Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5294 155 Gz Guizardinus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3342 147 g[aa] gratia Latin
Abbreviation 3347 148 g[ab] gradibus Latin
Abbreviation 3348 148 g[aca] grammaticam Latin
Abbreviation 3349 148 g[acu] grammaticum Latin
Abbreviation 3354 148 g[ale] generale Latin
Abbreviation 3355 148 g[ali] generali Latin
Abbreviation 3346 148 g[atici] grammatici Latin
Abbreviation 3362 148 g[atilit] grammaticaliter Latin
Abbreviation 3345 148 g[atir] grammaticorum Latin
Abbreviation 3339 147 g[a] gradus, - gratia, - genera Latin
Abbreviation 3341 147 g[a] erga, - gratia, - genera, - gradus Latin
Abbreviation 3343 147 g[a] gratiam Latin
Abbreviation 3344 147 g[a] erga Ortsspezifisch: Schweiz Latin
Abbreviation 3375 148 g[a]bit generabit Latin
Abbreviation 4928 149 g[a]cia gracia (gratia) Latin
Abbreviation 4932 149 g[a]d gradum Latin
Abbreviation 4933 149 g[a]d gradus Latin
Abbreviation 4934 149 g[a]de grande Italian
Abbreviation 4937 149 g[a]do grado Italian
Abbreviation 4938 149 g[a]dus gradus Latin
Abbreviation 5011 149 g[a]e gratiae Latin
Abbreviation 4963 150 g[a]l generalis Latin
Abbreviation 4992 151 g[a]lr generaliter Latin
Abbreviation 4998 151 g[a]m gramen Latin
Abbreviation 4999 151 g[a]m gratiam Latin
Abbreviation 5001 151 g[a]ma[ce] grammatice Latin
Abbreviation 5002 151 g[a]mis graminis Latin
Abbreviation 5007 151 g[a]n gran Italian
Abbreviation 5008 151 g[a]n granum Latin
Abbreviation 5075 152 g[a]natio generatio Latin
Abbreviation 5078 152 g[a]nd grandis Latin
Abbreviation 5079 152 g[a]nda granda (grande) Italian
Abbreviation 5085 152 g[a]ni grani Italian
Abbreviation 5059 152 g[a]n[le] generabile Latin
Abbreviation 5112 153 g[a]r gratiarum Latin
Abbreviation 5339 154 g[a]s gratias Latin
Abbreviation 5347 154 g[a]t gratum Latin
Abbreviation 5348 154 g[a]ta grata Italian
Abbreviation 5349 154 g[a]ta grata Latin
Abbreviation 5350 154 g[a]ta grata Italian
Abbreviation 5351 154 g[a]ta grata Latin
Abbreviation 5352 154 g[a]ta[r] grataner Latin
Abbreviation 5356 154 g[a]ti generati Latin
Abbreviation 5357 154 g[a]ti[ne] gratitudine Latin
Abbreviation 5359 154 g[a]to grato Latin
Abbreviation 5271 155 g[a]tum gratum Latin
Abbreviation 5346 154 g[a]t[r] generatur Latin
Abbreviation 5274 155 g[a]uam gravamen Latin
Abbreviation 5276 155 g[a]uata gravata Latin
Abbreviation 5280 155 g[a]ui gravi Latin
Abbreviation 5288 155 g[a]uit graviter Latin
Abbreviation 5282 155 g[a]ui[r] graviter Latin
Abbreviation 3350 148 g[e] genere, - gratiae Latin
Abbreviation 4924 149 g[e]ce Graece Latin
Abbreviation 4952 150 g[e]g Gregorius Latin
Abbreviation 5342 154 g[e]ss gressus Latin
Abbreviation 5293 155 g[e]x grex Latin
Abbreviation 3353 148 g[is] generis Latin
Abbreviation 3340 147 g[i] igitur Latin
Abbreviation 3351 148 G[i] Galeni medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 3352 148 g[i] igitur Latin
Abbreviation 5340 154 g[i]s generis Latin
Abbreviation 3356 148 g[m] Gregorium Latin
Abbreviation 3358 148 g[oe] generatione Latin
Abbreviation 3360 148 g[ois] generationis Latin
Abbreviation 3357 148 g[o] ergo Latin
Abbreviation 3359 148 g[o] Georgio Italian
Abbreviation 5343 154 g[o]ssos grossos Latin
Abbreviation 3361 148 g[r] igitur Ortsspezifisch: Rom Latin
Abbreviation 5341 154 g[r]s generis Latin
Abbreviation 3363 148 G[us] Georgius Latin
Abbreviation 3364 148 g[x] grex Latin
Abbreviation 6509 156 H Hugolinus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6510 156 H Antimonium medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6511 156 h hoc Latin
Abbreviation 6512 156 h hoc Latin
Abbreviation 6513 156 h hic Latin
Abbreviation 6514 156 h hic Latin
Abbreviation 6515 156 h autem Ortsspezifisch: Irland Latin
Abbreviation 6516 156 H Aerugo medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6517 156 H Siliquae octo medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6518 156 h nihil Latin
Abbreviation 6519 156 h hospitale medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6520 156 h hac, - hoc, - her, - hec Latin
Abbreviation 6521 156 h hac, - hoc, - her, - hec Latin
Abbreviation 6522 156 h hac, - hoc, - her.., - hec Latin
Abbreviation 6523 156 h haec Latin
Abbreviation 6524 156 h haec Latin
Abbreviation 6525 156 h hac Latin
Abbreviation 6526 156 h his Latin
Abbreviation 6527 156 h autem Schrift: Angelsächsisch Latin
Abbreviation 6528 156 h autem Schrift: Angelsächsisch Latin
Abbreviation 6529 157 H hora Latin
Abbreviation 6532 157 H Henricus im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 6533 157 h huius Latin
Abbreviation 6537 157 h huius Latin
Abbreviation 6538 157 h huius Latin
Abbreviation 6539 157 h habemus Latin
Abbreviation 6541 157 h habet Latin