Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 4075 126 eui[t] evidenter Latin
Abbreviation 4080 126 euk[e] eukaristie (eucharistiae) Latin
Abbreviation 4182 126 euo evacuatio Latin
Abbreviation 4183 126 euo[di] evocandi Latin
Abbreviation 4196 125 EVEx Eiusdem Vestrae Excellentiae in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4197 125 EVF Eiusdem Vestrae Fraternitatis in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4072 126 EVI Eiusdem Vestrae Illustritatis in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4077 126 evict evictio Latin
Abbreviation 4078 126 evict evictionis Latin
Abbreviation 4079 126 EVIll[me]D Eiusdem Vestrae Illustrissimae Dominationis in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4181 126 EVM Eiusdem Vestrae Magnificentiae in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4184 126 EVR[me]D Eiusdem Vestrae Reverendissimae Dominationis Latin
Abbreviation 4185 126 eVR[me]pr[ti] eadem Vestrae Reverendissimae paternitati Latin
Abbreviation 4187 126 EVS[tis] Eiusdem Vestrae Sanctitatis in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4287 132 ew Ewangelista Latin
Abbreviation 4289 132 ewa[ca] ewangelica Latin
Abbreviation 4610 126 Ewa[ca] Ewangelica (Evangelica) Latin
Abbreviation 4290 132 ewa[c] ewangelicum Latin
Abbreviation 4611 126 ewa[o] ewangelio (Evangelio) Latin
Abbreviation 4613 126 ewa[ta] Ewangelista (Evangelista) Latin
Abbreviation 4612 126 ewa[tr] ewangelizantur (evangelizantur) Latin
Abbreviation 4291 132 ewla ewangelista Latin
Abbreviation 4292 132 ewla ewangelistam Latin
Abbreviation 4614 126 ewn[o] Ewangelio (Evangelio) Latin
Abbreviation 14576 528 ews eures German
Abbreviation 14577 528 ews eures German
Abbreviation 4189 126 ew[a] ewangelista (Evangelista) Latin
Abbreviation 4190 126 ew[e] ewangeliste (Evangelistae) Latin
Abbreviation 4288 132 Ew[m] Ewangelium Latin
Abbreviation 4609 126 ew[m] Ewangelium (Evangelium) Latin
Abbreviation 4615 126 Ex Exemplum Latin
Abbreviation 4616 126 Ex Exemplar Latin
Abbreviation 4617 126 Ex Exit Latin
Abbreviation 4618 126 Ex Exeunt Latin
Abbreviation 4619 126 Ex Excelsus Latin
Abbreviation 4620 126 Ex Excellentissimae Latin
Abbreviation 4621 126 Ex Expensis Latin
Abbreviation 4622 126 Ex Exemplum Latin
Abbreviation 4623 126 ex excellentia (eccellenza) Italian
Abbreviation 4624 126 ex excellentia (eccellenza) Italian
Abbreviation 4625 126 ex excellentissime Latin
Abbreviation 4626 126 ex excellentissime Latin
Abbreviation 4627 126 ex exeunte Latin
Abbreviation 4629 126 ex existimationem Latin
Abbreviation 4636 126 ex exemplum Latin
Abbreviation 13616 409 ex ex konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 4276 132 ex9[a]ti excommunicati Latin
Abbreviation 4093 127 ex9[iis] excommunicationis Latin
Abbreviation 6389 128 ex9[i]co excommunicatio Latin
Abbreviation 4117 127 ex9[o] excommunicatio Latin
Abbreviation 4123 127 ex9[re] excommunicare Latin
Abbreviation 4124 127 ex9[t] excommunicatum Latin
Abbreviation 6368 128 exad[o] ex adverso Latin
Abbreviation 6369 128 exai[o] examinatio Latin
Abbreviation 6370 128 exat existat Latin
Abbreviation 6371 128 EXC ex consuetudine Latin
Abbreviation 6372 128 exc excommunicet Latin
Abbreviation 6374 128 excacois excommunicationis Latin
Abbreviation 6375 128 excae excommunicare Latin
Abbreviation 6376 128 excant[r] excusantur Latin
Abbreviation 6379 128 excatois excommunicationis Latin
Abbreviation 6373 128 exca[o] excusationem Latin
Abbreviation 6380 128 exce exercere Latin
Abbreviation 6382 128 excedna excedentia Latin
Abbreviation 6383 128 Excep [De] exceptionibus Dekretale: lib.II, tit.25 Latin
Abbreviation 6381 128 exce[t] excellit Latin
Abbreviation 6384 128 exci[a] exercita Latin
Abbreviation 6388 128 exci[a]co exercitacio (exercitatio) Latin
Abbreviation 6385 128 exci[di] excipiendi Latin
Abbreviation 6387 128 exci[ois] exercitationis Latin
Abbreviation 6386 128 exci[to] exercitato Latin
Abbreviation 6391 128 excoio[e] excommunicatione (scomunica) Italian
Abbreviation 6392 128 excois excommunicationis Latin
Abbreviation 6393 128 exco[o]ne excommunicatione Latin
Abbreviation 6395 128 excto extracto Latin
Abbreviation 6396 128 exdne excellentis sime domine Latin
Abbreviation 4207 129 Exdv Excellentissima dominatio vestra Latin
Abbreviation 4206 129 exe Excellentic (Eccellenze) Italian
Abbreviation 4282 129 exens existens Latin
Abbreviation 4284 129 exeq[o] exequutio (executio) Latin
Abbreviation 4283 129 exere existere Latin
Abbreviation 4231 129 exe[o] executionem Latin
Abbreviation 4237 129 exe[re] executore Latin
Abbreviation 4522 129 ExfeCaRe Ex felicibus Castris Regiis Latin
Abbreviation 4536 129 exh exhibet Latin
Abbreviation 4537 129 exh exhibent Latin
Abbreviation 4541 129 exhe extrahere (estrarre) Italian
Abbreviation 4543 129 exhndo exhibendo Latin
Abbreviation 4545 129 exhri exhiberi Latin
Abbreviation 4539 129 exh[o] exhibitio Latin
Abbreviation 4546 129 exi extremi Latin
Abbreviation 4548 129 exiato examinato (esaminato) Italian
Abbreviation 4549 129 exibi exhiberi Latin
Abbreviation 4550 129 exificat[r] exemplificatur Latin
Abbreviation 4552 129 existe existente Latin
Abbreviation 13643 409 existimat existimat konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 4553 129 exit existit Latin
Abbreviation 4559 129 exl ex adverso principalis Latin
Abbreviation 4560 129 exlis ex adverso principalis Latin
Abbreviation 4561 129 Exm Exemplum Latin