Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

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Abbreviation 1031 28 auicla auricula Latin
Abbreviation 1033 28 aum autem Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 1034 28 aum autem Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 1035 28 aumta[r] augmentatur Latin
Abbreviation 1036 28 auni averni Latin
Abbreviation 1037 28 AUP?S agens vicem proconsulis Latin
Abbreviation 1038 28 aure auctoritatem Latin
Abbreviation 1039 28 aurs aures Latin
Abbreviation 1040 28 aus Augustus Latin
Abbreviation 1041 28 aus ausus Latin
Abbreviation 1042 28 austi[te] austeritatem Latin
Abbreviation 1043 28 aut autem Latin
Abbreviation 1044 28 Aut Authentica juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1045 28 auta authentica Latin
Abbreviation 1046 28 autere avertere Latin
Abbreviation 1047 28 auth[ui] authenticavi Latin
Abbreviation 1048 33 benelos benevolos Latin
Abbreviation 1049 33 beneum beneficium Latin
Abbreviation 1050 33 benigte benignitate Latin
Abbreviation 1051 33 benij beneficii in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 1052 33 BEO Bonorum emptio Latin
Abbreviation 1053 33 Ber Bernhardus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1054 33 b et i num bono et iusto numero Latin
Abbreviation 1055 33 BF bonae fidei, - beneficium, - bonum factum Latin
Abbreviation 1056 33 bf bona fides Latin
Abbreviation 1057 33 BFC Bonae fidei contractus Latin
Abbreviation 1058 33 BFD Beneficium dedit Latin
Abbreviation 1059 33 BFD Bona fide Latin
Abbreviation 1060 33 BFIIL Beneficii loco Latin
Abbreviation 1061 33 BFO Beneficio Latin
Abbreviation 1062 33 BG Bona gratia Latin
Abbreviation 1063 33 b[r]g burgensis Latin
Abbreviation 1064 33 Bgo Burgo Latin
Abbreviation 1065 33 Bgoi Bergomi Latin
Abbreviation 1066 33 BH bona hereditaria Latin
Abbreviation 1067 33 bj beati Latin
Abbreviation 1068 33 bi[ca] beatifica Latin
Abbreviation 1069 33 bi[d] beatitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 1070 33 bi[is] beatitudinis Latin
Abbreviation 1071 33 bi[ne] beatitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 1072 33 Biba Bibbiena Latin
Abbreviation 1073 33 bibb bibulcam Mass Latin
Abbreviation 1074 33 bibr bibitur Latin
Abbreviation 1075 33 bifi[ri] beatificari Latin
Abbreviation 1076 33 Big [De] Bigamis Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 21 Latin
Abbreviation 1077 33 BII Bene iudicavit iudex, - Boni iudicis iudicium Latin
Abbreviation 1078 33 binz[a] Berinzona (Bellinzona) Latin
Abbreviation 1079 33 bis[l][i][s] bissextilis Latin
Abbreviation 1080 34 bl bladis Latin
Abbreviation 1081 34 Bl Blasius Latin
Abbreviation 1082 34 blas bladas, - blavis Latin
Abbreviation 1083 34 blli belli Latin
Abbreviation 1084 34 bllm bellum Latin
Abbreviation 1086 34 blor bladorum Latin
Abbreviation 1087 34 Bm Boni mores, - Bona materna Latin
Abbreviation 1088 34 bm beatum Latin
Abbreviation 1089 34 bm bonae memoriae Latin
Abbreviation 1090 34 bm bonae memoriae Latin
Abbreviation 1091 34 Bm Benemeritus, - Beata Maria (oder Mater) Latin
Abbreviation 1092 34 bm balneum mariae pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1093 34 BM Baccalaureus Medicinae, - Baccalaureus Musicae Latin
Abbreviation 1094 34 b[e]m bremensis Latin
Abbreviation 1095 34 BMN Bona munera Latin
Abbreviation 1096 34 Bn[a] Bononia Latin
Abbreviation 1097 34 bn bene, - benedictionem Latin
Abbreviation 1098 34 bn bene, - benedictionem Latin
Abbreviation 1099 34 Bn Bernhardus Latin
Abbreviation 1100 34 Bn Bernhardus Latin
Abbreviation 1101 34 bn[a] beneficia Latin
Abbreviation 1102 34 Bn[d] Bernhardus Latin
Abbreviation 1103 34 bn[ii] beneficij Latin
Abbreviation 1104 34 bn[li] beneficiali Latin
Abbreviation 1105 34 bna bona Latin
Abbreviation 1106 34 bnd benedicti Latin
Abbreviation 1107 34 bnd benedictionem Latin
Abbreviation 1108 34 bnd[o] benedictio Latin
Abbreviation 1109 34 bnd[t] benedicit Latin
Abbreviation 1110 34 bndc benedicas Latin
Abbreviation 1111 34 bndce benedictae Latin
Abbreviation 1112 34 bndci benedicti Latin
Abbreviation 1113 34 bndco benedictio Latin
Abbreviation 1114 34 bndcs benedictus Latin
Abbreviation 1115 35 Bndict Benedictus Latin
Abbreviation 1116 35 bndi[o]ne benedictionem Latin
Abbreviation 1117 35 bndms benedicimus Latin
Abbreviation 1118 35 bndnt benedicunt Latin
Abbreviation 1119 35 bndti benedicti Latin
Abbreviation 1120 35 bndre benedicere Latin
Abbreviation 1121 35 bnfcm beneficium, - benefactum Latin
Abbreviation 1122 35 bnfcor benefactorum Latin
Abbreviation 1123 35 bnfi[o] beneficio Latin
Abbreviation 1124 35 bnficij beneficii Latin
Abbreviation 1125 35 bnfm beneficium Latin
Abbreviation 1126 35 bnfo beneficio Latin
Abbreviation 1127 35 bn[i]gne benigne Latin
Abbreviation 1128 35 bnh Bernhardus Latin
Abbreviation 1129 35 Bnh Bernhardus Latin
Abbreviation 1130 35 bnig[i]tate benignitate Latin
Abbreviation 1131 79 9p[ta] composita Latin
Abbreviation 1132 79 9p[tu] computum Latin