Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 1346 402 X?i Christi Schrift: Merowingisch Latin
Abbreviation 1347 402 XPI Christi im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 1349 402 x?ia Christina Latin
Abbreviation 1351 402 X?ine Christinae Latin
Abbreviation 1352 402 X?m Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1353 402 X?o Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1354 402 x?o Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1355 402 X?oforo Christoforo Latin
Abbreviation 1356 402 x?off[o] Christofforo (Christoforo) Latin
Abbreviation 1357 402 X?s Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1358 402 X?? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1359 402 x?tni Christiani Latin
Abbreviation 1360 402 X? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1361 402 XS Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1362 402 Xt[o] Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1363 402 XTO Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1364 402 Xxi Xerxi Latin
Abbreviation 1365 402 xx[ti]milio Vigintimilio Latin
Abbreviation 1366 404 ydio[t] ydiomatum (idiomatum) Latin
Abbreviation 1367 404 ydo[a] ydonea (idonea) Latin
Abbreviation 1368 404 Ye Yesaiae (Iesaiae) Latin
Abbreviation 1369 404 yee yeme (hyeme) Latin
Abbreviation 1370 404 ye[a]le yemale (hyemale) Latin
Abbreviation 1371 404 y[a]gi[ao] ymaginatio (imaginatio) Latin
Abbreviation 1372 404 y[a]gi[tu] hymaginatum (imaginatum) Latin
Abbreviation 1373 404 y[a]gia[o] ymaginationem (imaginationem) Latin
Abbreviation 1374 404 y[a]ginaia ymaginariam (imaginariam) Latin
Abbreviation 1375 404 y[a]go ymago (imago) Latin
Abbreviation 1376 404 YM Yesus (Jesus) Maria Latin
Abbreviation 1377 404 y?? Yesus (Jesus) Latin
Abbreviation 1378 404 ym[ne] ymagine (imagine) Latin
Abbreviation 1379 404 ym[o] ymago (imago) Latin
Abbreviation 1380 404 yma[d] ymaginandum (imaginandum) Latin
Abbreviation 1381 404 ymb ymber (imber) Latin
Abbreviation 1382 404 yno ymno (hymno) Latin
Abbreviation 1383 404 yo ymo (imo) Latin
Abbreviation 1384 404 yp[ca] ypotheca (hypotheca) Latin
Abbreviation 1385 404 ypni ympni (hymni) Latin
Abbreviation 1386 404 ypo Ypocrates (Hippocrates) Latin
Abbreviation 1387 26 at[i]s atriis Latin
Abbreviation 1388 26 att[e] attendere Latin
Abbreviation 1389 26 att[n] attamen Latin
Abbreviation 1390 26 att[ao] attractio Latin
Abbreviation 1391 26 att[ioe] attributionem Latin
Abbreviation 1392 26 att[ir] attribuitur Latin
Abbreviation 1393 26 atta attenta Latin
Abbreviation 1394 26 attare attentare in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 1395 26 at[i]ta attritam Latin
Abbreviation 1396 26 attata attentata Latin
Abbreviation 1397 26 att[i]cio attricio (attritio) Latin
Abbreviation 1398 26 att[a]het[r] attraheretur Latin
Abbreviation 1399 26 attis attentis Latin
Abbreviation 1400 26 att[a]mt atramentum Latin
Abbreviation 1401 26 attn attamen Latin
Abbreviation 1402 26 attndd attendendum Latin
Abbreviation 1404 45 cap[te] captivitatem Latin
Abbreviation 1405 44 canc canonicus Latin
Abbreviation 1406 44 canca canonica Latin
Abbreviation 1407 44 cancos canonicos Latin
Abbreviation 1408 44 cancs canonicus Latin
Abbreviation 1409 44 cand causandum Latin
Abbreviation 1410 45 capd capud (caput) Latin
Abbreviation 1411 44 c[r]andi curandi Latin
Abbreviation 1412 45 capell capellanis Latin
Abbreviation 1413 44 candu causandum Latin
Abbreviation 1414 44 canice canonice Latin
Abbreviation 1415 44 canli canoniali Latin
Abbreviation 1417 45 capelmo (De) capellis monacorum Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 37 Latin
Abbreviation 1418 44 canocor canonicorum Latin
Abbreviation 1419 45 capels capellanus Latin
Abbreviation 1420 44 canonsec canonicus secularis Latin
Abbreviation 1421 44 canonreg canonicus regularis Latin
Abbreviation 1422 44 Can[s] Reg[s] Canonicus Regularis Latin
Abbreviation 1423 44 canria cancellaria Latin
Abbreviation 1424 44 cant canticum kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1425 44 cant causant Latin
Abbreviation 1426 44 cant[r] causantur Latin
Abbreviation 1427 44 cant[r] causantur Latin
Abbreviation 1429 44 c[r]ant curant Latin
Abbreviation 1430 44 canz canzellarius Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 1431 44 caoici canonici Latin
Abbreviation 1432 46 car chartula - charta Latin
Abbreviation 1433 44 cap capellae Latin
Abbreviation 1434 46 car causare Latin
Abbreviation 1435 46 car causarum Latin
Abbreviation 1436 46 car[a] Carraria Latin
Abbreviation 1437 44 cap Capuae, - caput Latin
Abbreviation 1438 46 car[b] carnalibus Latin
Abbreviation 1439 46 Car[b] Cardinalibus Latin
Abbreviation 1440 44 Cap[a] Capellania Latin
Abbreviation 1441 46 car[at] carnaliter Latin
Abbreviation 1442 44 cap[d] capud (caput) Latin
Abbreviation 1443 46 car[e] carbone Latin
Abbreviation 1444 44 cap[m] capitulum Latin
Abbreviation 1445 46 car[l] carnalis Latin
Abbreviation 1446 46 Car[l] Cardinalis Latin
Abbreviation 1447 44 cap[ni] capellani Latin
Abbreviation 1448 46 Car[lis] Cardinalis kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1449 44 cap[ar] caprarum Latin
Abbreviation 1450 46 car[me] carissime Latin