Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

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Abbreviation 311 8 ade[a]te adaequate Latin
Abbreviation 312 8 adh adhuc Latin
Abbreviation 313 8 adhn[a] adherentia Latin
Abbreviation 314 8 adhnda adhibenda Latin
Abbreviation 315 9 adhnt adhibent Latin
Abbreviation 316 9 adhr adhibetur Latin
Abbreviation 317 9 adhre adhibere Latin
Abbreviation 318 9 adi ad invicem Latin
Abbreviation 319 9 ADI Anno Diminicae Incarnationis Latin
Abbreviation 320 9 ADIN Adiutor Numerorum Latin
Abbreviation 321 9 adi[c]te adiective Latin
Abbreviation 322 9 adi[v]u[te] adiuvante Latin
Abbreviation 323 9 adlaco adulacio (adulatio) Latin
Abbreviation 325 9 adm administrante Latin
Abbreviation 326 9 admistroe administratione Latin
Abbreviation 327 9 admo admodum Latin
Abbreviation 328 9 adn ad nomen Latin
Abbreviation 329 9 ADN Adiutor numerorum Latin
Abbreviation 330 9 adn[l] adnihilet (annihilet) Latin
Abbreviation 331 9 adn[l]et[r] annihiletur Latin
Abbreviation 332 9 adolenti[a] adolescentia Latin
Abbreviation 333 9 ADP adoptivo Latin
Abbreviation 334 9 adq adque (atque) Latin
Abbreviation 335 9 adq adque (atque) Latin
Abbreviation 336 9 adq[ita] adquisita Latin
Abbreviation 337 9 adr anno dominicae resurrectionis Latin
Abbreviation 338 9 adrios adversarios Latin
Abbreviation 339 9 adsus adversus Latin
Abbreviation 340 9 adt adesset Latin
Abbreviation 341 9 adu[d] advertendum Latin
Abbreviation 342 9 adud advertendum Latin
Abbreviation 343 9 advo[a]ti advocati Latin
Abbreviation 344 9 adusa[i] adversarii Latin
Abbreviation 345 9 advsi[te] adversitate Latin
Abbreviation 346 9 adusit[s] adversitatis Latin
Abbreviation 347 2 a[ci] alicui Latin
Abbreviation 348 2 a[co] alico (aliquo) Latin
Abbreviation 349 2 a[d] aliud Latin
Abbreviation 350 2 a[id] aliud Latin
Abbreviation 351 2 a[do] albedo Latin
Abbreviation 352 2 a[i] alicui, - aliqui Latin
Abbreviation 353 2 a[ia] alia Latin
Abbreviation 354 2 a[iar] aliarum Latin
Abbreviation 355 2 a[id] aliud Latin
Abbreviation 356 2 a[ie] alie (aliae) Latin
Abbreviation 357 2 a[ii] alii Latin
Abbreviation 358 2 a[liis] aliis Latin
Abbreviation 359 2 a[l] animal Latin
Abbreviation 360 2 a[l] aliter Latin
Abbreviation 361 2 a[lo] angulo Latin
Abbreviation 362 2 a[m] album Latin
Abbreviation 363 2 a[m] alium Latin
Abbreviation 364 2 a[m] annum Latin
Abbreviation 365 2 a[m] argumentum Latin
Abbreviation 366 2 a[mr] argumentum probatur Latin
Abbreviation 367 2 a[n] ante Latin
Abbreviation 368 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 369 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 370 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 371 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 372 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 373 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 374 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 375 422 1 1 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 376 422 1[o] uno arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 377 422 10 10 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 378 422 J[m] 1000 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 379 422 12 12 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 380 422 13 13 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 381 422 14 14 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 382 422 17 17 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 383 422 1000 1000 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 384 422 12000 12000 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 385 422 101 101 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 386 422 1456 1456 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 387 422 1438 1438 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 388 422 1470 1470 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 389 422 1482 1482 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 390 422 150jj 1502 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 391 422 1451 1451 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 392 422 1452 1452 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 393 403 Y Irnerius juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 394 403 Y Yesus (Jesus) Latin
Abbreviation 395 403 y9 ymnus (hymnus) Latin
Abbreviation 396 403 y[o] ymo (imo), - ymago (imago) Latin
Abbreviation 397 403 y[o] ydeo (ideo) Latin
Abbreviation 398 403 y[ari] ymaginari (imaginari) Latin
Abbreviation 399 403 y[u] Yesu (Iesu) Latin
Abbreviation 400 403 ya[du] ymaginandum (imaginandum) Latin
Abbreviation 401 403 ybnie Ybernie (Hiberniae) Latin
Abbreviation 402 403 yco[m] yconomum (oeconomum) Latin
Abbreviation 403 403 yct[r]icie yctericie (icteritiae) Latin
Abbreviation 404 403 yd[a] ydra (hydra) Latin
Abbreviation 405 403 yd[tas] ydentitas (identitas) Latin
Abbreviation 406 403 yde[te] ydentitate (identitate) Latin
Abbreviation 407 403 ydeps ydemptitas (identitas) Latin
Abbreviation 408 403 ydeo[a] ydeoma (idioma) Latin
Abbreviation 409 11 ag[m] agnum Latin
Abbreviation 410 11 ag[tos] aggravatos Latin
Abbreviation 411 11 ag[r] agitur Latin