Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 12986 371 t[i]b tribus Latin
Abbreviation 12987 260 p[to] praecepto Latin
Abbreviation 12988 371 t[i]b tribus Latin
Abbreviation 12989 397 v[i]s[e] virtuose Latin
Abbreviation 12990 357 spa sphaera Latin
Abbreviation 12991 396 uq unquam Latin
Abbreviation 12992 379 tpat temperat Latin
Abbreviation 12994 371 t[i]b[o] tribus modis Latin
Abbreviation 12996 165 hre habere Latin
Abbreviation 12997 260 p[tor] protestor Latin
Abbreviation 12998 165 hrem haberem Latin
Abbreviation 12999 165 HRI heres institutus Latin
Abbreviation 13000 357 sp[a] spatia Latin
Abbreviation 13001 165 hri haberi Latin
Abbreviation 13002 379 tpb temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13003 396 vq[a] unquam Latin
Abbreviation 13004 165 hrm heredum Latin
Abbreviation 13005 165 hrs heres Latin
Abbreviation 13006 165 hrtici haeretici Latin
Abbreviation 13007 165 HS heres, - heres scriptus Latin
Abbreviation 13009 357 spa[b] specialibus Latin
Abbreviation 13010 260 p[vi] publicavi Latin
Abbreviation 13011 165 hs hic (oder hoc) supple (oder scribas) Latin
Abbreviation 13012 396 u[s]q usque Latin
Abbreviation 13013 260 PA Perpetuus Augustus Latin
Abbreviation 13014 165 hs heres Latin
Abbreviation 13015 379 tpd tenere, posidere, donare Latin
Abbreviation 13016 165 hs habes Latin
Abbreviation 13018 357 spa[m] spatium Latin
Abbreviation 13019 165 hsmodi huiusmodi Ortsspezifisch: Irland Latin
Abbreviation 13020 260 Pa Papa juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 13022 165 HT hereditatem Latin
Abbreviation 13023 357 spa[me] specialissime Latin
Abbreviation 13024 165 ht huius terrae Latin
Abbreviation 13025 165 ht habent Latin
Abbreviation 13026 165 ht habet Latin
Abbreviation 13027 165 ht habet Latin
Abbreviation 13028 165 h[e]t[r] habetur Latin
Abbreviation 13029 165 HU honesta vita, - his verbis Latin
Abbreviation 13030 252 opp[m] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13031 165 HU hunc Latin
Abbreviation 13032 165 HU Hugo juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 13033 260 pa [De iure] patronatus Dekretale: lib. III. tit. 38 Latin
Abbreviation 13034 252 opp[nus] opportunus Latin
Abbreviation 13035 260 pa praesta Latin
Abbreviation 13036 165 hu[a] humanam Latin
Abbreviation 13037 165 hu[l] humilis Latin
Abbreviation 13038 165 hua humana Latin
Abbreviation 13039 165 hua humanam Latin
Abbreviation 13040 252 opp[t] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13041 353 slds solidis Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 13042 279 po[ar] ponatur Latin
Abbreviation 13043 165 hua[e] humanae Latin
Abbreviation 13044 260 pa parabola Latin
Abbreviation 13045 165 hua[m] humanum Latin
Abbreviation 13046 281 poni[s] possessionis Latin
Abbreviation 13047 286 PPN pater patriae nominatus Latin
Abbreviation 13048 279 po[a] potentia Latin
Abbreviation 13049 165 hua[te] humanitate Latin
Abbreviation 13050 260 pa papam Latin
Abbreviation 13051 372 tea[r] teneatur Latin
Abbreviation 13052 306 qd quid, - quod Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 13053 353 slaris saecularis Latin
Abbreviation 13054 379 tpr tempore Latin
Abbreviation 13055 252 opp[tn] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13056 279 po[a] potentia Latin
Abbreviation 13057 281 pon[a]l potentialis Latin
Abbreviation 13058 374 thimo [Epist. ad] Thimotheum Latin
Abbreviation 13059 372 te[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 13060 379 tpr tempore Ortsspezifisch: Ligurien Latin
Abbreviation 13061 280 pole possibile Latin
Abbreviation 13062 396 vra vestra Latin
Abbreviation 13063 279 po possessionem Latin
Abbreviation 13064 353 s[a]l supra legitur Latin
Abbreviation 13065 252 opp[tn] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13066 303 q[a] quam Latin
Abbreviation 13067 279 po potius Latin
Abbreviation 13068 372 te[e] tempore Latin
Abbreviation 13069 281 Ponli Pontremuli Latin
Abbreviation 13071 396 vr[a] vestra Latin
Abbreviation 13072 279 po possessio Latin
Abbreviation 13073 353 s[a]l substantialis Latin
Abbreviation 13075 252 oppe oppositione, - opponere Latin
Abbreviation 13076 280 poito posito Latin
Abbreviation 13077 303 q[a] quam Latin
Abbreviation 13078 281 ponr ponuntur Latin
Abbreviation 13079 396 ur videtur Latin
Abbreviation 13080 353 sl simul Latin
Abbreviation 13081 18 ap aprilis Latin
Abbreviation 13082 372 te terrae Latin
Abbreviation 13083 279 po porta orientalis Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 13084 252 oppis opprtunis Latin
Abbreviation 13085 304 q[e] quem Latin
Abbreviation 13086 379 tp[a]m[r] temptamur (tentamur) Latin
Abbreviation 13087 281 pons ponens Latin
Abbreviation 13088 353 sl similiter Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 13089 280 poitie positive Latin
Abbreviation 13090 303 q quam Latin
Abbreviation 13091 372 tez tenet Latin
Abbreviation 13092 279 po positionem Latin