Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 4889 145 FT factum, - fit, - facit Latin
Abbreviation 5392 134 factis facturis Latin
Abbreviation 4445 136 fcur facturum Latin
Abbreviation 4326 135 fcs factus Latin
Abbreviation 4883 145 FSE factus est Latin
Abbreviation 5391 134 facl[te] facultatem Latin
Abbreviation 5394 134 fag[ni] Fagnani Latin
Abbreviation 4296 135 fal fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 4297 135 falla fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 4583 140 flla fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 4298 135 falle fallaciae Latin
Abbreviation 4585 140 flle fallaciae Latin
Abbreviation 4584 140 fllat fallat Latin
Abbreviation 4591 139 fla falsa Latin
Abbreviation 4593 139 fla falsa Latin
Abbreviation 5050 134 fa falsa, -feria, -forma, -fabula, -fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 5051 134 fa falsa, -feria, -forma, -fabula, -fallacia Latin
Abbreviation 4568 140 fle falsae Latin
Abbreviation 4650 141 f[a]m falsam Latin
Abbreviation 5052 134 f[a] falsam Latin
Abbreviation 4633 139 flariu falsarium Latin
Abbreviation 5053 134 f[as] falsas Latin
Abbreviation 4576 140 fli falsi Latin
Abbreviation 4575 139 fl falsis Latin
Abbreviation 4581 140 flis falsis Latin
Abbreviation 4578 140 fli[s] falsitas Latin
Abbreviation 4582 140 flitas falsitas Latin
Abbreviation 4579 140 fli[te] falsitate Latin
Abbreviation 4577 139 fl falsum Latin
Abbreviation 4588 140 flm falsum Latin
Abbreviation 4881 145 fs[m] falsum Latin
Abbreviation 5058 134 f[m] falsum Latin
Abbreviation 4645 141 flus falsus Latin
Abbreviation 4601 140 fls falsus, - famulus Latin
Abbreviation 4295 135 fail[re] familiarem Latin
Abbreviation 4299 135 famari famulari Latin
Abbreviation 4300 135 famls famulus Latin
Abbreviation 4301 135 fan[a] fantasia (phantasia) Latin
Abbreviation 4304 135 fan[te] fantasmate (phantasmate) Latin
Abbreviation 5382 134 fa[te] fantasmate [phantasmate] Latin
Abbreviation 4302 135 fan[b] fantasmatibus (phantasmatibus) Latin
Abbreviation 4308 135 fantas[b] fantasmatibus (phantasmatibus) Latin
Abbreviation 4303 135 fan[ca] fantastica (phantastica) Latin
Abbreviation 4305 135 fari[a] farina Latin
Abbreviation 4657 141 FMI fati munus implebit Latin
Abbreviation 4646 141 FM fati munus, - fieri mandavit Latin
Abbreviation 5054 134 f[e] febbre medizinische Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 4455 136 fe[e] febre Latin
Abbreviation 4456 136 fe[e] febrem Latin
Abbreviation 4459 136 feb[e] febrem Latin
Abbreviation 4460 136 feb[i]s febris Latin
Abbreviation 4481 137 fe[i]s febris Latin
Abbreviation 4309 135 fbr februarii Latin
Abbreviation 4458 136 feb februarii Latin
Abbreviation 4461 136 febr februarii Latin
Abbreviation 4464 136 fecit fecerit Latin
Abbreviation 4454 136 fe[s] fecisset Latin
Abbreviation 4457 136 fe[t] fecit Latin
Abbreviation 4462 136 fec fecit Latin
Abbreviation 4465 136 fe9d fecundus (foecundus) Latin
Abbreviation 4651 141 FM Feld Maresciallo Italian
Abbreviation 4473 136 feme felice memoria Italian
Abbreviation 4652 141 FM Felice memoria Italian
Abbreviation 4467 136 fel felicis Latin
Abbreviation 4477 137 fere felicis recordationis Latin
Abbreviation 4470 136 felrecpredn felicis recordationis praedecessoris nostri Latin
Abbreviation 4468 136 fel feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 4469 136 fel[r] feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 4471 136 felr feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 4472 136 felt feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 4569 139 fl feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 5044 133 f feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 5045 133 f feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 14548 136 felr feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 14410 136 fel feliciter Latin
Abbreviation 4570 140 fle felle Latin
Abbreviation 4466 136 feia femmina Italian
Abbreviation 3696 133 F Feodorum [Usus] Latin
Abbreviation 4306 135 fat[r] feratur Latin
Abbreviation 4323 135 fcla fercula Latin
Abbreviation 4453 136 fe fere Latin
Abbreviation 5260 141 fnda ferenda Latin
Abbreviation 4842 144 fria feria Latin
Abbreviation 4475 137 Fer Feria Latin
Abbreviation 4491 137 ffeia feria Latin
Abbreviation 4502 137 fi[a] feria Latin
Abbreviation 4516 138 fia feria Latin
Abbreviation 4698 143 fr Feria Latin
Abbreviation 4699 143 fr Feria Latin
Abbreviation 4712 143 fr[a] feria Latin
Abbreviation 4713 143 fr[a] feria Latin
Abbreviation 4854 144 Fr II[a] l I[a] Feria secunda lectio prima Latin
Abbreviation 4716 143 fra feria, - forma Latin
Abbreviation 4857 144 fr[a]m feriam Latin
Abbreviation 4521 138 fiato feriationem Latin
Abbreviation 4519 138 fia[r] feriatur Latin
Abbreviation 4525 139 fiis feriis Latin
Abbreviation 4851 144 fris feriis Latin
Abbreviation 4653 141 fm[ri] fermentari Latin
Abbreviation 4662 141 fmto fermento Latin