Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 13069 281 Ponli Pontremuli Latin
Abbreviation 13046 281 poni[s] possessionis Latin
Abbreviation 8796 281 pone positione, - portione Latin
Abbreviation 8779 281 pond[ta] ponderata Latin
Abbreviation 8686 281 pon possessionum Latin
Abbreviation 8674 281 Pomp Pomponius [Imperator] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 8652 281 POM Pontifex (od. Princeps) Optimus Maximus Latin
Abbreviation 8635 281 polia possibilia Latin
Abbreviation 13061 280 pole possibile Latin
Abbreviation 13151 280 poi[r] ponitur Latin
Abbreviation 13167 280 poi[o] posito Latin
Abbreviation 13076 280 poito posito Latin
Abbreviation 13089 280 poitie positive Latin
Abbreviation 13111 280 poit possit in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 13125 280 poib positionibus Latin
Abbreviation 13135 280 poia posita Latin
Abbreviation 13235 280 poge Ponderis generalis (Sizilien) Latin
Abbreviation 14065 410 poena furcarum poena furcarum konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 13252 280 poe positione Latin
Abbreviation 13262 280 poe ponere Latin
Abbreviation 13271 280 poe posse in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 13277 280 podu postmodum Latin
Abbreviation 13287 280 podtus primodictus Latin
Abbreviation 13308 280 poa potentiam Latin
Abbreviation 13318 280 poa posteriora Latin
Abbreviation 13332 280 poa postea, -potentia Latin
Abbreviation 13063 279 po possessionem Latin
Abbreviation 13067 279 po potius Latin
Abbreviation 13072 279 po possessio Latin
Abbreviation 13083 279 po porta orientalis Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 13092 279 po positionem Latin
Abbreviation 13099 279 po positio Latin
Abbreviation 13107 279 po primo Latin
Abbreviation 13114 279 PO Prete [dell'] Oratorio Italian
Abbreviation 13119 279 po populo Latin
Abbreviation 8646 277 pn[s] praesens Latin
Abbreviation 8605 277 pn[n] pronomen Latin
Abbreviation 9589 276 pn[m] praesentium Latin
Abbreviation 9201 276 pn[a] praesentia Latin
Abbreviation 13127 279 Pnxt Pinxit Latin
Abbreviation 13142 279 pnu[r]at praenumeratis Latin
Abbreviation 13133 279 pnula penultima Latin
Abbreviation 8603 279 pnt[r] praesentetur Latin
Abbreviation 9308 278 pnt[b] praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 13172 279 pnt[a]nt penetrant Latin
Abbreviation 13147 279 Pntum Praesentatum Latin
Abbreviation 13155 279 pntodum praetendo standum Latin
Abbreviation 13163 279 pnto praesentato Latin
Abbreviation 13179 279 pntiu praesentium Latin
Abbreviation 13186 279 pntis praesentis Latin
Abbreviation 13206 279 pntib praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 8802 279 pntiat pronuntiat (pronunciat) Latin
Abbreviation 8787 279 pntia praesentia Latin
Abbreviation 8771 279 pnti praesenti Latin
Abbreviation 8747 279 pnte[r] praesentetur Latin
Abbreviation 8677 279 pnte praesente Latin
Abbreviation 8713 279 pnte praesentatae Latin
Abbreviation 8619 279 pnta[r] praesentaliter Latin
Abbreviation 8672 279 pntanis praesentationis Latin
Abbreviation 8624 279 pntane praesentatione Latin
Abbreviation 8611 279 pnta praesentata Latin
Abbreviation 9191 278 pnt parentum Latin
Abbreviation 9206 278 pnt possunt Latin
Abbreviation 9224 278 pnt presente Italian
Abbreviation 9238 278 pnt presente Italian
Abbreviation 9268 278 pnt praesentibus Latin
Abbreviation 9279 278 pnt praesentis Latin
Abbreviation 9171 278 pnsi praetensi Latin
Abbreviation 9136 278 pnse praetensae Latin
Abbreviation 9097 278 pns penses, -praesens Latin
Abbreviation 9107 278 pns praesens Latin
Abbreviation 9074 278 pnps porta nova parochia sancti… Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 9089 278 pnps princeps Latin
Abbreviation 9047 278 pnpalis principalis Latin
Abbreviation 8998 278 pno[e] pronomine Latin
Abbreviation 8985 278 pno[d] praenotandum Latin
Abbreviation 9030 278 pno[a]to praenotato, -praenominato Latin
Abbreviation 9011 278 pnoiato praenominato Latin
Abbreviation 8961 278 pnltio penultimo Latin
Abbreviation 8946 278 pnlt penultima Latin
Abbreviation 8934 278 pnlr manlr personaliter et manualiter Latin
Abbreviation 8908 278 pnlr personaliter, -principaliter, -praesentialiter Latin
Abbreviation 8880 278 pnlis principalis Latin
Abbreviation 8755 278 pni[a]li poenitentiali Latin
Abbreviation 8854 278 pniter poeniteret Latin
Abbreviation 8828 278 pnis poenitentiis Latin
Abbreviation 8790 278 pninhs porta nova in hospitale Sancti Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 8731 278 pnie poenitentiae Latin
Abbreviation 9050 277 pniarie poenitentiariae Latin
Abbreviation 9026 277 pnia penitentia (penitenza) Italian
Abbreviation 9036 277 pnia praesentia Latin
Abbreviation 9012 277 pne padrone Italian
Abbreviation 9001 277 pndt pendunt Latin
Abbreviation 8992 277 pndit[r] praetenditur Latin
Abbreviation 8968 277 pnder prendere Italian
Abbreviation 8951 277 pnde pendere Latin
Abbreviation 8933 277 pnda praebenda Latin
Abbreviation 8916 277 pncia[r] praesencialiter (praesentialiter) Latin
Abbreviation 8849 277 pncat praenunciat (praenuntiat) Latin
Abbreviation 8834 277 pnc praesencium (praesentium) Latin