Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 1257 42 caio camino Italian
Abbreviation 1258 42 caita carità Italian
Abbreviation 1259 42 cais causis Latin
Abbreviation 1260 42 cal calendae, - ...arum, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 1261 42 cal caloris Latin
Abbreviation 1262 42 cal calumnia Latin
Abbreviation 1263 42 cala cartula (chartula) Latin
Abbreviation 1264 43 cala calida Latin
Abbreviation 1265 79 9phn[o] comprehensionem Latin
Abbreviation 1266 79 9p[x]io complexio Latin
Abbreviation 1267 79 9pl completorium Latin
Abbreviation 1268 79 9pl complet Latin
Abbreviation 1269 79 9pl[o] completorio Latin
Abbreviation 1270 79 ?plat[r] copulatur Latin
Abbreviation 1271 79 9ple complere Latin
Abbreviation 1272 74 9fess confessoris Latin
Abbreviation 1273 74 9ficem conficerem Latin
Abbreviation 1274 74 9ficit[r] conficitur Latin
Abbreviation 1275 74 9fir confirmandum Latin
Abbreviation 1276 74 9fir[a]ri confirmari Latin
Abbreviation 1277 74 9fir[a]t[r] confirmatur Latin
Abbreviation 1278 74 9fiti confiteri Latin
Abbreviation 1279 74 ?f[io]ni confirmationi Latin
Abbreviation 1280 74 9fma[a] confirmata Latin
Abbreviation 1281 74 9fmaco confirmacionem (confirmationem) Latin
Abbreviation 1282 74 ?fndi conferendi Latin
Abbreviation 1283 74 ?fo confessio Latin
Abbreviation 1284 74 ?fo confero Latin
Abbreviation 1285 74 ?fo confessionem Latin
Abbreviation 1286 74 ?for confessorum Latin
Abbreviation 1287 74 9fr confrater Latin
Abbreviation 1288 74 9fr[te] confraternitate Latin
Abbreviation 1289 74 ?frem conferremus Latin
Abbreviation 1290 74 9fres confratres Latin
Abbreviation 1291 74 9ft[r] confertur Latin
Abbreviation 1292 74 9fu[e] confusae Latin
Abbreviation 1293 74 9g[cit] cognoscit Latin
Abbreviation 1294 74 9g[d] cognoscendum Latin
Abbreviation 1295 74 9g[di] cognoscendi Latin
Abbreviation 1296 74 9g[e] cognitionem Latin
Abbreviation 1297 74 9g[it] cognovit Latin
Abbreviation 1298 74 9g[o] cognitio Latin
Abbreviation 1299 74 9g[ob] cognitionibus Latin
Abbreviation 1300 74 9g[io] cognitionem Latin
Abbreviation 1301 74 9g[r] cognoscitur Latin
Abbreviation 1302 74 9g[re] cognoscere Latin
Abbreviation 1303 401 X Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1305 401 X Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1306 401 X Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1307 401 x[a] decima Latin
Abbreviation 1308 401 x[ce] decem Latin
Abbreviation 1309 401 x[i] Christi Latin
Abbreviation 1310 401 x[m] Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1311 401 x[m] decem Latin
Abbreviation 1312 401 x[mas] decimas Latin
Abbreviation 1313 401 X[no] cristiano Italian
Abbreviation 1314 401 X[o] Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1315 401 X[ro] Christophoro Latin
Abbreviation 1316 401 X[s] Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1317 401 X[s] Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1318 401 X[?] Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1319 401 X[i]ai Christiani Latin
Abbreviation 1320 401 X[i]an Christianus Latin
Abbreviation 1321 37 bte beatae Latin
Abbreviation 1322 37 bte Bertae Latin
Abbreviation 1323 402 Xana Christiana Latin
Abbreviation 1324 37 Bteo Bartholomeo Latin
Abbreviation 1325 402 xar decimarum Latin
Abbreviation 1326 37 bti beati Latin
Abbreviation 1327 37 bti[ne] beatitudine Latin
Abbreviation 1328 402 xbr decembris Latin
Abbreviation 1329 37 Bti[ni]V Beatitudini Vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 1330 402 Xi Christi Latin
Abbreviation 1331 37 bti[nis] beatitudinis Latin
Abbreviation 1332 402 X[i]i Christi Latin
Abbreviation 1333 402 x[e]l Christe eleyson Latin
Abbreviation 1334 37 btit[ne] beatitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 1335 37 Bt[a]m Bertramus Latin
Abbreviation 1336 37 btme beatissime Latin
Abbreviation 1337 402 xl[e] quadragesimae Latin
Abbreviation 1338 402 xlm[a] quadragesima Latin
Abbreviation 1339 402 Xmo Cristianesimo Italian
Abbreviation 1340 402 xlsimo quadragesimo Latin
Abbreviation 1341 402 X? Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1342 402 x? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1343 402 XP Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1345 402 x?el Christe eleyson Latin
Abbreviation 1349 402 x?ia Christina Latin
Abbreviation 1350 402 x?iana christiana Italian
Abbreviation 1351 402 X?ine Christinae Latin
Abbreviation 1352 402 X?m Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1353 402 X?o Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1354 402 x?o Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1355 402 X?oforo Christoforo Latin
Abbreviation 1356 402 x?off[o] Christofforo (Christoforo) Latin
Abbreviation 1357 402 X?s Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1358 402 X?? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1359 402 x?tni Christiani Latin
Abbreviation 1360 402 X? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1361 402 XS Christus Latin