Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 4927 146 funt fuerunt Latin
Abbreviation 4920 146 FUT fuerit Latin
Abbreviation 4921 146 fut futuro Latin
Abbreviation 4922 146 futi tpis futuri temporis Latin
Abbreviation 4923 146 futm futurum Latin
Abbreviation 4925 146 fut[r]s futurus Latin
Abbreviation 4926 146 FUV Fac ut valeas in Briefen Latin
Abbreviation 4903 146 fu[i] fuit Latin
Abbreviation 4906 146 fu[m] fumum Latin
Abbreviation 4907 146 fu[t] fuit Latin
Abbreviation 4902 146 fv fraternitati vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 5053 134 f[as] falsas Latin
Abbreviation 5052 134 f[a] falsam Latin
Abbreviation 4317 135 f[a]cco fraccio (fractio) Latin
Abbreviation 4312 135 f[a]c[ne] fractione Latin
Abbreviation 4495 137 f[a]glis fragilis Latin
Abbreviation 4650 141 f[a]m falsam Latin
Abbreviation 4656 141 f[a]met fragmentum Latin
Abbreviation 5261 141 f[a]ng frangit Latin
Abbreviation 5262 141 f[a]ngt frangunt Latin
Abbreviation 5259 141 f[a]ntie Frantiae (Franciae) Latin
Abbreviation 4890 145 f[a]t frater Latin
Abbreviation 4898 146 f[a]tr fratrum Latin
Abbreviation 4900 146 f[a]ts frater suus Latin
Abbreviation 4892 145 f[a]t[i] fratri Latin
Abbreviation 4894 146 f[a]t[i]b fratribus Latin
Abbreviation 4910 146 f[a]ude fraude Latin
Abbreviation 4918 146 f[a]us fraus Latin
Abbreviation 4695 142 f[c]qci frequencius (frequentius) Latin
Abbreviation 5054 134 f[e] febbre medizinische Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 5253 141 f[e]mu[i] fremuit Latin
Abbreviation 5258 141 f[e]no freno Latin
Abbreviation 4696 143 f[e]qt frequenter Latin
Abbreviation 5056 134 f[ide] frigidae Latin
Abbreviation 5057 134 f[itas] firmitas Latin
Abbreviation 5055 134 f[i] fieri Latin
Abbreviation 4450 136 f[i]dric Fridericus Latin
Abbreviation 4660 141 f[i]mit firmiter Latin
Abbreviation 4659 141 f[i]mi[te] firmitate Latin
Abbreviation 5058 134 f[m] falsum Latin
Abbreviation 5248 134 f[o] formento (frumento) Italian
Abbreviation 5249 134 f[o] foris, - falso, -folio Latin
Abbreviation 4714 143 f[o]r forum Latin
Abbreviation 4307 135 f[r]at furatus Latin
Abbreviation 4670 142 f[r]or furoris Latin
Abbreviation 4897 146 f[r]to furto Latin
Abbreviation 5250 134 f[t] facit, - fit, -fuit Latin
Abbreviation 5713 138 f[u]ico fruicio (fruitio) Latin
Abbreviation 4515 138 f[u]i[ne] fruitione Latin
Abbreviation 4885 145 f[u]st[a] frustra Latin
Abbreviation 4327 135 f[v]ct fructus Latin
Abbreviation 4444 136 f[v]ctu fructu Latin
Abbreviation 4514 138 f[v]i frui Latin
Abbreviation 3329 147 G Guarnerius (Irnerio) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3330 147 G Gesta Latin
Abbreviation 3331 147 G gratia, - gaudium Latin
Abbreviation 3332 147 G Gutta medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3333 147 g generis Latin
Abbreviation 3334 147 g igitur Latin
Abbreviation 3335 147 g grano (peso) Italian
Abbreviation 3336 147 g genus Latin
Abbreviation 3337 147 g Gregorius Latin
Abbreviation 3338 147 G Gradus Latin
Abbreviation 14587 528 g gnädigst German
Abbreviation 14588 528 G Gnaden German
Abbreviation 14589 528 g gnädiglich German
Abbreviation 14590 528 g gnädiger German
Abbreviation 14634 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14635 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14636 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14637 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14638 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14639 528 g ...gen German
Abbreviation 14640 528 g ...ges, ...gis German
Abbreviation 14641 528 g ...get German
Abbreviation 14642 528 g ...ingen German
Abbreviation 14070 414 G 400 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 14077 414 G 400000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 4935 149 G de Ca Guillelmus de Cabriano juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 4958 150 G in Spe Guillelmus in Speculo juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3366 148 gal Galenus medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3367 148 Gal Galatas [epistola ad] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3368 148 Gallate Gallarate Ort Latin
Abbreviation 3369 148 Gallte Gallarate Latin
Abbreviation 3371 148 gandio Gandino Ort Latin
Abbreviation 3370 148 gan[o] Gandino Ort Latin
Abbreviation 3372 148 Gar Garsias [doctor] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3373 148 gast gastaldus Latin
Abbreviation 3365 148 Ga[m] Galenicum Latin
Abbreviation 3374 148 GB Gens bona Latin
Abbreviation 14591 528 gb geborene German
Abbreviation 3376 148 GC Gran Cancelliere, - Giureconsulto Italian
Abbreviation 4919 149 gc Graecum Latin
Abbreviation 4929 149 GD gaudium Latin
Abbreviation 4930 149 GD gens dolosa Latin
Abbreviation 4931 149 gd gratia Dei Latin
Abbreviation 4936 149 GdemonLau Guillelmus de monte Lauduno juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14592 528 GdHr Gott der Herr German
Abbreviation 14593 528 gdste gnädigste German
Abbreviation 14594 528 gdstr gnädigster German