Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 1146 79 9pe[t] competit Latin
Abbreviation 1147 79 9pellr compellitur Latin
Abbreviation 1148 79 9pen comparentis Latin
Abbreviation 1149 79 9pere comparere Latin
Abbreviation 1150 79 ?pet[r] compararetur Latin
Abbreviation 1151 79 9peten competentibus Latin
Abbreviation 1152 79 ?petnt competenter Latin
Abbreviation 1153 79 ?petr competeret Latin
Abbreviation 1154 79 9phe[t] comprehendit Latin
Abbreviation 1156 35 bnnem benedictionem Latin
Abbreviation 1157 35 bnor bonorum Latin
Abbreviation 1158 35 bntio benefitio Latin
Abbreviation 1159 35 BO Bonorum Latin
Abbreviation 1160 35 bo beato, - bona Latin
Abbreviation 1161 35 bo bocche Italian
Abbreviation 1162 35 bo bona Latin
Abbreviation 1163 35 bo[a] bonam Latin
Abbreviation 1164 35 bo[a] bonam Latin
Abbreviation 1165 35 bo[ara] Bonaventura Latin
Abbreviation 1166 35 bo[ite] bonitate Latin
Abbreviation 1167 35 bo[m] bonum Latin
Abbreviation 1168 35 boa bona Latin
Abbreviation 1170 35 boe Boethius Latin
Abbreviation 1171 35 BOF Bona fortuna, - Bonum factum Latin
Abbreviation 1172 36 boi Bonifacius Latin
Abbreviation 1173 36 boie Bononiae Latin
Abbreviation 1174 36 bois bonis Latin
Abbreviation 1175 36 Boite Bonitate Latin
Abbreviation 1177 36 bo[a]m bonam Latin
Abbreviation 1178 36 BOM bonum Latin
Abbreviation 1179 36 bome bonae memoriae Latin
Abbreviation 1180 36 Bon Bononia Latin
Abbreviation 1181 36 bon bononiensis Latin
Abbreviation 1182 36 bon bononinorum Latin
Abbreviation 1183 36 bone Bononiae Latin
Abbreviation 1184 36 bor bonorum, - beatorum Latin
Abbreviation 1185 36 Borch Borchardus Latin
Abbreviation 1186 36 bord bordarius Latin
Abbreviation 1187 36 bos bonos, - beatos Latin
Abbreviation 1188 36 bo[a]ue[ra] Bonaventura Latin
Abbreviation 1191 38 bto beato Latin
Abbreviation 1192 37 brt[a]m Bertramus Latin
Abbreviation 1193 37 Brrec Breve recordationis Latin
Abbreviation 1195 37 BS Bona sua Latin
Abbreviation 1197 37 Bs ...bus Latin
Abbreviation 1198 37 b[v]s ...bus Latin
Abbreviation 1199 37 bs ...bus Latin
Abbreviation 1200 74 ?fim conferimus Latin
Abbreviation 1201 37 bs beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1202 37 bs beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1203 37 b[a]s beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1204 37 BSc Baccalaureus Scientiae Latin
Abbreviation 1205 37 Bsello Bersello (Brescello) Italian
Abbreviation 1206 37 Bt Brevi tempore Latin
Abbreviation 1207 37 bt beatum Latin
Abbreviation 1208 37 Bt Bartholomeus Latin
Abbreviation 1209 37 bt beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1210 37 bt beatus Latin
Abbreviation 1211 37 Bt[o] Bartholomeo Latin
Abbreviation 1212 37 b[v]t brutis Latin
Abbreviation 1213 37 b[u]ta bruta (brutta) Italian
Abbreviation 1214 37 bta beata Latin
Abbreviation 1215 79 9phn[le] comprehensibile Latin
Abbreviation 1216 36 BP bonorum possessio Latin
Abbreviation 1217 36 BP bonorum possessio Latin
Abbreviation 1218 36 BP Beatus Petrus (oder Paulus), - Beatissime Pater Latin
Abbreviation 1220 36 B[me]pr Beatissime pater Latin
Abbreviation 1221 36 BPT Bona paterna Latin
Abbreviation 1222 36 BR Bonorum Latin
Abbreviation 1223 36 BR Breve Latin
Abbreviation 1225 36 br breviatum Latin
Abbreviation 1228 36 bravi breviavi Latin
Abbreviation 1229 36 bria brevia Latin
Abbreviation 1230 36 briat breviatum Latin
Abbreviation 1231 36 bris breviaturis Latin
Abbreviation 1232 42 ca[li] cavalli Italian
Abbreviation 1233 42 ca[lo] capitulo Latin
Abbreviation 1234 42 ca[lu] capitulum Latin
Abbreviation 1235 42 ca[o] capitulo Latin
Abbreviation 1236 42 ca[o] creatio Latin
Abbreviation 1237 42 c[r]a cura Latin
Abbreviation 1238 42 ca[r] capitur Latin
Abbreviation 1239 42 ca[r] causatur Latin
Abbreviation 1240 42 ca[r] causaliter Latin
Abbreviation 1241 42 ca[r] causarum Latin
Abbreviation 1242 42 ca[r] creaturarum Latin
Abbreviation 1243 42 ca[ra] creatura Latin
Abbreviation 1244 42 ca[v] casu Latin
Abbreviation 1245 42 caa causa Latin
Abbreviation 1246 42 c[r]abat curabatur Latin
Abbreviation 1247 42 cac cancri Latin
Abbreviation 1248 42 cac[o] cancro Latin
Abbreviation 1249 42 cae causae Latin
Abbreviation 1250 42 cae creare Latin
Abbreviation 1251 42 cai capituli Latin
Abbreviation 1252 42 cai[e] caritatem Latin
Abbreviation 1253 42 cai[t] caritatis Latin
Abbreviation 1254 42 cai[te] caritatem Latin
Abbreviation 1255 42 cai[u] caritativum Latin
Abbreviation 1256 42 caiclari caniculari Latin