Cappelli Online

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 6567 208 M Manerium Latin
Abbreviation 6569 208 M Magister Latin
Abbreviation 6570 208 M Mandamus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6571 208 m misce, - mortalis, - moneta, - monacus Latin
Abbreviation 6572 208 m mixtura pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6573 208 m manus Latin
Abbreviation 6575 208 m matutinum Latin
Abbreviation 6576 208 m marca Münze Latin
Abbreviation 6577 208 m mense Latin
Abbreviation 6578 208 M Matthaei [Evangelium] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6580 208 m[a] manus Latin
Abbreviation 6581 208 m[a] marchesana [libra] Ortsspezifisch: Modena Latin
Abbreviation 6585 209 m milliaria Latin
Abbreviation 6586 209 m mihi Latin
Abbreviation 6587 209 m mihi Latin
Abbreviation 6588 209 m matrimonium Latin
Abbreviation 6589 209 m[a] minam Latin
Abbreviation 6590 209 m[a] marca, - mea Latin
Abbreviation 6592 209 m[a] moneta Latin
Abbreviation 6593 209 m minus, - manus Latin
Abbreviation 6594 209 M[a] Materia, - Marca, - Mea, - Minuta Latin
Abbreviation 6595 209 m mandamus Latin
Abbreviation 6596 209 m[a] martyris Latin
Abbreviation 6597 209 m[a] materiam Latin
Abbreviation 6598 209 m[aca] mathematica Latin
Abbreviation 6599 209 M[a] Minuta Latin
Abbreviation 6600 209 m[ale] materialem Latin
Abbreviation 6601 209 M Medium Latin
Abbreviation 6602 209 M[ais] Marcis Latin
Abbreviation 6603 209 M Magnesia medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6604 209 M Borax medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6606 209 M[a] millia Latin
Abbreviation 6608 209 M[a] Magnificentia Latin
Abbreviation 6609 209 M[a] Maria Latin
Abbreviation 6610 209 M Aqua Mercurii medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6611 209 M[i] Modius Latin
Abbreviation 6612 209 M[e] Magnificentiae Latin
Abbreviation 6614 209 M[e] mille Latin
Abbreviation 6615 209 M[e] Musae Latin
Abbreviation 6616 209 m[e] Mariae, - materiae Latin
Abbreviation 6618 209 m[c] muscis Latin
Abbreviation 6619 209 m[as] Marcas Latin
Abbreviation 6620 177 iint re in integrum restitutio Latin
Abbreviation 6621 177 iiq[i] iniqui Latin
Abbreviation 6622 177 IIR in integrum restitutio Latin
Abbreviation 6623 177 iiti[a] iniustitia Latin
Abbreviation 6624 177 iito initio Latin
Abbreviation 6625 178 illu[es] illuminationes Latin
Abbreviation 6626 178 illuia illumina Latin
Abbreviation 6627 178 IM interim Latin
Abbreviation 6628 178 Im Imperator im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 6629 178 im item Latin
Abbreviation 6630 178 im in mense Ortsspezifisch: Rom Latin
Abbreviation 6633 178 Imbri Imbreviavi Latin
Abbreviation 6634 178 imdo immundo Latin
Abbreviation 6635 178 ime[t] immediatum Latin
Abbreviation 6636 178 ime[te] immediate Latin
Abbreviation 6637 178 imge immerge Latin
Abbreviation 6638 178 im[a]l immaterialis Latin
Abbreviation 6639 178 im[a]le immateriale Latin
Abbreviation 6640 178 Imo Imola [Ioanes] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6641 178 i9mo[te] incommoditatem Latin
Abbreviation 6642 178 imori immemoriali Latin
Abbreviation 6643 178 Imp Imperante Latin
Abbreviation 6644 178 Imp Imperator Latin
Abbreviation 6645 178 imp[le] impossibile Latin
Abbreviation 6646 178 imp[li] Imperiali Latin
Abbreviation 6647 178 impcetdss Imperatore, consule et die suprascriptis Latin
Abbreviation 6648 178 impp imperpetuum (in perpetuum) Ortsspezifisch: Amalfi Latin
Abbreviation 6649 178 imppm imperpetuum (in perpetuum) Latin
Abbreviation 6651 178 impr imperialium Latin
Abbreviation 6652 178 impr Imperator Latin
Abbreviation 6653 178 impr Imperator Latin
Abbreviation 6654 178 impr Imperatoris Latin
Abbreviation 6655 178 impre Imperatore Latin
Abbreviation 6656 179 imp[a]ris imperatoris Latin
Abbreviation 6657 179 ims in mense Latin
Abbreviation 6658 179 imsi[te] immensitate Latin
Abbreviation 6659 179 imss in millesimo suprascripto Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 6660 181 inhico inhibicionem (inhibitionem) Latin
Abbreviation 6661 181 inhili inhabili Latin
Abbreviation 6662 181 ini in integrum Latin
Abbreviation 6663 181 inin in integrum, in infinitum Latin
Abbreviation 6664 181 inin in integrum Latin
Abbreviation 6665 181 inin in integrum Latin
Abbreviation 6666 181 inin in integrum Latin
Abbreviation 6667 181 INL in loco, -inlatum, -inlatus, -inlata Latin
Abbreviation 6668 181 inl inluster Latin
Abbreviation 6669 181 inl inluster Schrift: Merowingisch Latin
Abbreviation 6670 181 inl in libro Latin
Abbreviation 6671 181 inhlp inlustris Patricij, oder Praefecti, oder Praefecturae Latin
Abbreviation 6672 181 Inm In nomine Latin
Abbreviation 6673 181 Inm In nomine Ortsspezifisch: Salerno Latin
Abbreviation 6674 181 inn in integrum Ortsspezifisch: Mantua Latin
Abbreviation 6675 181 Inn In nomine Latin
Abbreviation 6676 181 Inno Innocentius juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6677 181 innuabili innumerabili Latin
Abbreviation 6678 181 inocne innocentiae Latin
Abbreviation 6679 181 inoi[a]t innominatus Latin
Abbreviation 6680 181 inp[l] inpartialis (impartialis Latin