Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 12020 376 tlo titulo Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 12038 376 tlr taliter Latin
Abbreviation 12056 376 TM tamen, - terminus, - testimonium Latin
Abbreviation 12068 376 TM Testamentum Latin
Abbreviation 12082 376 tm tamen, - tantum Latin
Abbreviation 12097 376 tm tantum, - testamentum Latin
Abbreviation 12125 376 tm tertium Latin
Abbreviation 12134 376 tm terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12150 376 tm terminus Latin
Abbreviation 12168 376 tm[o] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 12183 376 t[o]m[o] tertio modo Latin
Abbreviation 12192 376 tmd tantumdem Latin
Abbreviation 14464 376 tio termino Latin
Abbreviation 14465 376 tit[s] titulus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 14468 376 tm[oo] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11639 377 TMDD terminum dedicavit Latin
Abbreviation 11663 377 t[e]mdi tremendi Latin
Abbreviation 11694 377 t[a]meo Trameno Latin
Abbreviation 11768 377 tmi termini Italian
Abbreviation 11811 377 tmi terminus Latin
Abbreviation 11828 377 tmio termino Latin
Abbreviation 11849 377 tmis terminis Latin
Abbreviation 11900 377 tmm[o] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11927 377 tmmo tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11966 377 tmn terminum Latin
Abbreviation 11982 377 tm[o]o tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 12000 377 tmo termino Latin
Abbreviation 12016 377 TMP tempore Latin
Abbreviation 12106 377 tmpis temporis Latin
Abbreviation 12147 377 tn tamen Latin
Abbreviation 12184 377 t[a]n tantum Latin
Abbreviation 12195 377 tn tantum Latin
Abbreviation 12227 377 t[a]n[oi] transmutationi Latin
Abbreviation 12240 377 t[a]n[t] transitus Latin
Abbreviation 12255 377 tna terrena Latin
Abbreviation 12273 377 t[a]na tertiana Latin
Abbreviation 12289 377 tnacto transacto Latin
Abbreviation 12304 377 tnb[i]s tenebris Latin
Abbreviation 12315 377 t[i]ni trini Latin
Abbreviation 12342 377 t[i]ni[t] trinitatis Latin
Abbreviation 12371 377 t[a]nq[i]li[ti] tranquillitati Latin
Abbreviation 12390 377 tnr tenetur, - tenentur Latin
Abbreviation 12434 377 t[a]ns trans Latin
Abbreviation 12504 377 t[r]ns[s] turonenses Latin
Abbreviation 12530 377 t[a]ns[cer] transcenditur Latin
Abbreviation 12565 377 t[a]ns[lia] transmutabilia Latin
Abbreviation 12576 377 t[a]ns[oe] transmutatione Latin
Abbreviation 11647 378 t[a]ns[t] transmutatum Latin
Abbreviation 11681 378 t[a]ns[te] transeunte Latin
Abbreviation 11705 378 t[a]nsba[o] transubstantio Latin
Abbreviation 11744 378 t[a]nsi[o] transitio Latin
Abbreviation 11758 378 t[a]nsite transitive Latin
Abbreviation 11785 378 t[a]nsl[a] translata Latin
Abbreviation 11796 378 t[a]nslo translatio Latin
Abbreviation 11827 378 t[a]nsm[r] transmutatur Latin
Abbreviation 11893 378 t[a]nsmo transmutatio Latin
Abbreviation 11910 378 t[a]nspns transparens Latin
Abbreviation 11930 378 to[a] tota Latin
Abbreviation 11974 378 to totam Latin
Abbreviation 11991 378 to[a] totam Latin
Abbreviation 12007 378 to totius Latin
Abbreviation 12026 378 to[m] totum Latin
Abbreviation 12143 378 to[ns] totiens Latin
Abbreviation 12155 378 to[o] toto Latin
Abbreviation 12348 378 to[ar] totaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12373 378 tob Tobiae [liber] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12384 378 tola toleramus Latin
Abbreviation 12395 378 to[a]li totali Latin
Abbreviation 12410 378 tollan[a] tollerantia (tolerantia) Latin
Abbreviation 12421 378 tollr tollitur Latin
Abbreviation 12444 378 to[a]lr totaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12457 378 tomt tormentis Latin
Abbreviation 12477 378 t[r]ons turonenses Latin
Abbreviation 12485 378 tor terminorum Latin
Abbreviation 12497 378 tor tornaturae Mass Latin
Abbreviation 12511 378 torn tornaturae Ortsspezifisch: Bologna Latin
Abbreviation 12525 378 tor[ti] torneamenti Latin
Abbreviation 12542 378 tot[r] totaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12561 378 TP tanta pecunia Latin
Abbreviation 12571 378 tp tacto pectore Latin
Abbreviation 12586 378 tp tempus Latin
Abbreviation 14405 378 to[a] tota Latin
Abbreviation 12974 379 tpan[a] temperantia Latin
Abbreviation 12992 379 tpat temperat Latin
Abbreviation 13002 379 tpb temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13015 379 tpd tenere, posidere, donare Latin
Abbreviation 13054 379 tpr tempore Latin
Abbreviation 13060 379 tpr tempore Ortsspezifisch: Ligurien Latin
Abbreviation 13070 379 t[o]po troppo Italian
Abbreviation 13074 379 tpo tempo Italian
Abbreviation 13086 379 tp[a]m[r] temptamur (tentamur) Latin
Abbreviation 13102 379 tpm temporum Latin
Abbreviation 13112 379 tplr temporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 13124 379 t[i]plr tripliciter Latin
Abbreviation 13129 379 TPLA Templa Latin
Abbreviation 13140 379 t[r]pit turpiter Latin
Abbreviation 13154 379 tpis temporis Latin
Abbreviation 13164 379 tpis temporis Latin
Abbreviation 13173 379 tpib temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13180 379 tpib temporibus Latin