Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 4908 146 fuam fuera m Latin
Abbreviation 4917 146 funt fuerant Latin
Abbreviation 4913 146 fuit fuerit Latin
Abbreviation 4920 146 FUT fuerit Latin
Abbreviation 4911 146 fuert fuerunt Latin
Abbreviation 4916 146 funt fuerunt Latin
Abbreviation 4927 146 funt fuerunt Latin
Abbreviation 4912 146 fui[s] fuisset Latin
Abbreviation 4903 146 fu[i] fuit Latin
Abbreviation 4907 146 fu[t] fuit Latin
Abbreviation 5039 133 f fuit Latin
Abbreviation 5049 134 f9 fuit confessus Latin
Abbreviation 12474 400 wlds Fuldensis Latin
Abbreviation 4914 146 Fulg Fulgineo (Fuligno) Latin
Abbreviation 4906 146 fu[m] fumum Latin
Abbreviation 4915 146 funde fundatione Latin
Abbreviation 3697 133 F Fundus Latin
Abbreviation 12726 400 wn funus Latin
Abbreviation 4307 135 f[r]at furatus Latin
Abbreviation 4670 142 f[r]or furoris Latin
Abbreviation 4897 146 f[r]to furto Latin
Abbreviation 4922 146 futi tpis futuri temporis Latin
Abbreviation 4896 146 ft[r]is futuris Latin
Abbreviation 4921 146 fut futuro Latin
Abbreviation 4867 145 frotpe futuro tempore Latin
Abbreviation 4923 146 futm futurum Latin
Abbreviation 4879 145 frus futurus Latin
Abbreviation 4899 146 fts futurus Latin
Abbreviation 4925 146 fut[r]s futurus Latin
Abbreviation 14583 528 f für German
Abbreviation 14585 528 f fürstlich German
Abbreviation 14586 528 frl fürstlich German
Abbreviation 3367 148 Gal Galatas [epistola ad] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3351 148 G[i] Galeni medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3365 148 Ga[m] Galenicum Latin
Abbreviation 3366 148 gal Galenus medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3368 148 Gallate Gallarate Ort Latin
Abbreviation 3369 148 Gallte Gallarate Latin
Abbreviation 3370 148 gan[o] Gandino Ort Latin
Abbreviation 3371 148 gandio Gandino Ort Latin
Abbreviation 3372 148 Gar Garsias [doctor] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3373 148 gast gastaldus Latin
Abbreviation 4929 149 GD gaudium Latin
Abbreviation 14591 528 gb geborene German
Abbreviation 14595 528 geb geborene German
Abbreviation 14596 528 geist geistlichen German
Abbreviation 5017 149 geia gemina Latin
Abbreviation 5018 149 geii gemini Latin
Abbreviation 5020 149 gemi Geminiani Latin
Abbreviation 5015 149 gei[r] geminorum Latin
Abbreviation 4957 150 gin geminus Latin
Abbreviation 5019 149 gem[b] gemitibus Latin
Abbreviation 14624 528 gnt genannten usw. German
Abbreviation 5009 151 gn[a] genera Latin
Abbreviation 5062 152 gna genera Latin
Abbreviation 5063 152 gna genera Latin
Abbreviation 5097 153 gnra genera Latin
Abbreviation 5059 152 g[a]n[le] generabile Latin
Abbreviation 3375 148 g[a]bit generabit Latin
Abbreviation 5077 152 gn[a]br generabitur Latin
Abbreviation 5068 152 gnacioe generacione (generatione) Latin
Abbreviation 5013 149 ge[le] generale Latin
Abbreviation 5071 152 gnale generale Italian
Abbreviation 3354 148 g[ale] generale Latin
Abbreviation 3355 148 g[ali] generali Latin
Abbreviation 4977 150 gli generali Latin
Abbreviation 5088 152 gn[a]li generali Latin
Abbreviation 4963 150 g[a]l generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5023 149 genlis generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5070 152 gnal generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5072 152 gnalis generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5089 152 Gnlis Generalis Latin
Abbreviation 5065 152 gna[ma] generalissima Latin
Abbreviation 5060 152 gn[am] generalissimum Latin
Abbreviation 4992 151 g[a]lr generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5025 149 genlr, genlt generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5067 152 gna[r] generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5073 152 gnalr generaliter in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 5074 152 gnalr generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5131 154 grlt generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5069 152 gnai generari Latin
Abbreviation 5356 154 g[a]ti generati Latin
Abbreviation 5061 152 gn[ao] generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5066 152 gna[o] generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5075 152 g[a]natio generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5091 152 gno generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5093 153 gnoe generatione Latin
Abbreviation 3358 148 g[oe] generatione Latin
Abbreviation 3360 148 g[ois] generationis Latin
Abbreviation 5026 149 gens generationis Latin
Abbreviation 5076 152 gnato generato Italian
Abbreviation 5064 152 gna[m] generatum Latin
Abbreviation 5346 154 g[a]t[r] generatur Latin
Abbreviation 5005 151 gn genere Latin
Abbreviation 5080 152 gne genere Latin
Abbreviation 5081 152 gne genere Latin
Abbreviation 5082 152 gne genere Latin
Abbreviation 3350 148 g[e] genere, - gratiae Latin
Abbreviation 5006 151 gn generet Latin
Abbreviation 5083 152 gn[r]et generet Latin