreviation 5148 41 ca caetera Latin
Abbreviation 1889 40 c[a] caetera, -causa Latin
Abbreviation 1745 52 cis caeteris Latin
Abbreviation 1659 51 cetm caeterum Latin
Abbreviation 2399 66 ctm caeterum Latin
Abbreviation 1638 43 calbra Calabria Latin
Abbreviation 1866 40 c calcinare medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1260 42 cal calendae, - ...arum, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 1639 43 calct calescunt Latin
Abbreviation 1264 43 cala calida Latin
Abbreviation 1640 43 cale calidae Latin
Abbreviation 1637 43 cala calidam Latin
Abbreviation 1691 43 cali calidi Latin
Abbreviation 1642 43 cale caliditatem Latin
Abbreviation 1693 43 cali[t] caliditatis Latin
Abbreviation 1698 43 calm calidum Latin
Abbreviation 5143 41 ca[d] calidum Latin
Abbreviation 1700 43 cals calidus Latin
Abbreviation 1695 43 calio Calliano Latin
Abbreviation 1697 43 Call Calligarius Latin
Abbreviation 1261 42 cal caloris Latin
Abbreviation 1262 42 cal calumnia Latin
Abbreviation 1485 48 cc calumniae causa Latin
Abbreviation 2141 67 C.V Calx viva medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5152 41 ca camera Latin
Abbreviation 5150 41 CA Camera apostolica Latin
Abbreviation 1568 49 CD Camera Ducale Latin
Abbreviation 1706 43 camar camerarius Latin
Abbreviation 1708 43 Camr Camerarius Latin
Abbreviation 1705 43 Cam Camerini Latin
Abbreviation 1257 42 caio camino Italian
Abbreviation 1532 45 Capofro Campofregoso Italian
Abbreviation 1707 43 camps Campsor Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 1710 43 Can[a] Cancellaria Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 1423 44 canria cancellaria Latin
Abbreviation 1247 42 cac cancri Latin
Abbreviation 1248 42 cac[o] cancro Latin
Abbreviation 1952 40 C[la] Canela Mass Italian
Abbreviation 5156 41 Ca[la] Canela Mass Italian
Abbreviation 1256 42 caiclari caniculari Latin
Abbreviation 1415 44 canli canoniali Latin
Abbreviation 1713 43 can[li] canoniali Latin
Abbreviation 1712 43 can[ca] canonica Latin
Abbreviation 1406 44 canca canonica Latin
Abbreviation 1414 44 canice canonice Latin
Abbreviation 1431 44 caoici canonici Latin
Abbreviation 1711 43 can[c] canonicis Latin
Abbreviation 1709 43 Can Canonico Italian
Abbreviation 2957 65 CRL Canonico Regolare Lateranense Italian
Abbreviation 1418 44 canocor canonicorum Latin
Abbreviation 1407 44 cancos canonicos Latin
Abbreviation 1405 44 canc canonicus Latin
Abbreviation 1408 44 cancs canonicus Latin
Abbreviation 1421 44 canonreg canonicus regularis Latin