Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 11831 373 tep[a]coi temptacioni (tentationi) Latin
Abbreviation 11840 373 tepe tempore Latin
Abbreviation 11857 373 tep[a]ri temptari (tentari) Latin
Abbreviation 11868 373 tepta[o] temptationem Latin
Abbreviation 11875 373 tepto temptatio Latin
Abbreviation 11886 373 ter[o] termino Latin
Abbreviation 11892 373 Terd Terdonae Latin
Abbreviation 11903 373 tere tenere Latin
Abbreviation 11913 373 terno termino Latin
Abbreviation 11925 373 terr[o] territorio Latin
Abbreviation 11935 373 terro territorio Latin
Abbreviation 11944 373 tes[r] testamur Latin
Abbreviation 11957 373 tes[ti] testamenti Latin
Abbreviation 11563 374 test testimonium Latin
Abbreviation 11593 374 test testibus Latin
Abbreviation 11617 374 test testonis Münze Latin
Abbreviation 11633 374 test[r] testamur Latin
Abbreviation 11653 374 testa testamenta Latin
Abbreviation 11776 374 testarii testamentarii Latin
Abbreviation 11821 374 testi testamenti, - testamonio Latin
Abbreviation 11883 374 testi[u] testimonium Latin
Abbreviation 11907 374 testib testibus Latin
Abbreviation 11940 374 testibq testibusque Latin
Abbreviation 11963 374 testio testimonio in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 11975 374 testm testamentum Latin
Abbreviation 12009 374 testo testamento, - testimonio Latin
Abbreviation 12040 374 testor testator Latin
Abbreviation 12054 374 testum testamentum Latin
Abbreviation 12073 374 tet[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 12093 374 tet[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 12102 374 tex textus Latin
Abbreviation 12119 374 tex texaurarius Latin
Abbreviation 12149 374 Textrec Textus receptus Latin
Abbreviation 12161 374 tgo tergo Latin
Abbreviation 12173 374 Th Thomas, -Theodorus Latin
Abbreviation 12201 374 t[a]ha traham Latin
Abbreviation 12291 374 thaui thesauri Latin
Abbreviation 12312 374 Thaur Thesaurariis Latin
Abbreviation 12335 374 THE Theodericus im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 12368 374 The Theodosius Latin
Abbreviation 12435 374 the thesaurarius Latin
Abbreviation 12439 374 the[a] thema Latin
Abbreviation 12461 374 the[a] Theologia Latin
Abbreviation 13058 374 thimo [Epist. ad] Thimotheum Latin
Abbreviation 13095 374 Thia Theologia in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 13110 374 the[t] thematis Latin
Abbreviation 13132 374 t[a]he trahere Latin
Abbreviation 11609 375 Tho Thomas juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11630 375 tho[ar] theologicarum Latin
Abbreviation 11652 375 tho[e] Theologiae Latin
Abbreviation 11670 375 tho[a]s Thomas Latin
Abbreviation 11692 375 t[a]hr trahitur Latin
Abbreviation 11726 375 Thri Thexaurarius Latin
Abbreviation 11752 375 Thrio Thexaurario Latin
Abbreviation 11786 375 Thro Thexaurero (Tesoriere) Italian
Abbreviation 11800 375 Thur Thuringiae Latin
Abbreviation 11824 375 Thur Thuregi Ortsspezifisch: Schweiz Latin
Abbreviation 11850 375 t[a]hut[r] trahuntur Latin
Abbreviation 11865 375 ti titulo juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11884 375 ti termini Latin
Abbreviation 11902 375 ti termini Latin
Abbreviation 11936 375 ti[i] tibi Latin
Abbreviation 11954 375 ti[l] titulus Latin
Abbreviation 11968 375 ti[m] tertium Latin
Abbreviation 11977 375 ti[o] titulo Latin
Abbreviation 11987 375 ti[s] terminis Latin
Abbreviation 11996 375 tia tertia Latin
Abbreviation 12013 375 tia[r] terminatur Latin
Abbreviation 12037 375 tia[l] terminabilis Latin
Abbreviation 12050 375 tia[o] terminatio Latin
Abbreviation 12069 375 t[i]an[li] trianguli Latin
Abbreviation 12079 375 tiari terminari Latin
Abbreviation 12091 375 tiat[r] terminatur Latin
Abbreviation 12103 375 tiato terminato Latin
Abbreviation 12121 375 tib testibus Latin
Abbreviation 12136 375 tid timidus Latin
Abbreviation 12156 375 tie[r] terminetur Latin
Abbreviation 12169 375 tii termini Latin
Abbreviation 12176 375 tim terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12194 375 Tim Timoteum [Epistola Pauli ad] Latin
Abbreviation 11613 376 tin terminum Latin
Abbreviation 11672 376 t[i]ni[te] trinitate Latin
Abbreviation 11691 376 tino termino Latin
Abbreviation 11711 376 tio termino Latin
Abbreviation 11721 376 tio timorem Latin
Abbreviation 11736 376 tios terminos Latin
Abbreviation 11754 376 tirapi tirampni (tiranni) Italian
Abbreviation 11767 376 tis testis Latin
Abbreviation 11782 376 tis terminis Latin
Abbreviation 11808 376 tit titulus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11833 376 Tit Titum [Epistola ad] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11858 376 titi tituli Latin
Abbreviation 11882 376 titor[o] territorio Italian
Abbreviation 11898 376 titlm titulum Latin
Abbreviation 11922 376 tl titulo Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 11937 376 tl talis Latin
Abbreviation 11960 376 tlaiid tribus luminibus accensis juxta iuris dispositionem Ortsspezifisch: Sizilien Latin
Abbreviation 11973 376 tle talem Latin
Abbreviation 11986 376 tli tali Latin
Abbreviation 11995 376 tlit taliter Latin