Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5893 167 hye[ab] hyemalibus Latin
Abbreviation 1372 404 y[a]gi[tu] hymaginatum (imaginatum) Latin
Abbreviation 5894 167 hyno hymno Latin
Abbreviation 5891 167 hy hymnus Latin
Abbreviation 5896 167 hyp[e] hypothecare Latin
Abbreviation 5899 167 Hypp Hyppolitus kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5620 170 iac iacens, -iacentis, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 5621 170 iac iacet, -iacens Latin
Abbreviation 5613 170 ia Iacobi [Epistola] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5614 170 Ia Iacobus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5619 170 Iac Iacobus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5418 168 I Iacobus Latin
Abbreviation 5622 170 IacBal Iacobus Balduini juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5623 170 IacBut Iacobus Butrigarius juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5624 170 IacdeAre Iacobus de Arena juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5626 170 IacdeLiz Iacobus de Lizzano juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5399 168 I Iacobus, - Iesus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5625 170 IacdeBel Iacoubus de Belviso juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5627 170 Iadera Iacoubus de Ravanis juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5628 170 iacta[a] iactania Latin
Abbreviation 5616 170 ia iam Latin
Abbreviation 5954 172 icti iamdicti Latin
Abbreviation 6742 190 iste iamscriptae Latin
Abbreviation 5607 169 i[tar] iamscriptarum Latin
Abbreviation 6775 190 isti iamscripti Latin
Abbreviation 6828 190 istis iamscriptis Latin
Abbreviation 8274 190 isto iamscripto Latin
Abbreviation 8088 190 istm iamscriptum Latin
Abbreviation 10871 189 ist iamscriptus Latin
Abbreviation 6873 184 i[a]nti[b] iantibus Latin
Abbreviation 5632 170 Ian[a] Ianua (Genova) Italian
Abbreviation 5631 170 Ian Ianuae Latin
Abbreviation 5630 170 ian Ianuarii Latin
Abbreviation 5633 170 Ianij Ianuarii Latin
Abbreviation 5634 170 iano Ianuario Latin
Abbreviation 5407 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5408 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5409 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5410 168 i ibi Latin
Abbreviation 5591 169 i ibi, -illi Latin
Abbreviation 5640 170 ib ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5641 170 Ibi ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5900 171 ibm ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5965 172 i[i]d ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5978 172 i[i]de ibidem Latin
Abbreviation 5903 171 ibt ibunt Latin
Abbreviation 5975 172 ide id es, - idem Latin
Abbreviation 5961 172 Id Id est Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 5969 172 Id Id est Latin
Abbreviation 5972 172 Id Id est Latin
Abbreviation 6006 173 ie id est Latin
Abbreviation 13753 409 id est id est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13761 409 id est id est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13787 409 id est id est konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 5412 168 i id est Latin
Abbreviation 5413 168 i id est Latin
Abbreviation 5414 168 i id est Latin
Abbreviation 13513 408 id est, - hoc est, -dimidium id est, - hoc est, -dimidium konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 5970 172 id idem Latin
Abbreviation 5971 172 id idem Latin
Abbreviation 5976 172 ide idem Latin
Abbreviation 7857 172 id idem Latin
Abbreviation 6820 188 iq idem quod Latin
Abbreviation 5958 172 id idem, - idest, - idus, - illud Latin
Abbreviation 5957 172 id idem, - idibus, - idus Latin
Abbreviation 5981 172 idep[te] idemptitatem (identitatem) Latin
Abbreviation 6700 185 io ideo Latin
Abbreviation 6715 185 io ideo Latin
Abbreviation 6763 185 IO Ideoque Latin
Abbreviation 5960 172 id idest Latin
Abbreviation 5411 168 i idest Latin
Abbreviation 5959 172 id idest, - idem Latin
Abbreviation 10300 189 Is Idibus Latin
Abbreviation 5990 173 idio[t] idiomatum Latin
Abbreviation 5967 172 id idus Latin
Abbreviation 5968 172 ID Idus Latin
Abbreviation 6000 173 idu idus Latin
Abbreviation 7871 172 ID Idus Latin
Abbreviation 7439 174 ierar ierarchia (hierarchia) Latin
Abbreviation 5635 170 Iar[a] Ierarchiam (Hierarchiam) Latin
Abbreviation 6004 173 Ie Ieremiae kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6010 173 Ie[e] Ieremiae Latin
Abbreviation 6806 185 io[m] Ieronymum (Hieronimum) Latin
Abbreviation 6699 185 Io Ieronymus (Hieronymus) Latin
Abbreviation 6772 188 IR Ieronymus (Hieronymus) Latin
Abbreviation 6832 188 irlimam Ierosolimam/Hierosolymam Latin
Abbreviation 7154 188 irlitani Ierosolimitani (Hierosolymitani) Latin
Abbreviation 6005 173 IE Ierusalem Latin
Abbreviation 7240 188 irlm Ierusalem Latin
Abbreviation 7449 174 Ierlm Ierusalem Latin
Abbreviation 5611 170 i[u] Iesu Latin
Abbreviation 6158 176 i h u x p i Iesu Christi Latin
Abbreviation 6161 176 Ihx[i] Iesu Christi Latin
Abbreviation 6106 175 ih Iesum Latin
Abbreviation 6134 176 ihm Iesum Latin
Abbreviation 6160 176 Ihum Iesum Latin
Abbreviation 5905 171 i? Iesus Latin
Abbreviation 6108 175 ihc Iesus Latin
Abbreviation 6141 176 IHS Iesus Latin
Abbreviation 6142 176 Ihs Iesus Latin