Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 11863 361 SRC Sua Regia Celsitudo, - Sacra Rituum Congregatio Latin
Abbreviation 11864 298 p[i]uil privilegium Latin
Abbreviation 11865 375 ti titulo juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11866 352 silatoe simulatione Latin
Abbreviation 11868 373 tepta[o] temptationem Latin
Abbreviation 11869 328 Rica Rubrica Latin
Abbreviation 11870 372 tcet trecentis Latin
Abbreviation 11871 351 sigllm sigillum Latin
Abbreviation 11872 332 roman romaninus, ...norum etc. Münze Latin
Abbreviation 11873 359 spitu spiritu Latin
Abbreviation 11874 365 stil sterilis Latin
Abbreviation 11875 373 tepto temptatio Latin
Abbreviation 11876 363 ssm sensum Latin
Abbreviation 11877 322 rcus rectus Latin
Abbreviation 11878 366 su supra juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11879 360 sps spiritus, - species Latin
Abbreviation 11880 368 supp suppellectilia (supellectilia) Latin
Abbreviation 11881 364 st [de] subto (Sonnenuntergang) Latin
Abbreviation 11883 374 testi[u] testimonium Latin
Abbreviation 11884 375 ti termini Latin
Abbreviation 11885 180 infus infrascriptus Latin
Abbreviation 11886 373 ter[o] termino Latin
Abbreviation 11887 328 Ricc Riccardus Latin
Abbreviation 11888 359 spl spiritualis Latin
Abbreviation 11889 351 sigm signum Latin
Abbreviation 11890 363 ssp sine suspicione pestis Latin
Abbreviation 11891 352 silba sillaba (syllaba) Latin
Abbreviation 11892 373 Terd Terdonae Latin
Abbreviation 11893 378 t[a]nsmo transmutatio Latin
Abbreviation 11894 372 tcia tercia (tertia) Latin
Abbreviation 11895 365 stili[t] sterilitatis Latin
Abbreviation 11896 332 Romria Romana curia Latin
Abbreviation 11897 366 su supra juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11898 376 titlm titulum Latin
Abbreviation 11900 377 tmm[o] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11901 368 Supp Supposita Latin
Abbreviation 11902 375 ti termini Latin
Abbreviation 11903 373 tere tenere Latin
Abbreviation 11904 359 spl sine prole legitima Latin
Abbreviation 11905 364 st sunt Latin
Abbreviation 11906 361 SRE Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Latin
Abbreviation 11907 374 testib testibus Latin
Abbreviation 11908 298 p[i]uio privilegio Latin
Abbreviation 11910 378 t[a]nspns transparens Latin
Abbreviation 11911 332 Ron Ronzinus Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 11912 351 sig[o]m significationem Latin
Abbreviation 11913 373 terno termino Latin
Abbreviation 11914 366 su sive Latin
Abbreviation 11915 365 stin sustinet Latin
Abbreviation 11916 372 tcio tercio (tertio) Latin
Abbreviation 11917 352 sile similem Latin
Abbreviation 11918 349 seq[s] sequitur Latin
Abbreviation 11919 360 sps spiritus Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 11920 364 st sunt Latin
Abbreviation 11921 322 RD Reverendo Domino Latin
Abbreviation 11922 376 tl titulo Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 11923 361 srei supereminet Latin
Abbreviation 11924 363 sspto scripto Latin
Abbreviation 11925 373 terr[o] territorio Latin
Abbreviation 11926 366 su sive Latin
Abbreviation 11927 377 tmmo tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11928 368 Supp[r] Supplicatur Latin
Abbreviation 11929 359 spl[m] spectabilem Latin
Abbreviation 11930 378 to[a] tota Latin
Abbreviation 11931 332 ronablr rationabiliter Latin
Abbreviation 11933 372 tcq tuncque Latin
Abbreviation 11934 356 solm[a] solidos Mantuae Latin
Abbreviation 11935 373 terro territorio Latin
Abbreviation 11936 375 ti[i] tibi Latin
Abbreviation 11937 376 tl talis Latin
Abbreviation 11938 366 Su Summa Latin
Abbreviation 11939 349 seq[t] sequentis Latin
Abbreviation 11940 374 testibq testibusque Latin
Abbreviation 11941 365 stine[a] sustinentia Latin
Abbreviation 11942 363 ssptua scriptura Latin
Abbreviation 11943 364 st sunt Latin
Abbreviation 11944 373 tes[r] testamur Latin
Abbreviation 11945 366 su sum Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 11946 332 ronal rationalis Latin
Abbreviation 11947 368 supp[e] suppone Latin
Abbreviation 11948 361 SRUE Sancta Romana Universalis Ecclesia Latin
Abbreviation 11949 180 infus infusio pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11950 360 Sps Scripsi Ortsspezifisch: Brescia Latin
Abbreviation 11951 351 sign signum Latin
Abbreviation 11952 363 SSS Supra scripti sunt Latin
Abbreviation 11953 359 sp[a]li speciali Latin
Abbreviation 11954 375 ti[l] titulus Latin
Abbreviation 11955 364 st sunt Latin
Abbreviation 11956 352 silem similem in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 11957 373 tes[ti] testamenti Latin
Abbreviation 11958 365 stine sustinere Latin
Abbreviation 11959 366 su sumus Latin
Abbreviation 11960 376 tlaiid tribus luminibus accensis juxta iuris dispositionem Ortsspezifisch: Sizilien Latin
Abbreviation 11961 361 srex[t] surrexit Latin
Abbreviation 11962 349 seq[a]ce sequacem Latin
Abbreviation 11963 374 testio testimonio in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 11964 360 sps sine prole superstite, - sine pestis suspicione Latin
Abbreviation 11965 368 supp[oe] supplicationem Latin
Abbreviation 11966 377 tmn terminum Latin
Abbreviation 11967 359 splibus spiritualibus Latin